Sunday, 6 March 2016

Fell on Arse!

Just an easy one with Ruby this morning.  I hadn't anticipated how icy it was and thought it was just snowy so didn't put my Orocs on.  Rookie mistake!  I was running along George's Lane and, as I passed Maria's house, one of the dogs started barking, which made Ruby get excited and start pulling.  As we were going downhill, this resulted in me slipping on ice and falling onto my backside, putting my hands out to stop myself.

War wound,,,

I thought I had got away without being seen but then heard a voice say 'are you OK?' to which I replied, 'just a wounded pride'.  Thankfully, it wasn't Maria or Sean but who knows whether they also saw the incident out of a window.

I was a bit more tentative running along the road after that as it was incredibly slippery underfoot.  Even when I turned off and started running up towards the water tanks it was still hard going.  Once at the water tanks, we turned right and headed off into Walker Fold then looped back round and came out further up the mast road then headed to Two Lads from the back.

Running down off Two Lads was a bit slower than usually as it was also quite slippery in places and I had to put Ruby on the lead before I got to the kennels as Paul Boardman was coning up the other way with his dog.  There was no way I was running down that steep bit with Ruby on a lead though as she'd just drag me down so I waited until Paul had passed (after we had a good natter that is).

We then went down through my favourite field which was also incredibly slippery and I had to keep Ruby on the lead due to sheep so I was much slower than usually going down there.

Total distance - 5.15 miles

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