Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Happy Christmas Eve!

I felt much better this morning and so headed out in the darkness with Ruby to try to get a half decent run in (as decent as it can be running with Ruby - no chance of any kind of good session).  I intended to do six miles but I kept adding on and adding on and ended up doing just over 8.  Definitely must be feeling better!

When we set off I intended to stay low down and avoid hills until I was rid of this cold a bit more so we went down to the school and then towards Liverpool Castle and around the edge of Rivington Reservoir.  When we got out onto Horrobin Lane we ran along and then down The Street.  We then ran up 'the slipway' and back towards Rivington.

I was surprised to see a new path has been laid by Dean Brook (see piccie).  I'm sure it hasn't been that long since I was last there, a couple of weeks maybe.  They must have done it really quickly.  It's much better now as there's no danger of the earth giving way under your feet, sending you tumbling into the brook anymore.

After Dean Brook I had intended to just run towards the top barn and then back home but I found myself full of beans and decided to run up to George's Lane instead and then up the Pike.  Definitely feeling better as I kept my promise of never ever walking all or part of the way up to the Pike.

From the Pike we took the curly route down for two reasons: 1. I wanted to get more distance in and 2. There were dogs around so I couldn't let Ruby off the lead and when we go down the steep way with her on the lead she gets in my way and I fall over her.

We then got onto George's Lane and ran along to Old Rake and back home.  What a beautiful morning for a run.  I could have gone on and on but Ruby was getting quite tired by this point.  Still did the odd bit of coughing  but didn't feel short of breath at all today so hopefully the worst of it is over.

Looking forward to getting out again in the morning with my Santa hat on!

Total distance - 8.1 miles

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