My new food processor arrived yesterday so I spent last night and this morning playing with it and so far have baked date and raisin cookies, a chocolate and banana cake and have made my own peanut butter.
In a bit to work off the calories of all the goodies I have baked I went for a run at about 3pm today (when my banana and chocolate cake had just come out of the oven and was cooking before the chocolate icing went on) on my own as Duncan was out with Ruby.
I set off from home, down to Rivvy School and along to Liverpool Castle. I was feeling really good and going at a pretty reasonable pace, so much so that I started to think about how I regretted passing on my entry for tomorrow's race to somebody else. The regret didn't last long though because I knew that running is one thing when you have a niggle but racing is another thing. I kept up my decent pace as I followed the edge of Rivington Reservoir and headed towards the bowling club. From there I ran along the side of Yarrow Reservoir and up to Lead Mines Clough. I ran though the clough and did a bit of a loop, firstly on the left of the river and then coming back on the right hand side and heading back the way I came.
All was going well and I was zooming along at a good steady pace until I got back to the bowling club. All of a sudden I was getting terrible stomach pains. I stopped for a few minutes to get the pain to pass and then carried on but at a much slower pace. I contemplated heading for the toilets at Rivvy Barn but, as anybody who knows me well will be aware, I can't do number 2's in public toilets. I have no idea why as I'm in no way a prude and will talk about activities to anybody who will listen but, for some reason, when it comes to actually doing it, my body rebels. I carried on along through Rivington, heading home, but when I got almost to Rivvy School the pain got pretty intense. So much so that I sat down on a bench where some passing dog walkers took pity on me. I tried to ring Duncan to see if he was in the vicinity and could pick me up but he didn't answer his phone. I decided that I just had to get home but, even though I wanted to get home quickly, the faster I went, the more intense the pain was. I started to walk but then felt better after a few minutes so started to jog a bit again. Then the pain came back so I just had to clench and mince my way back home.
I'm pleased to say that I did make it home before the inevitable happened but am pretty annoyed that such a great run ended so badly. I was really pleased with my progress until the pain started and it came on so unexpectedly.
I think this must be what the call runner's stomach!
Total distance - 7.5 miles
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