Before leaving the house this morning for an easy run with Ruby, I checked the weather forecast on my phone, which showed a nice white fluffy cloud all morning, occasionally with a sun popping out behind it.
It couldn't have been more wrong.
Within seconds of me leaving the house, it started to rain. Five minutes later, it started to hail.
Ten minutes after that, the snow started to fall. I thought it would just be a quick shower and be over within seconds but no. It started to snow as I was running along the fields/woods between the pigeon tower car park and dangerous corner. By the time I reached George's Lane, there was an inch of snow on the ground. Ruby was covered in it, as was I. It had stuck to my leggings and my legs were freezing! I stupidly hadn't brought any over trousers with me either or I probably would have put them on, my legs were that cold. My hands were freezing too so I took off my gloves and put on my spare pair but they soon became saturated too and my hands were once again really cold.
I'm not going to lie, I just wanted to go home. Running in snow is ace if you're properly prepared but I really wasn't and was just very cold. When I finally got home, I stripped off at the front door because I just wanted to get out of my sodden clothes. I jumped straight into the shower but, even though the water was clearly hot (there was lots of steam), it felt freezing on my hands. My legs were a very bright shade of crimson and it took a long time before they became their usual pasty self again.
Memo to self - always be prepared!
Total distance - 5.6 miles
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