As the title implies, I'm really lacking in motivation at the minute. I have no idea why as you'd think the nice light (and sometimes sunny) evenings would be really encouraging but since coming back off my holiday I'm really struggling to get out the door for a run. Don't get me wrong, I'm still getting out, but only after having to give myself a good talking to. I'm not chomping at the bit to get out there and I don't know why. I think I need a new goal but I don't know what to go after. I'll have to have a think I suppose.
I'm also starting to get a bit disheartened about running with Ruby. This blog may well have to change it's title soon as my runs with her are getting fewer and fewer. It's not that I'm not enjoying it but more that I think she isn't. She just trundles along and I find myself going no faster than an 11 minute mile pace. I suppose that's fine for my easy runs but I can't do any steady runs or speed sessions with her. I think I'll have to just go for a couple of easy, short runs a week with her and stop taking her on my long runs and faster runs. It's a shame though as I really love running with her but I don't want to tire her out too much and make her age faster than she should.
Tonight we had a leisurely jaunt around Rivington Reservoir, past the bowling club and then down to Dean Brook, where we came back on ourselves, went up the steps, through the field and came out at the stocks on Rivington Green. From there we followed the path by the side of the road all the way back to Rivington School and then home. I was feeling quite energetic and wanted to go further but Ruby was tired, which made it all the more annoying when Duncan drove past us near the school and didn't see us as I would have liked him to pick Ruby up so I could carry on the run on my own and get a few more miles in. Thanks Duncan!
Total distance - 5 miles
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