Tuesday, 1 April 2014

I Can See My House From Here!

What a lovely evening for a run.  Hope this marks the start of a great summer.

Ruby and I set off from home at 4.50pm and headed towards the top barn.  From there we went along to Sheephouse Lane and along the path running at the side of it all the way to the Pigeon Tower car park.  We then went through the fields and woods before climbing up to Dangerous Corner.  It was still ridiculously boggy on the way up to Dangerous Corner and I sank to my ankles in some really stinky mud.  Yuk! 

We then ran along Rivington Road a bit and up to the end of Belmont Road (continuation of George's Lane).      

I let Ruby off the lead at this point and we carried on along to the Pigeon Tower where I put her back on again as there were lots of other dogs around.  After chatting to some other dog walkers, we then climbed up to the Pike where we had a chat with Gary Chadderton.  I noticed that there was nobody coming up the steep side of the Pike so I let Ruby off the lead again as I love running down that bit but usually when I have Ruby with me I go down the less steep curly route as otherwise she drags me down.  We had a really good run off the Pike and I have missed it a bit because it's my favourite kind of running.  I then put her back on the lead at the bottom of the Pike where we bumped into Maria Lowe and Dave Jackson.  We stopped for a good chat again before continuing on our way home along George's Lane. 

Just before starting the descent back home, I stopped to take this picture in which you can see my house... if you have a magnifying glass.

We finally arrived home at 6.30pm and I felt great and pleased that I had run off that delicious peanut butter chocolate brownie I had at lunch. Yum!

Total distance - 7.15 miles (a very short distance considering I was out for an hour and 40 minutes due to chatting to every man and his dog!)

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