Tuesday, 16 December 2014

To Blog or Not to Blog?

At the end of December I'll have been writing my blog for a whole year.  Every single run throughout the year has been blogged about here but I can't decide whether to carry on with it next year or not.

The blog started as something just for myself to look back upon but I know that quite a lot of people read it (and in some strange countries too) so, should I carry on with it?

Some days I find it really hard to think of something to write but other days there's loads to talk about.

So I need to decide whether to:

a)  Stop the blog altogether
b)  Carry on with the blog as normal
c)  Continue with the blog but cut it down to a weekly post rather than daily

Help me decide please!

Today's first run was just a quick on from Rivington Barn, down The Street, up 'the slipway', down past the bowling club and back to the barn.  I felt very heavy legged but I still put in a good effort on the slipway to try to beat my previous Strava segment there and, surprisingly, I did it.  I'm now third on the ladies leaderboard and only six seconds behind the record holder.  Better luck next time!

Distance - 3.1 miles


The second run, with Ruby, went up to the Pike via the zig zag track up from the school then back home again via the Two Lads route past Wylderswoode Stud.

I swear that track down from George's Lane to the stud is deteriorating before my very eyes!  When I ran down it for the first time, about four years ago, it was nothing like it is now and I seem to remember being able to get a decent speed up on it.  Now it's an eroded mess now and I can't run down it anywhere near as quickly.

Distance - 3.6 miles  


Total Distance - 6.7 miles

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