Sunday, 30 November 2014

Feeling Out of Sorts

Last night I went out with the happy Harriers for a curry but have to admit I just wasn't feeling myself.  I'd had a headache since midday which I couldn't shift so I wasn't in the most jovial of moods but it was still a nice evening.  Sorry for being a bit miserable everyone!

I woke up this morning not feeling much better really and it was nothing to do with alcohol because I felt so bad last night that I only had a couple of rum and cokes then went onto J2O.

Today is the last day of the month and as of this morning I was a pathetic 2k off my 200k monthly goal so had to force myself to go for a run but I did very little over the 2k, clocking up a mere 2.3 miles (sorry for mixing old money with new there but the challenge is for 200k and I work in miles!).
Duncan thought it would be nice to drive out somewhere in the van and he could sit and read his Kindle with a brew whilst I took Ruby for a run.  We headed out towards Anglezarke but were stopped at Knowsley Lane as the road was closed with Police there taping stuff off!  Not sure what's happened as I can't see anything on the news.

We had to take a very long diversion out to Limbrick and then came back round and ended up parking up at chav central, overlooking Anglezarke.  It was too early for chavs this morning though so we could park up with peace and quiet and no tunes pumping out or engines revving.

I just ran down the hill a bit with Ruby and then onto the Anglezarke Woodland Trail.  We just had a gentle run around the paths there and then back up to the van to join Duncan  for a brew.

Just had to post the below pictures which have nothing to do with my run simply because they made me laugh.  Ruby really shouldn't be allowed toys...

Total distance - 2.3 miles

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