A nice relaxing run with Ruby-Tuesday this morning.
We ran along to the barn, then out onto Sheephouse Lane and up to the Pigeon Tower car park. From there, we zigzagged up through the terraced gardens, coming out at the Pigeon Tower. We then ran up the Pike and I nearly broke my promise of always having to run but not because I was tired but because it was so icy and I wasn't wearing my Orocs today. I ended up climbing the grass to the left of the steps as that was far less icy and I did manage to run it all without walking. It would have been awful to break my promise on the last day of the year!
We took the curly route down from the Pike as Ruby was, once again, in one of her incredibly annoying moods where she kept crossing my path and tripping me up. Part way down, for some strange reason, my Garmin lost satellite reception. I kept running but it wouldn't clock up my mileage. I hope this isn't the start of yet another problem with this 610! Normally, I wouldn't care and would just continue running home but it's the last day of the month and I hadn't reached my 200k (125 mile) Strava challenge goal so I needed to make sure I reached it. I reset the watch and switched it off and back on and it then found a satellite so we continued on our way (hence two Strava links below) and I'm pleased to say that I achieved the 125 mile goal.
Well, that's it. Goodbye 2014 and hello 2015, hope all your running goals are reached this next year!
Happy running!
Total distance - 5.6 miles
A blog of the running exploits of me and my Patterdale Terrier, Ruby, on the trails and fells around Winter Hill.
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Disappointing Tempo Session
The plan for this morning was a one mile warm up followed by three miles at race pace then a mile cool down.
It wasn't until I got home that I realised how badly I had done. I felt like I was zooming along on the three miles because I was feeling really sick and running as hard as I could, but looking at my Strava stats, it was REALLY slow! All three miles were over a nine minute mile pace! That's way off my race pace and I can't understand why as I didn't feel like I was running that slowly. I know it was on mildly undulating trails rather than roads but so are the vast majority of my races which I do much faster than this (around 7.50 minute mile pace)!
Perhaps it's because I hadn't eaten anything before I went out which I don't normally do as I usually feel too light headed to run on an empty stomach?
Who knows, all I know is that I'm not rite impressed. Can't even blame Ruby because I left her at home. Off to sulk now.
Total distance - 5.1 miles
+ cool down http://www.strava.com/activities/234428181
It wasn't until I got home that I realised how badly I had done. I felt like I was zooming along on the three miles because I was feeling really sick and running as hard as I could, but looking at my Strava stats, it was REALLY slow! All three miles were over a nine minute mile pace! That's way off my race pace and I can't understand why as I didn't feel like I was running that slowly. I know it was on mildly undulating trails rather than roads but so are the vast majority of my races which I do much faster than this (around 7.50 minute mile pace)!
Perhaps it's because I hadn't eaten anything before I went out which I don't normally do as I usually feel too light headed to run on an empty stomach?
Who knows, all I know is that I'm not rite impressed. Can't even blame Ruby because I left her at home. Off to sulk now.
Total distance - 5.1 miles
+ cool down http://www.strava.com/activities/234428181
Monday, 29 December 2014
Ice Ice Ruby
Just a quick run to the barn and back with Ruby this morning as I was due to go out for the day. It was still really icy underfoot, especially on the road sections so I wore my Orocs again. They were definitely worth the money as they make running on ice far less scary.
Ruby was being particularly annoying this morning and ran across my path twice, sending me flying. She also stopped dead in front of me at one point and I ended up kicking her in the head. Sorry Ruby, but you'd think you would have learned by now!
It was lovely running through Rivington just as it was getting light this morning. I like when it's really cold but also beautifully sunny and bright.
Total distance - 3.3 miles
Sunday, 28 December 2014
The Hangover
I drank a bottle of white wine to myself last night. I now wish I hadn't. I don't even really like alcohol all that much so why I felt the need to drink it all I have no idea.
I didn't wake up until just after 9.00 and so unfortunately was too late to join Dave, Martyn and Clare for Dave's birthday run, although it's probably for the best as I could barely shuffle this morning, let alone run.
Duncan drove out to Lead Mines Clough to walk Ruby and so I decided to run home from there but with a couple of detours to take it up to five miles.
I ran through Lead Mines Clough, to the bomber memorial and then back out again. I then ran (if you can call it that, it was so slippery!) along the road before turning left to run along the side of Yarrow Reservoir.
For almost my entire run the sun was shining into my eyes and I could barely see anything. I spent a lot of time running along with my hand to my head trying to shield out the sun.
I ran along the new path at Dean Brook, up the steps and through the field and then went up Sheephouse Lane. I continued along the path at the side of Sheephouse Lane, past the turn off to the barn and then noticed a public footpath sign which went through a field I have never been through before so I decided to follow it for a change. The path took me through a few fields and over a stile and I then came out at a kissing gate not far from the Pigeon Tower car park. I then ran along the path at the back of the barn, all the way along to the school then home.
It was really hard work! The combination of too much wine, icy ground and sun in my eyes did not make for good running and I was utterly exhausted. Ah well, at least I got out there and it was a lovely morning - so much so that there was a group of people out walking near the barn, half of which were wearing onesies (?!)
Total distance - 5 miles
I didn't wake up until just after 9.00 and so unfortunately was too late to join Dave, Martyn and Clare for Dave's birthday run, although it's probably for the best as I could barely shuffle this morning, let alone run.
Duncan drove out to Lead Mines Clough to walk Ruby and so I decided to run home from there but with a couple of detours to take it up to five miles.
I ran through Lead Mines Clough, to the bomber memorial and then back out again. I then ran (if you can call it that, it was so slippery!) along the road before turning left to run along the side of Yarrow Reservoir.
For almost my entire run the sun was shining into my eyes and I could barely see anything. I spent a lot of time running along with my hand to my head trying to shield out the sun.
I ran along the new path at Dean Brook, up the steps and through the field and then went up Sheephouse Lane. I continued along the path at the side of Sheephouse Lane, past the turn off to the barn and then noticed a public footpath sign which went through a field I have never been through before so I decided to follow it for a change. The path took me through a few fields and over a stile and I then came out at a kissing gate not far from the Pigeon Tower car park. I then ran along the path at the back of the barn, all the way along to the school then home.
It was really hard work! The combination of too much wine, icy ground and sun in my eyes did not make for good running and I was utterly exhausted. Ah well, at least I got out there and it was a lovely morning - so much so that there was a group of people out walking near the barn, half of which were wearing onesies (?!)
Total distance - 5 miles
Saturday, 27 December 2014
Snow Blind
Duncan dropped me off at the UP this morning at 8.31 and, as nobody was there, I set off straight away to avoid getting cold. It wasn't very snowy around this area really and I ran along to the prep school then along past the bowling club towards Yarrow Reservoir.
I then went down the slipway and along Knowsley Lane then though the kissing gate opposite the end of The Street and into the field. It was really wet and boggy through here and the bit where you come out onto Back Lane was horrendous. There was no way of trying to keep my feet dry here.
Running along Back Lane was hard work as it wasn't icy enough for my Orocs to have much of an effect and was just more of a sheen of frost which was really slippery. Thankfully there's not much road before turning off on the right towards the farm and then heading along to Healey Nab. I ran up to the trig point then back down again and then crossed the very boggy field to the steps which go down to the road by Waterman's Cottage.
I ran past the cottage then turned right and ran through the woodlands towards Anglezarke but then turned off, following the signpost to Manor House Farm.
I came out onto the road at Manor House Farm in a world of my own and accidentally turned left instead of right. I didn't even realise until I had been running along for quarter a mile then I got my map out and realised that Jepson's Gate was in the opposite direction so I turned round and retraced my steps. Again, the road was really icy so my running was pretty tentative.
At last I got to Jepson's Gate and the snow was a bit deeper here. The view was amazing so I stopped to take a photo, although the photo doesn't do it justice (you can seem the mast in the distance)...
I ran down into Lead Mines Clough and then up the other side onto the path to Simms and Higher Hempshaws. This path was my favourite part of the day as the snow was really fresh and nobody had been there before me, the only footprints being from sheep and some bird with very big feet.
I soon found myself running in thick fog and it was getting more and more difficult to see where the ground ended and the sky began, everything was just white! As I got near to the road, a mountain biker came the other way and said he was glad to see me as he now knew he was going in the right direction. I was also glad because I could now follow his tyre track and get myself to the main road.
The main road was deserted. It was really icy and snowy and only one car passed in all the time I was running along it to the end of Belmont Road (George's Lane) and that was going incredibly slowly.
I ran along Belmont Road and got to the bottom of the diagonal. Decision time, do I go up it or do I carry on along the track? I chose the former.
It was still thick with fog and the path was ridiculously hard to find. Luckily I found some Roclite tracks in the opposite direction so I used these as a guide, although this still didn't help me from sinking up to my knees on numerous occasions and, at one point, up to my thighs. It was extremely deep in places and I started to wonder what on earth was going through my head when I had decided this was a better idea than carrying on along Belmont Road.
After what felt like an hour, I finally saw one of the smaller masts looming through the fog in the distance. By now my legs were covered in snow and my hands were too where I had used them to catch myself on the numerous times I had tumbled forward.
It was really foggy up on the mast road and I could only see a short way ahead. I ran down and then saw the sign for the footpath to Two Lads so I followed it but I lost my bearings and seemed to be heading off too far to the right. I eventually saw a wooden bridge through the fog to my left and knew that was the way up so headed off towards it, sinking a lot en route. It's funny how you can run the same route all the time but then a bit of snow and fog completely throws you off course. Makes you realise how easy it could be to get seriously lost in bad weather.
Eventually arriving at Two Lads, I took a few seconds to think about which way the path down was towards the water tanks! Seriously, I was totally snow blind by this point. How can I not know which way the water tanks were???
I ran off and, after a short way, bumped into a friend who has a Patterdale Terrier named Tilly so I chatted to him for a while before continuing on my way home.
Even running from the tanks down to George's Lane I fell over a couple of times. I had now lost track of how many times I had fallen over during this run and I'm not usually one for falling (hopefully that's not tempting fate).
From George's Lane I made my way home via the side of Wilderswood and, as soon as I got through the door, Duncan had a brew ready for me, which was seriously well received.
Really enjoyable run in the snow but it's always nice to get home!
Total Distance - 13.2 miles
I then went down the slipway and along Knowsley Lane then though the kissing gate opposite the end of The Street and into the field. It was really wet and boggy through here and the bit where you come out onto Back Lane was horrendous. There was no way of trying to keep my feet dry here.
Running along Back Lane was hard work as it wasn't icy enough for my Orocs to have much of an effect and was just more of a sheen of frost which was really slippery. Thankfully there's not much road before turning off on the right towards the farm and then heading along to Healey Nab. I ran up to the trig point then back down again and then crossed the very boggy field to the steps which go down to the road by Waterman's Cottage.
I ran past the cottage then turned right and ran through the woodlands towards Anglezarke but then turned off, following the signpost to Manor House Farm.
I came out onto the road at Manor House Farm in a world of my own and accidentally turned left instead of right. I didn't even realise until I had been running along for quarter a mile then I got my map out and realised that Jepson's Gate was in the opposite direction so I turned round and retraced my steps. Again, the road was really icy so my running was pretty tentative.
At last I got to Jepson's Gate and the snow was a bit deeper here. The view was amazing so I stopped to take a photo, although the photo doesn't do it justice (you can seem the mast in the distance)...
I ran down into Lead Mines Clough and then up the other side onto the path to Simms and Higher Hempshaws. This path was my favourite part of the day as the snow was really fresh and nobody had been there before me, the only footprints being from sheep and some bird with very big feet.
I soon found myself running in thick fog and it was getting more and more difficult to see where the ground ended and the sky began, everything was just white! As I got near to the road, a mountain biker came the other way and said he was glad to see me as he now knew he was going in the right direction. I was also glad because I could now follow his tyre track and get myself to the main road.
The main road was deserted. It was really icy and snowy and only one car passed in all the time I was running along it to the end of Belmont Road (George's Lane) and that was going incredibly slowly.
I ran along Belmont Road and got to the bottom of the diagonal. Decision time, do I go up it or do I carry on along the track? I chose the former.
It was still thick with fog and the path was ridiculously hard to find. Luckily I found some Roclite tracks in the opposite direction so I used these as a guide, although this still didn't help me from sinking up to my knees on numerous occasions and, at one point, up to my thighs. It was extremely deep in places and I started to wonder what on earth was going through my head when I had decided this was a better idea than carrying on along Belmont Road.
After what felt like an hour, I finally saw one of the smaller masts looming through the fog in the distance. By now my legs were covered in snow and my hands were too where I had used them to catch myself on the numerous times I had tumbled forward.
It was really foggy up on the mast road and I could only see a short way ahead. I ran down and then saw the sign for the footpath to Two Lads so I followed it but I lost my bearings and seemed to be heading off too far to the right. I eventually saw a wooden bridge through the fog to my left and knew that was the way up so headed off towards it, sinking a lot en route. It's funny how you can run the same route all the time but then a bit of snow and fog completely throws you off course. Makes you realise how easy it could be to get seriously lost in bad weather.
Eventually arriving at Two Lads, I took a few seconds to think about which way the path down was towards the water tanks! Seriously, I was totally snow blind by this point. How can I not know which way the water tanks were???
I ran off and, after a short way, bumped into a friend who has a Patterdale Terrier named Tilly so I chatted to him for a while before continuing on my way home.
Even running from the tanks down to George's Lane I fell over a couple of times. I had now lost track of how many times I had fallen over during this run and I'm not usually one for falling (hopefully that's not tempting fate).
From George's Lane I made my way home via the side of Wilderswood and, as soon as I got through the door, Duncan had a brew ready for me, which was seriously well received.
Really enjoyable run in the snow but it's always nice to get home!
Total Distance - 13.2 miles
Friday, 26 December 2014
Numb Feet = Fast Feet ???
Duncan dropped me off at the end of Wallsuches this morning as he was going playing ball with Ruby over at Ridgemont.
I ran along Wallsuches for a short way, then went up a short flight of steps on the right and ran alongside the fishing lodges (that's a pond for anyone not from Lancashire). I then climbed up onto George's Lane and headed towards Wilderswood, which is where I bumped into Ed who was out for a walk. After a brief natter, I continued on my way and ran up to Two Lads in the fog.
From Two Lads I ran cross country to the mast which was really boggy (surprise surprise). I then went to the trig point and then set off down the diagonal. The diagonal was so muddy that my shoes totally clogged up with mud and I found myself running out of control. I was just sliding down and it got quite scary so I had to try to gain some control before I fell on my backside. Eventually I got to the bottom in one piece and then ran along the track and then up Noon Hill. Noon Hill to the Pike was VERY wet. My feet were freezing and soon became quite numb. For some reason, numb feet seemed to serve me well though and my climb to the Pike via the steep grassy bit up from the kissing gate seemed really easy and I then ran straight over the top and went down which again I seemed to zoom along (although according to Strava I was 13 seconds off my PB).
I then got onto George's Lane and headed for the kennels then ran down the field opposite which again, I felt like I was zooming through and this time I was right as I got a Strava PB, taking 9 seconds off my previous time (although not a course record, I'm 4 seconds off that).
From the bottom of the field I ran towards the stables then turned left towards Wilderwood then down to home.
Had a really good run despite having been really tired when I first set off.
Total distance - 6.7 miles
I ran along Wallsuches for a short way, then went up a short flight of steps on the right and ran alongside the fishing lodges (that's a pond for anyone not from Lancashire). I then climbed up onto George's Lane and headed towards Wilderswood, which is where I bumped into Ed who was out for a walk. After a brief natter, I continued on my way and ran up to Two Lads in the fog.
From Two Lads I ran cross country to the mast which was really boggy (surprise surprise). I then went to the trig point and then set off down the diagonal. The diagonal was so muddy that my shoes totally clogged up with mud and I found myself running out of control. I was just sliding down and it got quite scary so I had to try to gain some control before I fell on my backside. Eventually I got to the bottom in one piece and then ran along the track and then up Noon Hill. Noon Hill to the Pike was VERY wet. My feet were freezing and soon became quite numb. For some reason, numb feet seemed to serve me well though and my climb to the Pike via the steep grassy bit up from the kissing gate seemed really easy and I then ran straight over the top and went down which again I seemed to zoom along (although according to Strava I was 13 seconds off my PB).
I then got onto George's Lane and headed for the kennels then ran down the field opposite which again, I felt like I was zooming through and this time I was right as I got a Strava PB, taking 9 seconds off my previous time (although not a course record, I'm 4 seconds off that).
From the bottom of the field I ran towards the stables then turned left towards Wilderwood then down to home.
Had a really good run despite having been really tired when I first set off.
Total distance - 6.7 miles
Thursday, 25 December 2014
Merry Christmas!
Christmas Day can only mean one thing... a morning run up the Pike!
Tony H came round just after 9am and, both wearing ridiculous headgear, we set off towards the Pike. We firstly ran down to the school then went up towards the terraced gardens, rather than going straight up the Pike race route.
I'm not going to lie, the climb was a struggle for me this morning, perhaps a mince pie for breakfast isn't the best fuel?
We finally reached the Pike and I was so relieved that the rest of the run was now downhill as I'm not sure I could manage any more up today.
The sun was shining right into our eyes running off the Pike so we couldn't see a thing but we both managed to stay upright. Running along George's Lane I noticed Duncan and Ruby up ahead taking a photo of us...
After a quick hello, we continued on our way and ran back down by the side of Wilderswood. Tony left me at the end of dog poo alley and headed home for one of Brenda's famous breakfasts. Yum! Bacon butties for me and Duncan in a bit.
Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and Santa brings you lots of goodies!
Lots of Love,
Christa, Duncan and Ruby!

Total distance - 3.25 miles
Tony H came round just after 9am and, both wearing ridiculous headgear, we set off towards the Pike. We firstly ran down to the school then went up towards the terraced gardens, rather than going straight up the Pike race route.
I'm not going to lie, the climb was a struggle for me this morning, perhaps a mince pie for breakfast isn't the best fuel?
We finally reached the Pike and I was so relieved that the rest of the run was now downhill as I'm not sure I could manage any more up today.
The sun was shining right into our eyes running off the Pike so we couldn't see a thing but we both managed to stay upright. Running along George's Lane I noticed Duncan and Ruby up ahead taking a photo of us...
After a quick hello, we continued on our way and ran back down by the side of Wilderswood. Tony left me at the end of dog poo alley and headed home for one of Brenda's famous breakfasts. Yum! Bacon butties for me and Duncan in a bit.
Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and Santa brings you lots of goodies!
Lots of Love,
Christa, Duncan and Ruby!

Total distance - 3.25 miles
Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Happy Christmas Eve!
I felt much better this morning and so headed out in the darkness with Ruby to try to get a half decent run in (as decent as it can be running with Ruby - no chance of any kind of good session). I intended to do six miles but I kept adding on and adding on and ended up doing just over 8. Definitely must be feeling better!
When we set off I intended to stay low down and avoid hills until I was rid of this cold a bit more so we went down to the school and then towards Liverpool Castle and around the edge of Rivington Reservoir. When we got out onto Horrobin Lane we ran along and then down The Street. We then ran up 'the slipway' and back towards Rivington.
I was surprised to see a new path has been laid by Dean Brook (see piccie). I'm sure it hasn't been that long since I was last there, a couple of weeks maybe. They must have done it really quickly. It's much better now as there's no danger of the earth giving way under your feet, sending you tumbling into the brook anymore.
After Dean Brook I had intended to just run towards the top barn and then back home but I found myself full of beans and decided to run up to George's Lane instead and then up the Pike. Definitely feeling better as I kept my promise of never ever walking all or part of the way up to the Pike.
From the Pike we took the curly route down for two reasons: 1. I wanted to get more distance in and 2. There were dogs around so I couldn't let Ruby off the lead and when we go down the steep way with her on the lead she gets in my way and I fall over her.
We then got onto George's Lane and ran along to Old Rake and back home. What a beautiful morning for a run. I could have gone on and on but Ruby was getting quite tired by this point. Still did the odd bit of coughing but didn't feel short of breath at all today so hopefully the worst of it is over.
Looking forward to getting out again in the morning with my Santa hat on!
Total distance - 8.1 miles
When we set off I intended to stay low down and avoid hills until I was rid of this cold a bit more so we went down to the school and then towards Liverpool Castle and around the edge of Rivington Reservoir. When we got out onto Horrobin Lane we ran along and then down The Street. We then ran up 'the slipway' and back towards Rivington.
I was surprised to see a new path has been laid by Dean Brook (see piccie). I'm sure it hasn't been that long since I was last there, a couple of weeks maybe. They must have done it really quickly. It's much better now as there's no danger of the earth giving way under your feet, sending you tumbling into the brook anymore.
After Dean Brook I had intended to just run towards the top barn and then back home but I found myself full of beans and decided to run up to George's Lane instead and then up the Pike. Definitely feeling better as I kept my promise of never ever walking all or part of the way up to the Pike.
From the Pike we took the curly route down for two reasons: 1. I wanted to get more distance in and 2. There were dogs around so I couldn't let Ruby off the lead and when we go down the steep way with her on the lead she gets in my way and I fall over her.
We then got onto George's Lane and ran along to Old Rake and back home. What a beautiful morning for a run. I could have gone on and on but Ruby was getting quite tired by this point. Still did the odd bit of coughing but didn't feel short of breath at all today so hopefully the worst of it is over.
Looking forward to getting out again in the morning with my Santa hat on!
Total distance - 8.1 miles
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Herbs and Vitamins
Still lurgied up today but needed to get out for a run as I'm sick
of sitting around.
I have been dosing up on Echinacea and
Vitamin C for the past week to try to stop this cold coming out and I think it
has worked to a degree as I haven't had the full head cold that everyone around
me seems to have had. I have just gone straight to the chesty cough bit
and it's not really that bad of a cough, unlike others. I know some
people thing remedies like this are a waste of time but, even though I have
ended up with a cold, I think it would have been much worse had I not been
taking them.
The only problem is that I'm feeling
overly tired when running and a bit short of breath. I didn't want to
make myself worse today so I promised myself that I would take it really easy
and walk the hills so that's what I did. I did still find it hard work though
and, even though I didn't climb any big hills, I was still getting very tired
and short of breath.
It seemed to do me good in a grim way
though as (***the following contains too much information***) I seemed to get
rid of a lot of snot whilst running and coughed up a bit of nasty stuff too.
Better out than in! Sorry about that but I did provide a warning
I am a bit worried that going out running is going to prolong the lurgy but I'm just so sick of sitting around the house. At the minute I have a big mug of hot Ribena next to me, best thing when you're poorly sick!
Total distance - 3.5 miles
Sunday, 21 December 2014
Lurgy :-(
Typical! I finish work for Christmas and get struck down with lurgy! Seems I didn't manage to escape all those disgusting people coughing without covering, suppose it was inevitable really.
This is the third year in a row now that my Christmas training plans have been ruined. Last year I hurt my ankle on my first day off work and the year before I had the worst lurgy I've ever had which saw me lying on the couch all day Christmas day and unable to eat much of my Christmas meal. It's as if as soon as I start to wind down and relax, my defences weaken! I'm so gutted as I had planned on getting in so much training over these two weeks. Just hope it goes away quickly.
After having not run the previous three days I really wanted to get out today, although it was probably quite a silly thing to do, given the rattle in my chest (I've always followed the advice that if the cold is above the neck it's OK to run but if it's below the neck you should just rest, but I'm sick of just resting!). I drove to the barn and just intended to do an easy, slow run around Anglezarke. That's exactly what I did, although I'm not sure I'd call it easy as I did feel quite out of breath and there was quite a bit of coughing up of nasty stuff (sorry!).
Ah well, it's done now and I don't really feel any worse for it, although I was over the moon when it was over and I saw my van sitting waiting for me.
Total distance - 7.35 miles
This is the third year in a row now that my Christmas training plans have been ruined. Last year I hurt my ankle on my first day off work and the year before I had the worst lurgy I've ever had which saw me lying on the couch all day Christmas day and unable to eat much of my Christmas meal. It's as if as soon as I start to wind down and relax, my defences weaken! I'm so gutted as I had planned on getting in so much training over these two weeks. Just hope it goes away quickly.
After having not run the previous three days I really wanted to get out today, although it was probably quite a silly thing to do, given the rattle in my chest (I've always followed the advice that if the cold is above the neck it's OK to run but if it's below the neck you should just rest, but I'm sick of just resting!). I drove to the barn and just intended to do an easy, slow run around Anglezarke. That's exactly what I did, although I'm not sure I'd call it easy as I did feel quite out of breath and there was quite a bit of coughing up of nasty stuff (sorry!).
Ah well, it's done now and I don't really feel any worse for it, although I was over the moon when it was over and I saw my van sitting waiting for me.
Total distance - 7.35 miles
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Two More Get Ups...
...until I finish work for Christmas! Cannot wait. I finish Friday and am not back in until 5 January. That's 16 whole days to get as much running as I want in. I need it because my runs recently have been pretty short as I've just been so busy with Christmassy stuff.
Tonight was no different. I just took Ruby on a short run around Rivington in the pouring rain. I'm a weirdo though and love running in the rain but I don't think Ruby shares that view. She just stops to shake every two minutes and looks up at me as if to say 'what the hell are we doing?'
I'm now sat on the couch drinking a glass of echinacea as my throat feels a bit scratchy and everyone around me has a cold so I'm worried I'll catch their germs and that will ruin my running plans for next week. There'll be big trouble if that happens!
Total distance - 3.2 miles
Tonight was no different. I just took Ruby on a short run around Rivington in the pouring rain. I'm a weirdo though and love running in the rain but I don't think Ruby shares that view. She just stops to shake every two minutes and looks up at me as if to say 'what the hell are we doing?'
I'm now sat on the couch drinking a glass of echinacea as my throat feels a bit scratchy and everyone around me has a cold so I'm worried I'll catch their germs and that will ruin my running plans for next week. There'll be big trouble if that happens!
Total distance - 3.2 miles
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
To Blog or Not to Blog?
At the end of December I'll have been writing my blog for a whole year. Every single run throughout the year has been blogged about here but I can't decide whether to carry on with it next year or not.
The blog started as something just for myself to look back upon but I know that quite a lot of people read it (and in some strange countries too) so, should I carry on with it?
Some days I find it really hard to think of something to write but other days there's loads to talk about.
So I need to decide whether to:
a) Stop the blog altogether
b) Carry on with the blog as normal
c) Continue with the blog but cut it down to a weekly post rather than daily
Help me decide please!
Today's first run was just a quick on from Rivington Barn, down The Street, up 'the slipway', down past the bowling club and back to the barn. I felt very heavy legged but I still put in a good effort on the slipway to try to beat my previous Strava segment there and, surprisingly, I did it. I'm now third on the ladies leaderboard and only six seconds behind the record holder. Better luck next time!
Distance - 3.1 miles
The second run, with Ruby, went up to the Pike via the zig zag track up from the school then back home again via the Two Lads route past Wylderswoode Stud.
I swear that track down from George's Lane to the stud is deteriorating before my very eyes! When I ran down it for the first time, about four years ago, it was nothing like it is now and I seem to remember being able to get a decent speed up on it. Now it's an eroded mess now and I can't run down it anywhere near as quickly.
Distance - 3.6 miles
Total Distance - 6.7 miles
The blog started as something just for myself to look back upon but I know that quite a lot of people read it (and in some strange countries too) so, should I carry on with it?
Some days I find it really hard to think of something to write but other days there's loads to talk about.
So I need to decide whether to:
a) Stop the blog altogether
b) Carry on with the blog as normal
c) Continue with the blog but cut it down to a weekly post rather than daily
Help me decide please!
Today's first run was just a quick on from Rivington Barn, down The Street, up 'the slipway', down past the bowling club and back to the barn. I felt very heavy legged but I still put in a good effort on the slipway to try to beat my previous Strava segment there and, surprisingly, I did it. I'm now third on the ladies leaderboard and only six seconds behind the record holder. Better luck next time!
Distance - 3.1 miles
The second run, with Ruby, went up to the Pike via the zig zag track up from the school then back home again via the Two Lads route past Wylderswoode Stud.
I swear that track down from George's Lane to the stud is deteriorating before my very eyes! When I ran down it for the first time, about four years ago, it was nothing like it is now and I seem to remember being able to get a decent speed up on it. Now it's an eroded mess now and I can't run down it anywhere near as quickly.
Distance - 3.6 miles
Total Distance - 6.7 miles
Monday, 15 December 2014
Delayed Onset Hangover
The weekend's activities caught up with me today and I felt like crap all day. A little part of me kept hoping an e-mail would pop up from Kathryn saying the washing machine repair man was coming round and she couldn't run at lunch today (no that's not completely random, she does have a broken washing machine) but as it got to 12.20 I knew that wasn't going to happen. I'm REALLY glad I didn't get that e-mail though as we had a good, albeit hard work, run. The run was around half a mile shorter than our usual route but it felt much longer due to my pathetic tiredness.
As usual, Kathryn kept me going at a decent pace where, if I had been on my own, I would have slowed down. Love these lunchtime runs!
A couple of miles from the office the rain came down and we were like drowned rats by the time we got back.
Kathryn, if you're reading this, we got a couple of Strava course records today (for the benefit of everyone else, we were chatting about Strava on our run and Kathryn asked whether our outings covered any segments). We got a record on a 1.2 mile segment named 'lonely bridge to Rain Bar' and are first out of 18 ladies. The other record was on a 2.2 mile segment 'Bridgewater Canal long - going east' but not as impressive as we're first out of only five ladies on this one.
Josie, stay out of Manchester and leave our records alone!
Total distance - 4.9 miles
As usual, Kathryn kept me going at a decent pace where, if I had been on my own, I would have slowed down. Love these lunchtime runs!
A couple of miles from the office the rain came down and we were like drowned rats by the time we got back.
Kathryn, if you're reading this, we got a couple of Strava course records today (for the benefit of everyone else, we were chatting about Strava on our run and Kathryn asked whether our outings covered any segments). We got a record on a 1.2 mile segment named 'lonely bridge to Rain Bar' and are first out of 18 ladies. The other record was on a 2.2 mile segment 'Bridgewater Canal long - going east' but not as impressive as we're first out of only five ladies on this one.
Josie, stay out of Manchester and leave our records alone!
Total distance - 4.9 miles
Sunday, 14 December 2014
Hurst Green Turkey Trot
What can I say but... BEST RACE EVER!!!!!
Seriously, I never enjoy racing, other than crossing the line, but I smiled from start to finish in this one. Everyone put in such much effort with the fancy dress which made for a great atmosphere and lots of laughs. There were a few VERY brave blokes wearing nothing but mankinis and santa hats! Nobody wanted to run behind these guys though but that just proved very motivational as you wanted to get past them as quickly as possible.
Never before have I taken part in a race which felt a little like being on a ghost train. You could hear distant screams up ahead and were wondering what was in store around the corner. The part which generated the most screams was a flooded section of very muddy trail which you waded in to your thighs. There was also a lot of hopping from one side of a stream to another but the banks were really slippery so people were falling in. I had a slight issue here as I was wearing a tight fitting santa dress so trying to stride was pretty difficult, it was hilarious and I just couldn't stop laughing.
The most surprising part of the run for me on a personal note though was the fact that I was now doubly hungover and hadn't held out much hope of a decent run. Turns out, I felt really good and had no stomach ache or urge to chunder whatsoever. No idea where I came in the field yet and I don't even really care, it was such good fun!
The prize giving was the best ever too. So enthusiastic and so many prizes, I've never seen anything like it! I'll definitely be back next year.
Unfortunately I don't have a picture of me in fancy dress at the minute so the best I can do is this 'after' picture of my white tights...
Edit: Now got pictures...
Mankini Men
Total distance - 5 miles (plus 1.2 mile cool down)
Results - http://www.ukresults.net/2014/hurst.html
Race - http://www.strava.com/activities/229399281
Cool down - http://www.strava.com/activities/229399273
Seriously, I never enjoy racing, other than crossing the line, but I smiled from start to finish in this one. Everyone put in such much effort with the fancy dress which made for a great atmosphere and lots of laughs. There were a few VERY brave blokes wearing nothing but mankinis and santa hats! Nobody wanted to run behind these guys though but that just proved very motivational as you wanted to get past them as quickly as possible.
Never before have I taken part in a race which felt a little like being on a ghost train. You could hear distant screams up ahead and were wondering what was in store around the corner. The part which generated the most screams was a flooded section of very muddy trail which you waded in to your thighs. There was also a lot of hopping from one side of a stream to another but the banks were really slippery so people were falling in. I had a slight issue here as I was wearing a tight fitting santa dress so trying to stride was pretty difficult, it was hilarious and I just couldn't stop laughing.
The most surprising part of the run for me on a personal note though was the fact that I was now doubly hungover and hadn't held out much hope of a decent run. Turns out, I felt really good and had no stomach ache or urge to chunder whatsoever. No idea where I came in the field yet and I don't even really care, it was such good fun!
The prize giving was the best ever too. So enthusiastic and so many prizes, I've never seen anything like it! I'll definitely be back next year.
Unfortunately I don't have a picture of me in fancy dress at the minute so the best I can do is this 'after' picture of my white tights...
Edit: Now got pictures...
Mankini Men
Total distance - 5 miles (plus 1.2 mile cool down)
Results - http://www.ukresults.net/2014/hurst.html
Race - http://www.strava.com/activities/229399281
Cool down - http://www.strava.com/activities/229399273
Saturday, 13 December 2014
Hangover Run
Got a bit messy last night at our work Christmas do which was at the Imperial War Museum at Salford Quays and was an excellent night! I slept in until 10am and then forced myself out of bed and out for a run with Ruby, seeing as I hadn't run for the last two days.
It did not go well.
I only ran to the barn and back and was absolutely knackered. I was sweating a ridiculous amount for such a slow jog. I bumped into a friend about a mile from home and used it as an excuse to walk along and have a natter before continuing with the run.
Things must be pretty bad when less than 3.5 miles is that taxing!
I'll be out again tonight for the Horwich RMI Harriers Christmas do and I have a race tomorrow so it's not looking good...
Total distance 3.4 miles
It did not go well.
I only ran to the barn and back and was absolutely knackered. I was sweating a ridiculous amount for such a slow jog. I bumped into a friend about a mile from home and used it as an excuse to walk along and have a natter before continuing with the run.
Things must be pretty bad when less than 3.5 miles is that taxing!
I'll be out again tonight for the Horwich RMI Harriers Christmas do and I have a race tomorrow so it's not looking good...
Total distance 3.4 miles
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Windy Windy Windy
The weather, not me.
Just a quick road run for me this morning (shocker!) as I had a busy day working from home ahead. I ran on my own and just went up past Wylderswoode Stud, then did a right onto Brinks Row before running up Old Rake onto George's Lane. From there, I ran along to Chorley Old Road, down into Horwich, along to Lever Park Avenue then home, dodging my way around a load of school kids.
It was very 'fresh' out this morning and it seems to have got wetter and windy as the day has gone on. I think it's supposed to be like this for a few days now so take care everybody out running (or out doing anything really)!
Total distance - 4.1 miles
Just a quick road run for me this morning (shocker!) as I had a busy day working from home ahead. I ran on my own and just went up past Wylderswoode Stud, then did a right onto Brinks Row before running up Old Rake onto George's Lane. From there, I ran along to Chorley Old Road, down into Horwich, along to Lever Park Avenue then home, dodging my way around a load of school kids.
It was very 'fresh' out this morning and it seems to have got wetter and windy as the day has gone on. I think it's supposed to be like this for a few days now so take care everybody out running (or out doing anything really)!
Total distance - 4.1 miles
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Wet Wet Wet!
About 10 seconds after I stepped out of the front door tonight, the heavens opened. They stayed open for the entire run. I didn't really mind the rain so much as the fact that I couldn't see a thing! All I could see in my torch light was rain. My vision was hampered even more when I hit fog and I might as well have been running without a torch at all.
By the time we got home we were saturated and when I took my clothes off they made a big splosh as they hit the kitchen floor (yes, I got undressed in the kitchen as soon as I walked through the door - good job I'm not overlooked through the back window (not unless somebody is standing on tiptoes peering over the back fence anyway)).
Great fun though and Ruby seemed to enjoy her little self splashing through all the puddles. She did not, however, enjoy her warm shower afterwards. Why is that? Surely a warm shower is nicer than cold rain?
Total distance - 4.4 miles
By the time we got home we were saturated and when I took my clothes off they made a big splosh as they hit the kitchen floor (yes, I got undressed in the kitchen as soon as I walked through the door - good job I'm not overlooked through the back window (not unless somebody is standing on tiptoes peering over the back fence anyway)).
Great fun though and Ruby seemed to enjoy her little self splashing through all the puddles. She did not, however, enjoy her warm shower afterwards. Why is that? Surely a warm shower is nicer than cold rain?
Total distance - 4.4 miles
Monday, 8 December 2014
Piling on the Pounds…
…and it’s unlikely to get any better this side of Christmas.
I’m eating way too much at the minute, although this is nothing unusual for me to be honest. I have a HUGE appetite and a distinct lack of will power. For example, this morning I had my massive bowl of porridge (made with 50g oats and 300ml of milk) at 7.45am. By 9.45 I was ravenous and ate the butties I had brought in for my lunch. Following my run at lunch I of course then had to buy a second set of butties. I also had a couple of snacks whilst at work today from my Graze Box. I just feel hungry all the time and if I ever do get full, it’s not for very long and then I’m really hungry again. I’m putting weight on bit by bit every week so really need to get back down to a good ‘racing weight’ but with Christmas fast approaching I think I’ll probably be fighting a losing battle. I got down as far as 8 stone 10 when I first slimmed down but am now up to 9 stone 2. It's only a matter of time before I get back to my 10 stone of two years ago.
Today’s canal run with Kathryn was very cold to start with and wet underfoot due to the bad weather we’ve had over the last few days (we got nearly as muddy as an outing on the fells!) but it was good to get out and burn off all those calories. We were commenting on how hazardous running along the canal would be when it’s icy and I can see it being a challenge trying not to fall in!
Total distance – 5.35 miles
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Ned's Nine
Ed had put a post on the WFDBWGUA blog earlier this week saying that he intended to do the 'Baker's Dozen' this weekend which, as some of you will know from my blog post earlier in the year, is the Coope's Dozen plus Darwen Tower, a distance of around 25 miles. I thought that sounded like a great idea and decided I'd have a bash too so I turned up this morning at the top barn ready for the start.
At the start were myself, Ed, Kev, Mary and Jim. We headed along to the Pigeon Tower car park and straight away I was feeling tired. Climbing up the hill to George's Lane I had the realisation that I may not be in for the long haul and might have to cut the run shorter at some point but thought I'd just play it by ear and see how it went.
We ran up to Noon Hill and then cross-country to the Pike. It was really cold this morning and icy but it was still really boggy running across to the Pike and we were all trying not to get our feet wet this early into the run.
From the Pike we ran down onto George's Lane and then along to the dog hotel before climbing up to Two Lads. I was still feeling really tired and practically the whole climb to Two Lads was a walk rather than a run. Kev left us at Two Lads as he was racing later that day so wanted to preserve energy.
From Two Lads the rest of us crossed the mast road and headed out to the farms before coming out onto Coal Pit Road and running along, past the trespass stone and up the path which takes you to the back of the 'secret reservoir'. Ed and I took a bit of a magical mystery tour at this point and ended up wandering through the moorland trying to get back onto a path. We saw Mary and Jim up ahead who guided us to a stile to get back onto the path.
Then came my favourite part of the run, along to Whinberry Hill and Egg Hillock, however the best part is quickly followed by the worst part of climbing up through the bracken to Counting Hill. At least at this time of year the bracken is really low and only at shin height as opposed to head height like it was during the summer.
After the slog up to Counting Hill, we continued along to the trig point on Winter Hill. By this point the weather was getting pretty grim. It was really cold and there was an icy wind with a bit of rain. The fog was really down too and Jim and Mary soon disappeared into the distance and that was the last we saw of them on this run. They had said earlier that they were only going as far as Winter Hill so I assume the headed back home at this point.
Ed and I ran down to Hoorden Stoops and had a bit of grub for a few minutes. My hands got cold so quickly after taking off my gloves to eat and I couldn't get them warm again. I ended up running with my fists balled up inside my gloves with the glove fingers just dangling empty.
We were both pretty cold by now and had very cold wet feet and we made an executive decision not to bother going over to Darwen Tower. We then made the decision to leave out Old Adams too and just head straight for Great Hill, over Spitlers.
Once on Great Hill, the summits got fewer still as we agreed to leave out Round Loaf and go straight down to White Coppice.
You guessed it, by White Coppice we were both very cold and tired and decided to just head back to the barn.
At the point we decided to cut out Darwen Tower and Old Adams and were left with 11 summits, I decided to call the run 'Ed's Eleven'. However, as we had now also eliminated Round Loaf and Healey Nab, I had to come up with another name but couldn't think of anything which would go well with nine. I commented on this to Ed and said that it's a shame he isn't called Ned as we could call it 'Ned's Nine'. Ah well, I'm going to call it that anyway!
Funnily enough when we finished we found that we were only two miles shy of the entire Coope's Dozen route.
Another excellent Saturday morning run with great company. The run might have got shorter and shorter but it didn't get any less enjoyable.
Total distance - 16.47 miles
At the start were myself, Ed, Kev, Mary and Jim. We headed along to the Pigeon Tower car park and straight away I was feeling tired. Climbing up the hill to George's Lane I had the realisation that I may not be in for the long haul and might have to cut the run shorter at some point but thought I'd just play it by ear and see how it went.
We ran up to Noon Hill and then cross-country to the Pike. It was really cold this morning and icy but it was still really boggy running across to the Pike and we were all trying not to get our feet wet this early into the run.
From the Pike we ran down onto George's Lane and then along to the dog hotel before climbing up to Two Lads. I was still feeling really tired and practically the whole climb to Two Lads was a walk rather than a run. Kev left us at Two Lads as he was racing later that day so wanted to preserve energy.
From Two Lads the rest of us crossed the mast road and headed out to the farms before coming out onto Coal Pit Road and running along, past the trespass stone and up the path which takes you to the back of the 'secret reservoir'. Ed and I took a bit of a magical mystery tour at this point and ended up wandering through the moorland trying to get back onto a path. We saw Mary and Jim up ahead who guided us to a stile to get back onto the path.
Then came my favourite part of the run, along to Whinberry Hill and Egg Hillock, however the best part is quickly followed by the worst part of climbing up through the bracken to Counting Hill. At least at this time of year the bracken is really low and only at shin height as opposed to head height like it was during the summer.
After the slog up to Counting Hill, we continued along to the trig point on Winter Hill. By this point the weather was getting pretty grim. It was really cold and there was an icy wind with a bit of rain. The fog was really down too and Jim and Mary soon disappeared into the distance and that was the last we saw of them on this run. They had said earlier that they were only going as far as Winter Hill so I assume the headed back home at this point.
Ed and I ran down to Hoorden Stoops and had a bit of grub for a few minutes. My hands got cold so quickly after taking off my gloves to eat and I couldn't get them warm again. I ended up running with my fists balled up inside my gloves with the glove fingers just dangling empty.
We were both pretty cold by now and had very cold wet feet and we made an executive decision not to bother going over to Darwen Tower. We then made the decision to leave out Old Adams too and just head straight for Great Hill, over Spitlers.
Once on Great Hill, the summits got fewer still as we agreed to leave out Round Loaf and go straight down to White Coppice.
You guessed it, by White Coppice we were both very cold and tired and decided to just head back to the barn.
At the point we decided to cut out Darwen Tower and Old Adams and were left with 11 summits, I decided to call the run 'Ed's Eleven'. However, as we had now also eliminated Round Loaf and Healey Nab, I had to come up with another name but couldn't think of anything which would go well with nine. I commented on this to Ed and said that it's a shame he isn't called Ned as we could call it 'Ned's Nine'. Ah well, I'm going to call it that anyway!
Funnily enough when we finished we found that we were only two miles shy of the entire Coope's Dozen route.
Another excellent Saturday morning run with great company. The run might have got shorter and shorter but it didn't get any less enjoyable.
Total distance - 16.47 miles
Friday, 5 December 2014
It's Been a Looooonnnnggggg Week!
After starting the week all enthusiastic about getting stuck into some good hard training, things didn’t quite go to plan. I usually work from home on a Wednesday so was planning on doing a good speed session down at The Street. Unfortunately, I was asked to come into the office because we had a big project on and I had a lot of work to do to meet the client's deadline. I usually leave the office at 3.30 (having started at 7.30) but on Wednesday I didn’t leave until after 6pm. By the time I got home I was knackered and still had to take Ruby out and get tea ready, etc so I decided to postpone my run until the next day.
Thursday turned out no better though and, again, I didn’t leave work until late and then I had to log back on once I got home and was working until 9pm so yet another run missed.
Today I was dying to get out but I knew that a speed session was now out of the question because I have neglected Ruby all week and she has barely been out so I decided to have a slow run with her instead.
We just did our usual five mile route to the barn and pigeon tower. It was one of those nights were running with a head torch was proving hard work because all I could see was my cold breath in front of my face.
Only just over ten miles so far this week so I'd better get the miles in over the weekend! Should get a fair few in tomorrow as I'm supposed to be doing the 25 mile 'Baker's Dozen' but I haven't decided yet whether to do the entire thing or not. We'll see...
Total distance - 5.1 miles
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Postponed Canal Run
Monday's run along the canal had to be delayed this week for various reasons so Kathryn and I met up today for a run instead. We also had a bloke called Andy with us who also works in the building.
We ran along to Old Trafford by the side of the canal and the river and then back again through some trails and wasteland and there was even a VERY short steep muddy hill to run up so we did have a teeny tiny fell experience during today's run to make us feel at home.
My legs were quite achy today and I was struggling to keep the pace a bit but Kathryn pulled me along which is one of the reasons I really enjoy this run because if I'd been on my own I would have slowed down a lot more.
Total distance - 5.35 miles
We ran along to Old Trafford by the side of the canal and the river and then back again through some trails and wasteland and there was even a VERY short steep muddy hill to run up so we did have a teeny tiny fell experience during today's run to make us feel at home.
My legs were quite achy today and I was struggling to keep the pace a bit but Kathryn pulled me along which is one of the reasons I really enjoy this run because if I'd been on my own I would have slowed down a lot more.
Total distance - 5.35 miles
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Feeling Out of Sorts
Last night I went out with the happy Harriers for a curry but have to admit I just wasn't feeling myself. I'd had a headache since midday which I couldn't shift so I wasn't in the most jovial of moods but it was still a nice evening. Sorry for being a bit miserable everyone!
I woke up this morning not feeling much better really and it was nothing to do with alcohol because I felt so bad last night that I only had a couple of rum and cokes then went onto J2O.
Today is the last day of the month and as of this morning I was a pathetic 2k off my 200k monthly goal so had to force myself to go for a run but I did very little over the 2k, clocking up a mere 2.3 miles (sorry for mixing old money with new there but the challenge is for 200k and I work in miles!).
Duncan thought it would be nice to drive out somewhere in the van and he could sit and read his Kindle with a brew whilst I took Ruby for a run. We headed out towards Anglezarke but were stopped at Knowsley Lane as the road was closed with Police there taping stuff off! Not sure what's happened as I can't see anything on the news.
We had to take a very long diversion out to Limbrick and then came back round and ended up parking up at chav central, overlooking Anglezarke. It was too early for chavs this morning though so we could park up with peace and quiet and no tunes pumping out or engines revving.
I just ran down the hill a bit with Ruby and then onto the Anglezarke Woodland Trail. We just had a gentle run around the paths there and then back up to the van to join Duncan for a brew.
Just had to post the below pictures which have nothing to do with my run simply because they made me laugh. Ruby really shouldn't be allowed toys...
Total distance - 2.3 miles
I woke up this morning not feeling much better really and it was nothing to do with alcohol because I felt so bad last night that I only had a couple of rum and cokes then went onto J2O.
Today is the last day of the month and as of this morning I was a pathetic 2k off my 200k monthly goal so had to force myself to go for a run but I did very little over the 2k, clocking up a mere 2.3 miles (sorry for mixing old money with new there but the challenge is for 200k and I work in miles!).
Duncan thought it would be nice to drive out somewhere in the van and he could sit and read his Kindle with a brew whilst I took Ruby for a run. We headed out towards Anglezarke but were stopped at Knowsley Lane as the road was closed with Police there taping stuff off! Not sure what's happened as I can't see anything on the news.
We had to take a very long diversion out to Limbrick and then came back round and ended up parking up at chav central, overlooking Anglezarke. It was too early for chavs this morning though so we could park up with peace and quiet and no tunes pumping out or engines revving.
I just ran down the hill a bit with Ruby and then onto the Anglezarke Woodland Trail. We just had a gentle run around the paths there and then back up to the van to join Duncan for a brew.
Just had to post the below pictures which have nothing to do with my run simply because they made me laugh. Ruby really shouldn't be allowed toys...
Total distance - 2.3 miles
Saturday, 29 November 2014
Shirking off from XC
Today I was supposed to be going over to Liverpool for the cross-country but I woke up this morning with a deep feeling of dread about going. I really didn't want to but felt like I should however the more and more I thought about it, the more appealing the idea of not doing it was. After about two hours of deliberation I finally decided that I wasn't going to go. A huge weight seemed to lift off my shoulders when I had made this decision.
That's not how racing is supposed to make you feel though. Everyone else who races seems to really enjoy it but not me, the only bit I enjoy is crossing the finish line. I'm back to wondering again why I do it if I dislike and dread it this much and I still don't have an answer. Maybe I should just knock racing on the head altogether and just enjoy running? I really don't know. What I'd actually like is to enjoy racing but surely if that was ever going to happen it would have done by now?
Duncan was supposed to be going to Liverpool with me but when I made my decision not to go, he decided to drive over to his friend's house in Darwen to work on the van. He dropped me off in Tockholes on his way so that I could run back home from there via Great Hill.
I went through the gate opposite the car park by the Royal pub and headed down the path. I had intended to go past Hollinshead Hall and out to Piccadilly but I went wrong and ended up on a road which took me out near to Abbey Village. I then had to run along the road quite a way because I wasn't sure which other paths would take me towards Great Hill and I was just outside the coverage area of the map I had with me. By the time I reached the path I know up to Great Hill, I had already done three miles!
I ran through all the mud up to Great Hill and then through lots more mud to White Coppice. From there I ran towards Watermans Cottage and then followed the trail through the woods and out to Anglezarke Reservoir.
I then went past Yarrow Reservoir and then ran to the top barn at Rivington.
When I was about a mile and a half from home, Dave's voice popped into my head from when I bumped into him last night and he was telling me about wanting to do a long run but with some efforts build in. I also thought about something somebody had said to me a while back about how I need to get out of my comfort zone a bit more. I was really tired at this point and my legs were barely moving but I decided to spend the last part of my run doing a bit of a fartlek session and getting out of that comfort zone. I just kept picking points up ahead and running faster to them. Amazingly, I actually felt really good and didn't feel much more tired than I did when I was just plodding along so it's surprising what you're capable of when you think you're too tired.
Thanks Dave! Hope your session went well today too.
Total distance - 11.75 miles
That's not how racing is supposed to make you feel though. Everyone else who races seems to really enjoy it but not me, the only bit I enjoy is crossing the finish line. I'm back to wondering again why I do it if I dislike and dread it this much and I still don't have an answer. Maybe I should just knock racing on the head altogether and just enjoy running? I really don't know. What I'd actually like is to enjoy racing but surely if that was ever going to happen it would have done by now?
Duncan was supposed to be going to Liverpool with me but when I made my decision not to go, he decided to drive over to his friend's house in Darwen to work on the van. He dropped me off in Tockholes on his way so that I could run back home from there via Great Hill.
I went through the gate opposite the car park by the Royal pub and headed down the path. I had intended to go past Hollinshead Hall and out to Piccadilly but I went wrong and ended up on a road which took me out near to Abbey Village. I then had to run along the road quite a way because I wasn't sure which other paths would take me towards Great Hill and I was just outside the coverage area of the map I had with me. By the time I reached the path I know up to Great Hill, I had already done three miles!
I ran through all the mud up to Great Hill and then through lots more mud to White Coppice. From there I ran towards Watermans Cottage and then followed the trail through the woods and out to Anglezarke Reservoir.
I then went past Yarrow Reservoir and then ran to the top barn at Rivington.
When I was about a mile and a half from home, Dave's voice popped into my head from when I bumped into him last night and he was telling me about wanting to do a long run but with some efforts build in. I also thought about something somebody had said to me a while back about how I need to get out of my comfort zone a bit more. I was really tired at this point and my legs were barely moving but I decided to spend the last part of my run doing a bit of a fartlek session and getting out of that comfort zone. I just kept picking points up ahead and running faster to them. Amazingly, I actually felt really good and didn't feel much more tired than I did when I was just plodding along so it's surprising what you're capable of when you think you're too tired.
Thanks Dave! Hope your session went well today too.
Total distance - 11.75 miles
Friday, 28 November 2014
Black Friday
All I can say is WOW! What on earth is wrong with people? That's about as much as I have to say about Black Friday.
Tonight's run was just a short out and back to the barn with Ruby. We bumped into Dave J and Charlie dog down by Rivington School and had a nice natter before continuing on our way. Dave, if you're reading this, how did you even know it was me running towards you with my glaring head torch?
It was a very uneventful run really and Ruby didn't see anything to chase tonight whilst she was off the lead which is always a good thing.
Legs were a bit achy so I hope they're OK for tomorrow's cross country (which I still haven't made my mind up about doing yet - typical).
Total distance - 3.4 miles
Tonight's run was just a short out and back to the barn with Ruby. We bumped into Dave J and Charlie dog down by Rivington School and had a nice natter before continuing on our way. Dave, if you're reading this, how did you even know it was me running towards you with my glaring head torch?
It was a very uneventful run really and Ruby didn't see anything to chase tonight whilst she was off the lead which is always a good thing.
Legs were a bit achy so I hope they're OK for tomorrow's cross country (which I still haven't made my mind up about doing yet - typical).
Total distance - 3.4 miles
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Dawn and Dusk
The first of today's runs took place at 6.30 ish this morning in the dark and the rain. It was lovely! So peaceful out round Rivington and a couple of little voles ran across my path.
Running in the rain with a head torch can be quite mesmerizing and if you're not careful you could get so hypnotised by the lazer-like droplets in front of your face that you end up tripping over (which I did!). When the torch light shines on them, it looks like little drips of electricity falling down in front of your eyes. Quite difficult to explain really if you haven't experienced it.
I ran on my own this morning because I just wanted to get a quick one in and that isn't possible with Ruby. I just did a quick four mile loop around lower Rivington.
About a mile from home it was starting to get light and it was lovely being out whilst the sun was coming up.
This afternoon's run with Ruby, in contrast to this morning's run, was at dusk. It was raining very slightly this time and, instead of looking like little drips of electricity like this morning's rain, it looked more like a fuzzy broken TV.
We just ran up to George's Lane via Brinks Row and Old Rake, then along past the Pike and down the zigzag path, coming out at the school.
Total distance - 7.2 miles (4 + 3.2)
Running in the rain with a head torch can be quite mesmerizing and if you're not careful you could get so hypnotised by the lazer-like droplets in front of your face that you end up tripping over (which I did!). When the torch light shines on them, it looks like little drips of electricity falling down in front of your eyes. Quite difficult to explain really if you haven't experienced it.
I ran on my own this morning because I just wanted to get a quick one in and that isn't possible with Ruby. I just did a quick four mile loop around lower Rivington.
About a mile from home it was starting to get light and it was lovely being out whilst the sun was coming up.
This afternoon's run with Ruby, in contrast to this morning's run, was at dusk. It was raining very slightly this time and, instead of looking like little drips of electricity like this morning's rain, it looked more like a fuzzy broken TV.
We just ran up to George's Lane via Brinks Row and Old Rake, then along past the Pike and down the zigzag path, coming out at the school.
Total distance - 7.2 miles (4 + 3.2)
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Am I Going to Reach My Goal?
As you know, I have an addiction to Strava. Every month I join the Strava MTS Challenge which challenges you to get in as many miles as possible during that month. If you get over 200k (124 miles) you get a 'trophy' in your cabinet and, as my aim is to run at the very least 30 miles a week, I do try to achieve this 200k monthly challenge and, since I started doing it, I have never failed.
This month, however, I have fallen behind due to my foot injury earlier in the month (which is ongoing by the way but doesn't affect my running) so I'm desperately trying to get those final miles in before the end of Sunday.
In the past four days I have done 31 miles, which is pretty much my whole's weeks mileage really but I still have 24 to go. I don't want to tire myself out for Saturday's cross country though so am intending to only do an easy four miles on Friday and have a complete rest day on Thursday. That leaves 20 miles to fit into three days. Cross country is about five miles, leaving 15 for tomorrow and Sunday. Should be easy as Sunday will be my long run day but I'm going out on Saturday night so not entirely sure how fit I'll be for a long run on Sunday morning.
Can I make that challenge?
Tonight's run itself was just a five miler around the terraced gardens and George's Lane.
Total distance - 5 miles
This month, however, I have fallen behind due to my foot injury earlier in the month (which is ongoing by the way but doesn't affect my running) so I'm desperately trying to get those final miles in before the end of Sunday.
In the past four days I have done 31 miles, which is pretty much my whole's weeks mileage really but I still have 24 to go. I don't want to tire myself out for Saturday's cross country though so am intending to only do an easy four miles on Friday and have a complete rest day on Thursday. That leaves 20 miles to fit into three days. Cross country is about five miles, leaving 15 for tomorrow and Sunday. Should be easy as Sunday will be my long run day but I'm going out on Saturday night so not entirely sure how fit I'll be for a long run on Sunday morning.
Can I make that challenge?
Tonight's run itself was just a five miler around the terraced gardens and George's Lane.
Total distance - 5 miles
Monday, 24 November 2014
Through City and Country
On today's run along the canals and rivers of Manchester, Kathryn and I were joined by Anna who is a new work colleague of Kathryn's.
We had a nice paced run and, as usual, a good old natter. We also got a warning from a fellow runner coming in the opposite direction about a 'weirdo up ahead' but luckily the weirdo left us alone.
Earlier in the morning I realised I had forgotten my towel so after my shower I had to dry myself with a scarf I found in my desk drawer, which actually worked really well.
When I got home I was full off beans so I took Ruby out for another run, only 3.5 hours after I had finished the first one. We just did a short easy loop around lower Rivington in the dark. I had to yell at Ruby at one point as she bolted right across my path, causing me to slip in some mud and almost do the splits. Funny now I look back at it though.
Total distance - 9.5 miles (5.35 miles + 4.15 miles)
We had a nice paced run and, as usual, a good old natter. We also got a warning from a fellow runner coming in the opposite direction about a 'weirdo up ahead' but luckily the weirdo left us alone.
Earlier in the morning I realised I had forgotten my towel so after my shower I had to dry myself with a scarf I found in my desk drawer, which actually worked really well.
When I got home I was full off beans so I took Ruby out for another run, only 3.5 hours after I had finished the first one. We just did a short easy loop around lower Rivington in the dark. I had to yell at Ruby at one point as she bolted right across my path, causing me to slip in some mud and almost do the splits. Funny now I look back at it though.
Total distance - 9.5 miles (5.35 miles + 4.15 miles)
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Whinlatter Forest
Yesterday afternoon we drove up to the Lakes in our little van. We decided to camp at Santon Bridge and go and meet Ed in the pub there, which is near to his cottage.
We had a really enjoyable night in the pub with Ed and a few of his friends (although they left early) and Ed asked if I would like to join him and Dave for a run in Wasdale in the morning. We had gone up to the Lakes so Duncan could go mountain biking so I wanted him to decide what he wanted to do. Eventually, Duncan agreed that it would be nice to have a ride around Wasdale so we thought we would meet Ed and Dave the next morning at 9.30.
Unfortunately, we didn't even wake up until 9.00 after ignoring our 8.00 alarm so there was no chance of us getting to the meeting place in time. Sorry Ed, hope you had a good run, it was a lovely morning for it!
We ended up driving to the trail centre at Whinlatter so Duncan could ride there. We didn't even get there until almost midday so it was really busy but Duncan still seemed to enjoy himself.
Ruby and I ran a couple of the waymarked trails through the forest, which were really nice. We saw a deer on route which I tried to take pictures of but they didn't come out terribly well.
We then ran up to the highest point in the forest and took more piccies...
Total distance - 5.4 miles
We had a really enjoyable night in the pub with Ed and a few of his friends (although they left early) and Ed asked if I would like to join him and Dave for a run in Wasdale in the morning. We had gone up to the Lakes so Duncan could go mountain biking so I wanted him to decide what he wanted to do. Eventually, Duncan agreed that it would be nice to have a ride around Wasdale so we thought we would meet Ed and Dave the next morning at 9.30.
Unfortunately, we didn't even wake up until 9.00 after ignoring our 8.00 alarm so there was no chance of us getting to the meeting place in time. Sorry Ed, hope you had a good run, it was a lovely morning for it!
We ended up driving to the trail centre at Whinlatter so Duncan could ride there. We didn't even get there until almost midday so it was really busy but Duncan still seemed to enjoy himself.
Ruby and I ran a couple of the waymarked trails through the forest, which were really nice. We saw a deer on route which I tried to take pictures of but they didn't come out terribly well.
We then ran up to the highest point in the forest and took more piccies...
Total distance - 5.4 miles
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Rugby Players Everywhere!
I went to the UP at the UT this morning and out running today were Kev, Ed, Mary and John C, although John was going to be staying with us after the Pike.
I had already run around 2.5 miles as I wanted to try to get in as much distance as possible in the least time so thought I'd get a head start and run from home, along the edge of Rivington Reservoir, to the prep school then back to the barn.
From the barn we ran up to the Pike where Wigan Warriers were having a training session. They were doing reps on the steps and were also doing some kind of boxing exercise. Their session ended just as we got to the top and they asked Kev to take a picture of the whole team. I just stood there watching and then it occurred to me afterwards that I could have taken a picture of my own to put on my blog but the thought didn't even cross my mind at the time.
From the Pike we ran to Two Lads, via George's Lane and then ran up to the trig point on Winter Hill. We descended down the diagonal onto Belmont Road, then ran along to the road and went along this a bit until the path which leads to Higher Hempshaws. We didn't go over to Higher Hempshaws though and instead turned left and ran along to the farm and then out onto the road near the campsite. We then went down the path to the side of the campsite and along Dean Brook, before running up the steps, through Rivington Green and back to the barn.
On our return to the barn, there was yet another rugby team just finishing their training. I can't remember now but I'm pretty sure it was Swinton Lions (correct me if I'm wrong guys). By this point I was too tired to take anything in and I still had to run back home yet. I really wanted to ask one of the guys for a lift but I had to give myself a good talking to and resist because I hadn't done the mileage I wanted to yet.
I got home in just under 12 miles but that still wasn't quite as much as I wanted to. Don't think I'll be getting my goal 120 miles in this month due to having almost a week off with my poorly foot earlier in the month.
Total distance - 11.85 miles
I had already run around 2.5 miles as I wanted to try to get in as much distance as possible in the least time so thought I'd get a head start and run from home, along the edge of Rivington Reservoir, to the prep school then back to the barn.
From the barn we ran up to the Pike where Wigan Warriers were having a training session. They were doing reps on the steps and were also doing some kind of boxing exercise. Their session ended just as we got to the top and they asked Kev to take a picture of the whole team. I just stood there watching and then it occurred to me afterwards that I could have taken a picture of my own to put on my blog but the thought didn't even cross my mind at the time.
From the Pike we ran to Two Lads, via George's Lane and then ran up to the trig point on Winter Hill. We descended down the diagonal onto Belmont Road, then ran along to the road and went along this a bit until the path which leads to Higher Hempshaws. We didn't go over to Higher Hempshaws though and instead turned left and ran along to the farm and then out onto the road near the campsite. We then went down the path to the side of the campsite and along Dean Brook, before running up the steps, through Rivington Green and back to the barn.
On our return to the barn, there was yet another rugby team just finishing their training. I can't remember now but I'm pretty sure it was Swinton Lions (correct me if I'm wrong guys). By this point I was too tired to take anything in and I still had to run back home yet. I really wanted to ask one of the guys for a lift but I had to give myself a good talking to and resist because I hadn't done the mileage I wanted to yet.
I got home in just under 12 miles but that still wasn't quite as much as I wanted to. Don't think I'll be getting my goal 120 miles in this month due to having almost a week off with my poorly foot earlier in the month.
Total distance - 11.85 miles
Friday, 21 November 2014
Where's Ruby?
Ruby and I went for a little run last night in the dark. We did a similar route to the previous night but didn't go straight up to the Pigeon Tower via the steep route and instead carried on up the Driveway through the terraced gardens.
I let Ruby off the lead because it was dark and I knew that I'd see any other critter before she did, either by their glowing eyes or by their owners torch. When I was half way up the Driveway I realised that I couldn't hear Ruby running behind me anymore. I stopped and turned to look for her and she was nowhere in sight. She had her harness on with loads of reflectors which really light up under the torch light but I just couldn't see her. I kept clicking for her and calling her name but there was just silence. I started to worry a bit, thinking about the now found Murphy who went missing a few weeks ago. I also started to feel a bit vulnerable just standing there in the dark silence on my own without my little guardian and I turned round to see if anybody else was around. As I turned to look up the hill, there was Ruby, right by my leg, staring up at me as if to say 'why do you keep calling to me, I'm here'. I think she was actually there all along but because she's so small I hadn't realised that she had just been running really close to me.
All I can say is I'm really glad there wasn't anyone else around as I would have looked a right chump shouting and clicking for a dog who was right by my side all along.
Such a relief when I saw her though.
Total distance - 4.85 miles
I let Ruby off the lead because it was dark and I knew that I'd see any other critter before she did, either by their glowing eyes or by their owners torch. When I was half way up the Driveway I realised that I couldn't hear Ruby running behind me anymore. I stopped and turned to look for her and she was nowhere in sight. She had her harness on with loads of reflectors which really light up under the torch light but I just couldn't see her. I kept clicking for her and calling her name but there was just silence. I started to worry a bit, thinking about the now found Murphy who went missing a few weeks ago. I also started to feel a bit vulnerable just standing there in the dark silence on my own without my little guardian and I turned round to see if anybody else was around. As I turned to look up the hill, there was Ruby, right by my leg, staring up at me as if to say 'why do you keep calling to me, I'm here'. I think she was actually there all along but because she's so small I hadn't realised that she had just been running really close to me.
All I can say is I'm really glad there wasn't anyone else around as I would have looked a right chump shouting and clicking for a dog who was right by my side all along.
Such a relief when I saw her though.
Total distance - 4.85 miles
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
That London
Yesterday I travelled down to 'that London' to attend a black tie awards presentation with work. Hard to believe but I have never been to London before although, to be honest, it's not something that has ever appealed to me. I'm not really overly interested in big cities and much prefer the countryside but thought it was about time I saw what all the fuss was about.
We went down on the train to Euston and then got the tube over to Aldgate East. After dropping our bags off at our rooms, we realised we were right by Whitechapel and I got all excited because I'm quite interested in Jack the Ripper. Disappointingly, it didn't turn out to be very exciting at all but it was nice to have a walk after sitting on trains for the past few hours.
As most of you will probably already know from Facebook, I was not at all impressed with my room. £139 for this mess...
Nice bit of concrete floor under the desk.
Gorgeous isn't it?
As Josie pointed out, towel rail over the loo?
Uniform cracks in bath panel, lovely!
This is the door to my room... in the stairwell! It was so noisy I had to sleep with earplugs.
Why is it that just because it's London they think they can rip you off? When I've been on nights out in Manchester I have got MUCH better rooms than this (you can't get much worse) for as little as £25!!!! So glad I didn't have to pay for this room myself.
The awards dinner itself was a good do and there was lots of free alcohol which I took advantage of. It wasn't a late night for me and Bernie, who I travelled with from Manchester, and we were back at the hotel for 11pm ish. The others stayed out apparently until 4am!
As usual when I drink, I fell asleep really easily but I woke up really at about 5.30am. I was also woken up a couple of hours before that with a painful cramp in my calf which still hurt when I got out of bed this morning. Why does it hurt so much more when it happens in your sleep?
At about 7.30 I headed down for breakfast, where I was informed that my room rate only included the continental breakfast and not the full English. I definitely got my monies worth though and really loaded my plate and also went back for seconds. I had four crusty bread rolls with loads of different types of ham, salami and three different cheeses, two croissants, a cinnamon whirl and two pain au chocolats.
Bernie and I then went for a little wander before heading back to Euston for our train. We wandered along to Tower Bridge and took some photos of the Tower of London, still with a lot of the poppies...
So that's about it really as we had to head off to get our train home. Obviously I barely saw anything but I don't think I'll be rushing back. I'm just not a city girl and would much prefer to spend any free time I have in the quiet countryside rather than surrounded by people. I'm glad I went though and I did have a good time.
Once I got home I took Ruby out for a short run to try to burn off some of that breakfast. We ran along to the top barn then up to the Pigeon Tower via the steeper route and then ran along George's Lane and down the Pike Race farm field onto the concrete road. I very rarely run down that field because it's usually full of sheep but there were none in it today so I thought we'd have a change. From the concrete road we ran through to Tiger's Clough and down the Devil's Steps then ran up to the stables and down past Wylderswoode Stud back home.
Total distance - 4.3 miles
We went down on the train to Euston and then got the tube over to Aldgate East. After dropping our bags off at our rooms, we realised we were right by Whitechapel and I got all excited because I'm quite interested in Jack the Ripper. Disappointingly, it didn't turn out to be very exciting at all but it was nice to have a walk after sitting on trains for the past few hours.
As most of you will probably already know from Facebook, I was not at all impressed with my room. £139 for this mess...
Nice bit of concrete floor under the desk.
Gorgeous isn't it?
As Josie pointed out, towel rail over the loo?
Uniform cracks in bath panel, lovely!
This is the door to my room... in the stairwell! It was so noisy I had to sleep with earplugs.
Why is it that just because it's London they think they can rip you off? When I've been on nights out in Manchester I have got MUCH better rooms than this (you can't get much worse) for as little as £25!!!! So glad I didn't have to pay for this room myself.
The awards dinner itself was a good do and there was lots of free alcohol which I took advantage of. It wasn't a late night for me and Bernie, who I travelled with from Manchester, and we were back at the hotel for 11pm ish. The others stayed out apparently until 4am!
As usual when I drink, I fell asleep really easily but I woke up really at about 5.30am. I was also woken up a couple of hours before that with a painful cramp in my calf which still hurt when I got out of bed this morning. Why does it hurt so much more when it happens in your sleep?
At about 7.30 I headed down for breakfast, where I was informed that my room rate only included the continental breakfast and not the full English. I definitely got my monies worth though and really loaded my plate and also went back for seconds. I had four crusty bread rolls with loads of different types of ham, salami and three different cheeses, two croissants, a cinnamon whirl and two pain au chocolats.
Bernie and I then went for a little wander before heading back to Euston for our train. We wandered along to Tower Bridge and took some photos of the Tower of London, still with a lot of the poppies...
How ugly does this modern building look amongst all the old buildings:
So that's about it really as we had to head off to get our train home. Obviously I barely saw anything but I don't think I'll be rushing back. I'm just not a city girl and would much prefer to spend any free time I have in the quiet countryside rather than surrounded by people. I'm glad I went though and I did have a good time.
Once I got home I took Ruby out for a short run to try to burn off some of that breakfast. We ran along to the top barn then up to the Pigeon Tower via the steeper route and then ran along George's Lane and down the Pike Race farm field onto the concrete road. I very rarely run down that field because it's usually full of sheep but there were none in it today so I thought we'd have a change. From the concrete road we ran through to Tiger's Clough and down the Devil's Steps then ran up to the stables and down past Wylderswoode Stud back home.
Total distance - 4.3 miles
Monday, 17 November 2014
Tired Girls
Another lunchtime run along the Canal with Kathryn today. We agreed from the start to take it easy, as we were both still feeling the effects from our weekend exertions. Kathryn had done the grueling Tour of Pendle on Saturday and I had done the not quite so grueling (but fast!) cross country.
We did the same route as two weeks ago and had a good natter about our respective races. When we got to the turnaround point I was quite surprised at how fresh I was feeling but it soon became apparent why, as when we started heading back into town, the wind was blowing against us and so must have been pushing us along on our way out.
A couple of Kathryn's work colleagues passed us about a mile from the end of the run and were gloating (in a lighthearted typical mannish way of course) about it so we pointed out that we had both raced at the weekend. Once we got back to the 'piazza' outside work, they had stopped and were walking the last little bit so obviously we took the opportunity of sprinting past them and cheering that we had 'won'.
No running for me tomorrow as I'm off to that London... for the first time EVER!
Total distance - 5.4 miles
We did the same route as two weeks ago and had a good natter about our respective races. When we got to the turnaround point I was quite surprised at how fresh I was feeling but it soon became apparent why, as when we started heading back into town, the wind was blowing against us and so must have been pushing us along on our way out.
A couple of Kathryn's work colleagues passed us about a mile from the end of the run and were gloating (in a lighthearted typical mannish way of course) about it so we pointed out that we had both raced at the weekend. Once we got back to the 'piazza' outside work, they had stopped and were walking the last little bit so obviously we took the opportunity of sprinting past them and cheering that we had 'won'.
No running for me tomorrow as I'm off to that London... for the first time EVER!
Total distance - 5.4 miles
Sunday, 16 November 2014
Sunday Shuffle
I was looking forward to a nice long run this morning but, unfortunately, my legs had other ideas. They were so tired I'm not sure if I can call the action they were doing running.
I managed just under nine miles in the end so not really the long run I'd intended but hey, at least I didn't turn back after a mile like my legs wanted me to.
I ran up to Two Lads, then cross-country to the mast and then down to the shooting hut. From there I went up to the 'secret reservoir' and over to Whinberry Hill and Egg Hillock. I turned round at the top of Egg Hillock and headed back to the reservoir as I didn't want to fight my way through all the bracken today. I ran down onto Coal Pit Lane then along through the farm and out onto the mast road. I ran back toward the water tanks near Two Lads then down onto George's Lane before heading home.
Just after I passed Wylderswoode Stud an elderly chap and his dog where coming up the other way. Straight away I recognised the dog as the previously missing Murphy, the Bernese Mountain Dog. I stopped to chat to the man, Dennis, who was speaking to me about Horwich Harriers as he has been a member for a long time. He had only been reunited with Murphy yesterday and was over the moon. What a lovely man!
Total distance - 8.8 miles
I managed just under nine miles in the end so not really the long run I'd intended but hey, at least I didn't turn back after a mile like my legs wanted me to.
I ran up to Two Lads, then cross-country to the mast and then down to the shooting hut. From there I went up to the 'secret reservoir' and over to Whinberry Hill and Egg Hillock. I turned round at the top of Egg Hillock and headed back to the reservoir as I didn't want to fight my way through all the bracken today. I ran down onto Coal Pit Lane then along through the farm and out onto the mast road. I ran back toward the water tanks near Two Lads then down onto George's Lane before heading home.
Just after I passed Wylderswoode Stud an elderly chap and his dog where coming up the other way. Straight away I recognised the dog as the previously missing Murphy, the Bernese Mountain Dog. I stopped to chat to the man, Dennis, who was speaking to me about Horwich Harriers as he has been a member for a long time. He had only been reunited with Murphy yesterday and was over the moon. What a lovely man!
Total distance - 8.8 miles
Saturday, 15 November 2014
Mid Lancs XC - Barrow
After having almost given up on this race due to transport issues, I was offered a seat in the lads car to Barrow.
We arrived at around 1.30, half an hour before my race was due to start and I was actually really pleased about this as usually I'm there over an hour in advance and end up warming up too early and then cooling down again before the race actually starts but today, once I had finished queuing for the toilet, I only had 15 minutes to warm up so I didn't get cold again on the start line and didn't have time to stand around getting nervous.
I felt quite good in my first mile, setting off at a decent pace but I soon found that I was getting overtaken... a lot. I started to run out of steam quite early on but then had bouts of picking up again. My first mile was done a whopping one minute faster than my third mile which just goes to show how much I tired.
It was great having all the Horwich lads shouting for me as I passed and it really spurred me on a gave me bursts. At one point, when I was feeling particularly sluggish, Suzanne's voice came into my ear telling me to 'go hard or go home' which again gave me a push.
As I came round the bend before the finish I could hear another girl fast approaching from behind and I was determined not to let her pass. A sprint finish ensued and I kept going faster and faster, determined not to let her pass. We actually crossed the finish line, in my view, at exactly the same time, but she got her number put down before me which was mildly disappointing, especially because Ali told me he thought I'd been 'diddled'. Ah well, it's not like I needed points for the team as I was the only Horwich lady there so it doesn't really matter.
I have to wonder how I can manage a sprint finish like that when I was finding it hard to even run at all just moments earlier.
After composing myself and trying, as usual, not to chunder, I went off for a cool down and cheered on the blokes during their race. I think the team came second but I'm not 100% sure as the results aren't out at the time of typing but I do know that Chris won the race and all the other lads did really well too. Woooooo, go RED ARMY!!!
Thanks again for the lift Ali, much appreciated! Sorry for having you all worried that I'd left with your car keys but I was stood where the bags had all been left and assumed you'd come back there after your cool down. Oops.
Total distance - 3.18 miles
I'm using my Garmin link instead of Strava today because Strava isn't showing the data correctly for some reason. It's showing my last .18 miles at an 11.18 minute mile pace and I have no idea why as my watch and Garmin Connect showed it at a 7.04 minute mile pace which I'm pretty sure it was as 11.19 minute mile is the slowest sprint finish known to man! It also added 45 seconds to my total time. Weird!
We arrived at around 1.30, half an hour before my race was due to start and I was actually really pleased about this as usually I'm there over an hour in advance and end up warming up too early and then cooling down again before the race actually starts but today, once I had finished queuing for the toilet, I only had 15 minutes to warm up so I didn't get cold again on the start line and didn't have time to stand around getting nervous.
I felt quite good in my first mile, setting off at a decent pace but I soon found that I was getting overtaken... a lot. I started to run out of steam quite early on but then had bouts of picking up again. My first mile was done a whopping one minute faster than my third mile which just goes to show how much I tired.
It was great having all the Horwich lads shouting for me as I passed and it really spurred me on a gave me bursts. At one point, when I was feeling particularly sluggish, Suzanne's voice came into my ear telling me to 'go hard or go home' which again gave me a push.
As I came round the bend before the finish I could hear another girl fast approaching from behind and I was determined not to let her pass. A sprint finish ensued and I kept going faster and faster, determined not to let her pass. We actually crossed the finish line, in my view, at exactly the same time, but she got her number put down before me which was mildly disappointing, especially because Ali told me he thought I'd been 'diddled'. Ah well, it's not like I needed points for the team as I was the only Horwich lady there so it doesn't really matter.
I have to wonder how I can manage a sprint finish like that when I was finding it hard to even run at all just moments earlier.
After composing myself and trying, as usual, not to chunder, I went off for a cool down and cheered on the blokes during their race. I think the team came second but I'm not 100% sure as the results aren't out at the time of typing but I do know that Chris won the race and all the other lads did really well too. Woooooo, go RED ARMY!!!
Thanks again for the lift Ali, much appreciated! Sorry for having you all worried that I'd left with your car keys but I was stood where the bags had all been left and assumed you'd come back there after your cool down. Oops.
Total distance - 3.18 miles
I'm using my Garmin link instead of Strava today because Strava isn't showing the data correctly for some reason. It's showing my last .18 miles at an 11.18 minute mile pace and I have no idea why as my watch and Garmin Connect showed it at a 7.04 minute mile pace which I'm pretty sure it was as 11.19 minute mile is the slowest sprint finish known to man! It also added 45 seconds to my total time. Weird!
Friday, 14 November 2014
Pre XC Plod with Ruby
Just a short but sweet one today to the barn and back to blow off the cobwebs before tomorrow's XC race at Barrow.
Ruby got utterly filthy so I've just had to throw her in the shower ahead of her vet's appointment in 20 minutes which I don't think she's going to like as I'm pretty sure she has 'rear end' trouble and may have to be probed.
So that's a shower and a probing - not a good day for Ruby.
Total distance - 3.4 miles
Ruby got utterly filthy so I've just had to throw her in the shower ahead of her vet's appointment in 20 minutes which I don't think she's going to like as I'm pretty sure she has 'rear end' trouble and may have to be probed.
So that's a shower and a probing - not a good day for Ruby.
Total distance - 3.4 miles
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Poppy Pike
I finally got around to running up to the Pike tonight to see the poppy. Can't believe it has taken me this long given that it's only a mile and a half away from my house. I set off with Ruby at about 4.40pm so was trying to hurry up there to see the switch on at 5pm which, if I had been running on my own, wouldn't have been a problem but Ruby, as ever, decided to sniff and pee on everything en route.
I used my new Hope head torch tonight which was excellent. I only had it on the trail setting (there are three brighter settings than this) and it was fine for this run. If I had run down the steep way off the Pike I would have had to up it a setting but other than that the trail setting was perfectly fine and I didn't fall over anything.
We got there at about 5.05 but the van with the blokes in who set up all the gear was only just setting off up from George's Lane and it took them ages to get up there, then it took them ages to set up. We were both getting really cold so we ran down the steps and then back up the steep slippery way to the left of the steps a couple of times to keep warm. Eventually they got it started at about 5.25.
Sorry for the rather dodgy picture but it was the best of a bad bunch. I was struggling to hold the camera steady due to the wind up there and the fact that my hands were trembling with cold after being stood around for ages.
Ruby went out today sporting her very own poppy and here's a picture I took when we got back home. As you can see, she's a mucky mess and was thrown straight into the shower, much to her dismay. I think she already sensed the shower coming, given the look on her face in this picture.
Total distance - 3.5 miles
I used my new Hope head torch tonight which was excellent. I only had it on the trail setting (there are three brighter settings than this) and it was fine for this run. If I had run down the steep way off the Pike I would have had to up it a setting but other than that the trail setting was perfectly fine and I didn't fall over anything.
We got there at about 5.05 but the van with the blokes in who set up all the gear was only just setting off up from George's Lane and it took them ages to get up there, then it took them ages to set up. We were both getting really cold so we ran down the steps and then back up the steep slippery way to the left of the steps a couple of times to keep warm. Eventually they got it started at about 5.25.
Sorry for the rather dodgy picture but it was the best of a bad bunch. I was struggling to hold the camera steady due to the wind up there and the fact that my hands were trembling with cold after being stood around for ages.
Ruby went out today sporting her very own poppy and here's a picture I took when we got back home. As you can see, she's a mucky mess and was thrown straight into the shower, much to her dismay. I think she already sensed the shower coming, given the look on her face in this picture.
Total distance - 3.5 miles
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Armistice Day - Bomber Memorial
I ran over to Bomber Memorial this morning, which has become an annual thing for me on Armistice Day.
When I got there, the wind had blown poppies all over the place so I spent a few minutes picking them all up and trying to secure them back on the monument. It was really windy up there so I'm not sure if they'll stay put or not but I did the best I could.
After a quiet moment I made my way back down the steps, which were incredibly slippery! I'm quite glad I did this run during the day rather than at night with my head torch as I think I would have slipped over.
On my way out this morning, I passed an elderly lady in dog poo alley who informed me that Murphy, the Bernese Mountain Dog which had been missing since 29 October, had been found. What a brilliant piece of news, which kept me smiling for a good while. I couldn't wait to get home to check this was true and share the news on Facebook and I'm pleased to say it is true!
Total Distance - 7.4 miles
When I got there, the wind had blown poppies all over the place so I spent a few minutes picking them all up and trying to secure them back on the monument. It was really windy up there so I'm not sure if they'll stay put or not but I did the best I could.
After a quiet moment I made my way back down the steps, which were incredibly slippery! I'm quite glad I did this run during the day rather than at night with my head torch as I think I would have slipped over.
On my way out this morning, I passed an elderly lady in dog poo alley who informed me that Murphy, the Bernese Mountain Dog which had been missing since 29 October, had been found. What a brilliant piece of news, which kept me smiling for a good while. I couldn't wait to get home to check this was true and share the news on Facebook and I'm pleased to say it is true!
Total Distance - 7.4 miles
Monday, 10 November 2014
Monday in Manchester
Another run along the canal and river with Kathryn at lunch today. We took a slightly different route to last week which involved going along a track at the side of the Metrolink for a while, although I don’t think I’d take this route if I was on my own. Funny, I feel so much safer up on the fells in the dark with a head torch than I do in some of these areas in Manchester.
I must admit to feeling pretty tired today, although we did set off much faster than last week, probably because we were being dragged along by a couple of blokes who work at the same place at Kathryn, but we soon let them get ahead of us and didn’t bother trying to stay with them.
My tiredness might also be because I haven’t run since last Tuesday due to some foot pain which I have been ignoring for a while. I can pinpoint it back to about five months ago, the first time I did the Coope’s Dozen. A short way through the dozen I realised my shoes weren’t tight enough so I tightened up the laces, however it turned out I had them too tight as a few miles from the end the top of my right foot was getting sore. Ever since then I have had problems with it. Most of the time, there is no pain at all but sometimes there will be a dull ache and occasionally, a shooting pain down my big toe. I did speak to my physio about it last time I was there and she thought it might be tendon related and told me to ice it and keep bending my toes as if using them to pick up an object. Unfortunately, I didn’t heed the icing advice very well and only did it very rarely. On Wednesday morning when I stepped out of bed, my foot was really sore, so much so that I winced out loud. I decided then that I would be best off not running for a while to see if I could sort it out once and for all so I have spent the last five days icing it a lot, exercising the toes and trying to keep weight off the foot as much as possible so have been on my exercise bike instead whilst watching DVDs of Friends to keep me amused.
**Warning the following paragraph contains too much information which some readers might find inappropriate**
One of the other reasons I was so tired today was due to a bit of stomach ache. Most people who know me well know that I have a certain 'issue' with going for number twos in public toilets. It's really odd because I'm in no way prudish and can talk about poo without embarrassment but for some reason, my body rebels against me doing it unless I'm on my own throne. This means that I can't go at work, which can sometimes be a problem, as it was today.
**Sorry about that, those who skipped the last paragraph can carry on from this point**
Really enjoyed the run again, even though I felt like throwing up towards the end. Running with Kathryn is doing me a world of good because, as mentioned last week, I’m running much faster than I do on my own with Ruby. Also, even if I had been running on my own along the canal, I would have slowed down because I was so tired and belly achy but running with somebody else makes you keep going at a faster pace because you don’t want to slow then down.
My foot felt absolutely fine during the run, however later on when I walked Ruby, I got the shooting pain down the toe. It's really weird because I can sit and move my toes any which way to try to replicate the pain but it doesn't happen. Also, if I prod my feet and toes to find a sore spot there isn't one so I'm really confused as to what the problem is and why it only hurts every now and then without rhyme nor reason. Whilst typing, I'm sat with my trusty bag of frozen peas on my foot. Hope it sorts itself out as I don't want to take more time off running with it, last week was so boring on my exercise bike.
Good luck at weekend Kathryn!!!
Total distance – 5.41 miles
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