Due to a physio appointment at 8.45 this morning I decided to do an early speed session beforehand. Duncan dropped me off at Rivington Green and my plan was to warm up for a mile and then do two miles at an 8 minute mile pace with the rest of the run a warm down.
I set off to the bowling club and used the road by the side of Yarrow Reservoir as my warm up. I turned left down the hill onto Knowsley Road when my watch beeped for a mile so I picked up the pace and turned down The Street. I have to say, it was tough! I think it was just too early for me and I hadn't eaten (I don't function well without food first thing in a morning) so I was really struggling but I kept it up although I made a decision to alter the session slightly and have a half mile recovery jog at the end of my first speed mile before doing the second mile. I finally reached the end of the first mile and slowed it down as I ran along Horrobin Lane. It was a lovely morning, really sunny and full of bird song.
I turned up the side of the Prep School and down towards Rivington Reservoir. A short while later my watch got to 2.5 miles so I started my second mile of speed. Again it was quite a struggle but I muddled on however had to stop at one point to adjust my shoe laces which I was nearly tripping over. It was such a relief to get to the end of that mile and begin my warm down home. I was really exhausted and wasn't even running that fast really. I only managed 8.20 for the first mile and 8.49(!) for the second, which was pretty disappointing.
Memo to self - eat something before you go for a run in future!
On my way back up dog poo alley I came across an amazing photo opportunity but, unfortunately, didn't have a camera with me. There was a little squirrel sitting in a tree, holding a deep pink rose in it's paws and burying it's head into the center of it now and then, lovely.
Total distance - 4.25 miles
A blog of the running exploits of me and my Patterdale Terrier, Ruby, on the trails and fells around Winter Hill.
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
Monday, 28 April 2014
Weighty Issues
I’ve noticed lately that my weight fluctuates ridiculously from day to day. For example, I weighed myself yesterday morning and was 8st 10.6 and I weighed myself this morning at exactly the same time and I was 8st 13.0. That’s a difference of nearly 2.5lbs! This happens all the time and I thought my scales might be a bit dodgy but when Duncan uses them his weight doesn’t fluctuate like this. I always listen to people on diets talk about how they 'lost a pound this week' but I wonder how they know because I lose and gain pounds from day to day. I really am a freak of nature.
Anyway, onto today’s run…
Just an easy quick run tonight with Ruby. We went down towards the llamas but as we got half way past, Ruby did her business which I dutifully picked up but I knew that there was no bin going forward, only a bin going backwards so we turned around and headed for the bin and, from there, I decided to change my route and go up Green Lane a bit and then turn off up the hill and down into Tiger's Clough. We then came out onto the concrete road and headed back down towards the school (I didn't want to go up because that would involve running through a field of sheep and we all know what happened last time I did that with Ruby). We then headed along in the direction of top barn but turned right before we got to it and went up the hill, through the terraced gardens, and out onto George's Lane.
We ran along George's Lane and then home via the edge of Wilderswood.
Total distance - 4.15 miles
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Radcliffe 10k - Didn't Run Due to Injury
Today was the Radcliffe 10k which I had pre-entered a couple of months back. My hip is still sore though so I decided that, whilst I'm still running, racing would be a bit silly. I had initially told myself that I'd just jog around but I knew that I wouldn't do that and would end up trying to race it and causing my injury to worsen so I decided it was best not to do it at all and I gave my pre-entry to Colin Wood instead.
I drove to my mum and dad's house, which is just off the route of the 10k so I wandered down with Ruby to go and watch. It was a lovely day for it. Nice and sunny, but not really hot and there was a nice breeze. I was quite jealous seeing everyone running by, but there's always next year.
I decided to have a bit of a run along some of the course with Ruby and we headed off in the direction of Ringley Road. From there the race goes up onto the road and along it, but we went underneath the road and continued along to the M60 motorway, before turning back and retracing our steps.
On the way back I bumped into some old friends, Dave and Karen, who I haven't seen for a good few years. It was really nice to see them and we had a good chat whilst Ruby played with their Staffie dog. They seemed to be really enjoying themselves which was lovely to watch as Ruby doesn't usually get along with other dogs.
Total distance - 4.65 miles
Week's total distance - 22.4 miles
I drove to my mum and dad's house, which is just off the route of the 10k so I wandered down with Ruby to go and watch. It was a lovely day for it. Nice and sunny, but not really hot and there was a nice breeze. I was quite jealous seeing everyone running by, but there's always next year.
I decided to have a bit of a run along some of the course with Ruby and we headed off in the direction of Ringley Road. From there the race goes up onto the road and along it, but we went underneath the road and continued along to the M60 motorway, before turning back and retracing our steps.
On the way back I bumped into some old friends, Dave and Karen, who I haven't seen for a good few years. It was really nice to see them and we had a good chat whilst Ruby played with their Staffie dog. They seemed to be really enjoying themselves which was lovely to watch as Ruby doesn't usually get along with other dogs.
Total distance - 4.65 miles
Week's total distance - 22.4 miles
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Too Much Information
My new food processor arrived yesterday so I spent last night and this morning playing with it and so far have baked date and raisin cookies, a chocolate and banana cake and have made my own peanut butter.
In a bit to work off the calories of all the goodies I have baked I went for a run at about 3pm today (when my banana and chocolate cake had just come out of the oven and was cooking before the chocolate icing went on) on my own as Duncan was out with Ruby.
I set off from home, down to Rivvy School and along to Liverpool Castle. I was feeling really good and going at a pretty reasonable pace, so much so that I started to think about how I regretted passing on my entry for tomorrow's race to somebody else. The regret didn't last long though because I knew that running is one thing when you have a niggle but racing is another thing. I kept up my decent pace as I followed the edge of Rivington Reservoir and headed towards the bowling club. From there I ran along the side of Yarrow Reservoir and up to Lead Mines Clough. I ran though the clough and did a bit of a loop, firstly on the left of the river and then coming back on the right hand side and heading back the way I came.
All was going well and I was zooming along at a good steady pace until I got back to the bowling club. All of a sudden I was getting terrible stomach pains. I stopped for a few minutes to get the pain to pass and then carried on but at a much slower pace. I contemplated heading for the toilets at Rivvy Barn but, as anybody who knows me well will be aware, I can't do number 2's in public toilets. I have no idea why as I'm in no way a prude and will talk about activities to anybody who will listen but, for some reason, when it comes to actually doing it, my body rebels. I carried on along through Rivington, heading home, but when I got almost to Rivvy School the pain got pretty intense. So much so that I sat down on a bench where some passing dog walkers took pity on me. I tried to ring Duncan to see if he was in the vicinity and could pick me up but he didn't answer his phone. I decided that I just had to get home but, even though I wanted to get home quickly, the faster I went, the more intense the pain was. I started to walk but then felt better after a few minutes so started to jog a bit again. Then the pain came back so I just had to clench and mince my way back home.
I'm pleased to say that I did make it home before the inevitable happened but am pretty annoyed that such a great run ended so badly. I was really pleased with my progress until the pain started and it came on so unexpectedly.
I think this must be what the call runner's stomach!
Total distance - 7.5 miles
My new food processor arrived yesterday so I spent last night and this morning playing with it and so far have baked date and raisin cookies, a chocolate and banana cake and have made my own peanut butter.
In a bit to work off the calories of all the goodies I have baked I went for a run at about 3pm today (when my banana and chocolate cake had just come out of the oven and was cooking before the chocolate icing went on) on my own as Duncan was out with Ruby.
I set off from home, down to Rivvy School and along to Liverpool Castle. I was feeling really good and going at a pretty reasonable pace, so much so that I started to think about how I regretted passing on my entry for tomorrow's race to somebody else. The regret didn't last long though because I knew that running is one thing when you have a niggle but racing is another thing. I kept up my decent pace as I followed the edge of Rivington Reservoir and headed towards the bowling club. From there I ran along the side of Yarrow Reservoir and up to Lead Mines Clough. I ran though the clough and did a bit of a loop, firstly on the left of the river and then coming back on the right hand side and heading back the way I came.
All was going well and I was zooming along at a good steady pace until I got back to the bowling club. All of a sudden I was getting terrible stomach pains. I stopped for a few minutes to get the pain to pass and then carried on but at a much slower pace. I contemplated heading for the toilets at Rivvy Barn but, as anybody who knows me well will be aware, I can't do number 2's in public toilets. I have no idea why as I'm in no way a prude and will talk about activities to anybody who will listen but, for some reason, when it comes to actually doing it, my body rebels. I carried on along through Rivington, heading home, but when I got almost to Rivvy School the pain got pretty intense. So much so that I sat down on a bench where some passing dog walkers took pity on me. I tried to ring Duncan to see if he was in the vicinity and could pick me up but he didn't answer his phone. I decided that I just had to get home but, even though I wanted to get home quickly, the faster I went, the more intense the pain was. I started to walk but then felt better after a few minutes so started to jog a bit again. Then the pain came back so I just had to clench and mince my way back home.
I'm pleased to say that I did make it home before the inevitable happened but am pretty annoyed that such a great run ended so badly. I was really pleased with my progress until the pain started and it came on so unexpectedly.
I think this must be what the call runner's stomach!
Total distance - 7.5 miles
Thursday, 24 April 2014
Not Very Nice to See Ewe
On tonight's run, we got attacked by sheep. Yes, you read that right - attacked by sheep!
I drove out to Knowsley Lane and Ruby and I set off for a run around Angkezarke. As usual, Ruby did her 'business' not long after we started running. I know from past experience that, despite there being a sign up on the entrance to the Anglezarke trails telling you to put litter/dog poo in the 'bins provided', there are in fact no bins. I therefore bagged up the poo and left it in a safe place. I hear you getting angry now as I do when I see poo bags all over the place but - I PICKED IT UP ON MY WAY BACK!!!! I ran over 6 miles and didn't pass a single bin so I'm glad I made the decision to store it safely as it would not have been at all fun to run with.
Anyway, back to the run... and the sheep! We ran around the Anglezarke woodland trails and then on to Waterman's Cottage, where we crossed the road and ran to White Coppice on the track which runs along the left hand side of the goit with a fenced off farm field on the left. All was well and good. It wasn't until we crossed the goit and got onto the path which runs parallel back to Waterman's Cottage when things started to get a bit scary.
There was a sheep, with horns, and it's lamb on our right hand side. Usually sheep just run away but this one wasn't for moving. It turned on us. It went to butt Ruby but I dragged her back. We couldn't get past it and it kept trotting along at the side of us and then turning on us and going to butt Ruby, who wasn't at all bothered by the way and still wanted to chase it. For me, on the other hand, it was quite frightening and I didn't really know what to do. I am told with cows you should let your dog off the lead so the cow goes after them not you (don't worry, the dog will escape fine) but I wasn't so sure with sheep as I knew that if I let Ruby off she would start terrorising them and probably end up getting shot by the farmer. I just stopped running and tried to get the sheep to go away, which eventually it did. We then carried on along the path and there was a huge group of sheep and lambs ahead of us. They started to run off as we approached. Well, all but one of them did. The hardy one, again with horns, turned round and started running towards us. I stopped and started walking backwards and then the sheep stopped. Every time I tried to move forward though, it turned back on us. I ended up hauling ass over a wall and throwing Ruby over it too. It must have been a hilarious thing for any passerby to see, although I think I'm in the clear there as I didn't see anyone else around. I ended up covered in mud from picking up Ruby, which somehow managed to get all over my face and hair too.
We eventually came back out at Watermans Cottage and headed back for Anglezarke. There is a short stretch of field you have to go through which always has sheep in it so I was a bit nervous about running through after what had just happened. We went through and as we got half way, about 9 or 10 lambs came running towards us really happily. They didn't seem afraid of Ruby at all who was dragging out on the lead to get to them. Their parents, however, did seem concerned. They started running over to get their lambs away from us. Luckily none of them got violent and concentrated more on getting the lambs away from us rather than us away from the lambs.
I've never had a problem with sheep before, even when running amongst them and their lambs, but this is the first time I have done it with Ruby and I won't be doing it again any time soon!
We headed back to the car but of course not without picking the poo bag back up on the way!
Total distance - 6.2 miles
I drove out to Knowsley Lane and Ruby and I set off for a run around Angkezarke. As usual, Ruby did her 'business' not long after we started running. I know from past experience that, despite there being a sign up on the entrance to the Anglezarke trails telling you to put litter/dog poo in the 'bins provided', there are in fact no bins. I therefore bagged up the poo and left it in a safe place. I hear you getting angry now as I do when I see poo bags all over the place but - I PICKED IT UP ON MY WAY BACK!!!! I ran over 6 miles and didn't pass a single bin so I'm glad I made the decision to store it safely as it would not have been at all fun to run with.
Anyway, back to the run... and the sheep! We ran around the Anglezarke woodland trails and then on to Waterman's Cottage, where we crossed the road and ran to White Coppice on the track which runs along the left hand side of the goit with a fenced off farm field on the left. All was well and good. It wasn't until we crossed the goit and got onto the path which runs parallel back to Waterman's Cottage when things started to get a bit scary.
There was a sheep, with horns, and it's lamb on our right hand side. Usually sheep just run away but this one wasn't for moving. It turned on us. It went to butt Ruby but I dragged her back. We couldn't get past it and it kept trotting along at the side of us and then turning on us and going to butt Ruby, who wasn't at all bothered by the way and still wanted to chase it. For me, on the other hand, it was quite frightening and I didn't really know what to do. I am told with cows you should let your dog off the lead so the cow goes after them not you (don't worry, the dog will escape fine) but I wasn't so sure with sheep as I knew that if I let Ruby off she would start terrorising them and probably end up getting shot by the farmer. I just stopped running and tried to get the sheep to go away, which eventually it did. We then carried on along the path and there was a huge group of sheep and lambs ahead of us. They started to run off as we approached. Well, all but one of them did. The hardy one, again with horns, turned round and started running towards us. I stopped and started walking backwards and then the sheep stopped. Every time I tried to move forward though, it turned back on us. I ended up hauling ass over a wall and throwing Ruby over it too. It must have been a hilarious thing for any passerby to see, although I think I'm in the clear there as I didn't see anyone else around. I ended up covered in mud from picking up Ruby, which somehow managed to get all over my face and hair too.
We eventually came back out at Watermans Cottage and headed back for Anglezarke. There is a short stretch of field you have to go through which always has sheep in it so I was a bit nervous about running through after what had just happened. We went through and as we got half way, about 9 or 10 lambs came running towards us really happily. They didn't seem afraid of Ruby at all who was dragging out on the lead to get to them. Their parents, however, did seem concerned. They started running over to get their lambs away from us. Luckily none of them got violent and concentrated more on getting the lambs away from us rather than us away from the lambs.
I've never had a problem with sheep before, even when running amongst them and their lambs, but this is the first time I have done it with Ruby and I won't be doing it again any time soon!
We headed back to the car but of course not without picking the poo bag back up on the way!
Total distance - 6.2 miles
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Food for Thought
I made a last minute decision tonight to go for a run even though I was planning on another rest day due to my hip having been sore again. Weird as usually my last minute decisions are to not go for a run, not the other way around.
It was yet another easy one though as I don’t want to make my hip any worse so I took Ruby with me on this one. We just had a nice trot around Rivington as it was a lovely sunny evening. It started well with a half decent pace but then Ruby got quite tired and we ended up just plodding along and admiring the scenery.
I actually spent the vast majority of the run pondering over food processors. Mine has broken and I want to replace it with a pretty one which will look nice on my worktop (in place of my microwave – good advice Stuart Stokes!) so I won’t have to keep putting it away. Who knew this would be such a tough challenge? Nice looking food processors, which do everything I want them to and get good reviews, are shockingly expensive. All together it took me three days and two nights of broken sleep to finally settle on one. I decided to go for a Kenwood machine, but not one of the really pricey ones. I went for the Prospero which is a mixer, food processor, liquidiser, etc all in one. The thing I’m looking forward to the most is making my own 100% peanut butter as buying this in the shops is extortionate!
I’m so excited for my food processor to arrive. I really do lead a sad life.
Total distance – 4.05 miles
Sunday, 20 April 2014
Technicolour Running
For reasons I won't bore you with, my running attire today was quite a mishmash of colours. To paint a picture, this is a description of my outfit from the feet upwards:
Bright orange trail shoes
Black full length leggings with electric blue piping.
Salmon coloured long sleeved (with thumb loops!) top
Sky blue gilet
Flourescent pink gloves (imagine these with the salmon thumb loops over them - nice!)
Purple/dark pink buff
Truth be told, I looked ridiculous.
I went out early in the hope that I wouldn't see anyone I knew whilst wearing my colourful ensemble.
Duncan dropped me off at Watermans Cottage for an easy run as I wanted to stay off the hills because I still have this cold and am finding hills quite difficult at the minute.
I ran from Watermans Cottage to White Coppice and then back again along a different path. I then ran around Anglezarke Woodland Trail and out onto Knowsley Lane, which I ran along past the waterfall and then up the hill which takes you up to Yarrow Reservoir. From there I ran down into Rivington and then along Rivington Reservoir, towards the castle, then home past the side of the school.
I still wasn't feeling myself today and must admit I was really struggling towards the end of my run. Even the slightest incline was getting the better of me. My legs just seemed to have no go in them and felt really heavy.
As for my outfit, I had nearly made it home undetected when I passed half of Horwich Harriers running through Rivington. Just my luck!
Total distance - 6.6 miles
Week's total distance - (a pitiful) 17.6 miles
Bright orange trail shoes
Black full length leggings with electric blue piping.
Salmon coloured long sleeved (with thumb loops!) top
Sky blue gilet
Flourescent pink gloves (imagine these with the salmon thumb loops over them - nice!)
Purple/dark pink buff
Truth be told, I looked ridiculous.
I went out early in the hope that I wouldn't see anyone I knew whilst wearing my colourful ensemble.
Duncan dropped me off at Watermans Cottage for an easy run as I wanted to stay off the hills because I still have this cold and am finding hills quite difficult at the minute.
I ran from Watermans Cottage to White Coppice and then back again along a different path. I then ran around Anglezarke Woodland Trail and out onto Knowsley Lane, which I ran along past the waterfall and then up the hill which takes you up to Yarrow Reservoir. From there I ran down into Rivington and then along Rivington Reservoir, towards the castle, then home past the side of the school.
I still wasn't feeling myself today and must admit I was really struggling towards the end of my run. Even the slightest incline was getting the better of me. My legs just seemed to have no go in them and felt really heavy.
As for my outfit, I had nearly made it home undetected when I passed half of Horwich Harriers running through Rivington. Just my luck!
Total distance - 6.6 miles
Week's total distance - (a pitiful) 17.6 miles
Still Poorly Sick
Having had YET ANOTHER cold all week and still my niggling hip, I haven't run since Tuesday. If you read my Tuesday blog, you'll see that I mentioned the strange things which happened but these now make sense as they appear to have been the beginning of my cold. My running has not been very consistent recently but hopefully once I shift this cold, I'll be able to get back into some decent training. My hip is definitely feeling better, although it did play up a bit on today's easy run.
I met Ed Swift at the barn at 8.30 this morning and we set off up to Two Lads. I could tell straight away that I wasn't over my cold as I was struggling to talk and run right from the start. Still, luckily for me, Ed was holding back as he was doing Pike Race in the afternoon, so we ran/walked up the hills which suited me just fine. It wasn't until leaving Two Lads and heading up the mast road that I decided I'd had enough. I was getting quite wheezy and, despite wanting to get a decent distance in to burn off my Easter eggs in advance, I knew it was best to turn back and head home and try another run tomorrow. I turned round just before the mast, leaving Ed to head to the trig point and then across the newly flagged route to the Pike as he hadn't checked this out properly since it had been done.
I headed back down the mast road, back up to Two Lads and then home via the side of Wilderswood.
Total distance - 5.3 miles
Later on today I helped out with the Pike Race. Yet again I found myself not running it, despite wanting to every year. I have decided to make it my main focus of training for the next year. I'm determined to do it next year and to do it well. Having looked at other people's times, I want to aim for under 27 minutes.
I had a job which required a lot of responsibility today - timing! I'm not going to lie, I was pretty nervous about doing it. We have a new device now which makes it much easier though, so all I had to do was press start when the race began and then every time a runner crossed the finish line I just had to press a big red button and this then printed out their time on a roll of paper which was then tallied up with the numbers taken by Suzanne at the other end of the finish funnel. Ali and Martyn did manual timing too just in case there was a problem with the new device and Martyn and I kept trying to palm the responsibility off onto each other, 'arguing' which method was the main one and which was the back up. It was all in high spirits though and it was a good job we had both methods as it got pretty hectic at one point with the finish funnel backing up so much that the runners coming in thick and fast couldn't cross the finish line.
After the race it was off to the pub for a few beers. It's funny because I thought when I saw everyone doing the race I would feel jealous that I wasn't doing it but I didn't and I really enjoyed doing the timing instead, which will make it difficult next year as I'll probably want to do the timing again instead of running it!
I met Ed Swift at the barn at 8.30 this morning and we set off up to Two Lads. I could tell straight away that I wasn't over my cold as I was struggling to talk and run right from the start. Still, luckily for me, Ed was holding back as he was doing Pike Race in the afternoon, so we ran/walked up the hills which suited me just fine. It wasn't until leaving Two Lads and heading up the mast road that I decided I'd had enough. I was getting quite wheezy and, despite wanting to get a decent distance in to burn off my Easter eggs in advance, I knew it was best to turn back and head home and try another run tomorrow. I turned round just before the mast, leaving Ed to head to the trig point and then across the newly flagged route to the Pike as he hadn't checked this out properly since it had been done.
I headed back down the mast road, back up to Two Lads and then home via the side of Wilderswood.
Total distance - 5.3 miles
Later on today I helped out with the Pike Race. Yet again I found myself not running it, despite wanting to every year. I have decided to make it my main focus of training for the next year. I'm determined to do it next year and to do it well. Having looked at other people's times, I want to aim for under 27 minutes.
I had a job which required a lot of responsibility today - timing! I'm not going to lie, I was pretty nervous about doing it. We have a new device now which makes it much easier though, so all I had to do was press start when the race began and then every time a runner crossed the finish line I just had to press a big red button and this then printed out their time on a roll of paper which was then tallied up with the numbers taken by Suzanne at the other end of the finish funnel. Ali and Martyn did manual timing too just in case there was a problem with the new device and Martyn and I kept trying to palm the responsibility off onto each other, 'arguing' which method was the main one and which was the back up. It was all in high spirits though and it was a good job we had both methods as it got pretty hectic at one point with the finish funnel backing up so much that the runners coming in thick and fast couldn't cross the finish line.
After the race it was off to the pub for a few beers. It's funny because I thought when I saw everyone doing the race I would feel jealous that I wasn't doing it but I didn't and I really enjoyed doing the timing instead, which will make it difficult next year as I'll probably want to do the timing again instead of running it!
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
A Trio of Oddities
I went out for another short easy run this morning. Duncan dropped me off at the Pigeon Tower car park on his way to work and I ran out towards Sheephouse Lane, down Sheephouse Lane into Rivington Green, along past the lower barn and down the side of the road to the school then up past the llamas and home.
It wasn't a great run - but not because of my hip...
At first it was fine, albeit freezing cold (note to self, Duncan is a LIAR, do not believe him when he tells you it is warm outside - my hands were numb for the entire run!). As I got about a mile from home though, I came over really funny. My legs felt a bit tingly. It's hard to describe really, they weren't heavy and tired, but felt a bit numb. Maybe it was the cold, although I only actually felt cold in my hands? I don't know, but it wasn't a very nice feeling.
Further along, another weird thing happened, this time in my ears. Again, it's really hard to describe but the only way I can try to describe it is that my hearing was like a strobe light, on, off, on, off, on, off... This lasted for about two minutes and then was fine.
The third bizarre thing happened when I got home. I bent down to take off my shoes and nearly passed out. I went all hot and sicky and had to sit completely down on the hall floor, where Ruby started licking my face! Nice.
Feel fine now though so I'm not sure what that was all about. I wasn't doing a hard effort, much the opposite really, I was just taking it easy. I ate before I went out too, albeit just a stick of soft eating liquorice, and was well hydrated.
Ah well, I don't think it was anything to worry about so onwards and upwards!
Despite recent events, I'm actually feeling pretty optimistic and can't wait to get my nice strong glutes and really get stuck into some decent training!
Total distance - 3 miles
It wasn't a great run - but not because of my hip...
At first it was fine, albeit freezing cold (note to self, Duncan is a LIAR, do not believe him when he tells you it is warm outside - my hands were numb for the entire run!). As I got about a mile from home though, I came over really funny. My legs felt a bit tingly. It's hard to describe really, they weren't heavy and tired, but felt a bit numb. Maybe it was the cold, although I only actually felt cold in my hands? I don't know, but it wasn't a very nice feeling.
Further along, another weird thing happened, this time in my ears. Again, it's really hard to describe but the only way I can try to describe it is that my hearing was like a strobe light, on, off, on, off, on, off... This lasted for about two minutes and then was fine.
The third bizarre thing happened when I got home. I bent down to take off my shoes and nearly passed out. I went all hot and sicky and had to sit completely down on the hall floor, where Ruby started licking my face! Nice.
Feel fine now though so I'm not sure what that was all about. I wasn't doing a hard effort, much the opposite really, I was just taking it easy. I ate before I went out too, albeit just a stick of soft eating liquorice, and was well hydrated.
Ah well, I don't think it was anything to worry about so onwards and upwards!
Despite recent events, I'm actually feeling pretty optimistic and can't wait to get my nice strong glutes and really get stuck into some decent training!
Total distance - 3 miles
Monday, 14 April 2014
Hippy Chick
After not running since last Wednesday due to my bad hip, I thought I'd try a nice easy three miles today just down to Rivvy Barn and back.
It wasn't too bad really. There were a couple of slight niggles but nothing major.
The problem is, my pain doesn't actually happen much whilst running which makes it difficult to know whether I'm overdoing it or not. It's later on once I get home that it starts to hurt. I get a dull ache in the 'iliac crest' (the sticky out hip bone). It wasn't too bad today though. Not gone completely, but not as sore as it has been.
Once I got home I did my glute strengthening and stretching exercises again and iced my hip as recommended by Maria, my physio. I've been doing that since Wednesday now, as often as possible (at weekend I had set my stop watch to beep at me every two hours so I knew when to ice!)
It really does seem to be working and it's feeling much better (thanks in a huge way to Maria) so hopefully I'll be able to get rid of it completely soon and have a lovely toned bottom as an added extra!
Total distance - 3 miles.
It wasn't too bad really. There were a couple of slight niggles but nothing major.
The problem is, my pain doesn't actually happen much whilst running which makes it difficult to know whether I'm overdoing it or not. It's later on once I get home that it starts to hurt. I get a dull ache in the 'iliac crest' (the sticky out hip bone). It wasn't too bad today though. Not gone completely, but not as sore as it has been.
Once I got home I did my glute strengthening and stretching exercises again and iced my hip as recommended by Maria, my physio. I've been doing that since Wednesday now, as often as possible (at weekend I had set my stop watch to beep at me every two hours so I knew when to ice!)
It really does seem to be working and it's feeling much better (thanks in a huge way to Maria) so hopefully I'll be able to get rid of it completely soon and have a lovely toned bottom as an added extra!
Total distance - 3 miles.
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Working from home again so an early run today on my own. Duncan dropped me off on Rivington Road (at the parking area at the bottom of Hordern Stoops). I only went for a short one though as I had a lot of work to get through so wanted to make an early start. I just ran along the road to the end of Belmont Road and then ran all the way along to the Pigeon Tower and along George's Lane, past Wilderswood then home.
It was cold! The sun was shining when I left home and I had shorts on and a long sleeve top but no coat. When I stepped out of my front door I thought it was quite pleasant but it wasn't until I got out of the car on the other side of Winter Hill that I realised how cold it was. It was really windy on that side of the hill, which it wasn't on my side. Needless to say, I ran pretty fast just to get warm so it turned out to be a really good, if short, session, leaving me pretty tired.
It's lovely running at that time of day when there are very few people around. I only saw one person, who was sat out by the Pike trying to photograph birds.
Total distance - 4 miles
Hopefully Albert will read this as I have a question and I'm pretty sure he'll know the answer...
When running along George's Lane with the Pike on your left, you pass the gate to the field down to the farm on the Pike Race route on your right. After that, there is then a kissing gate on your right. Where does that go? It just seems to have a steep stepped descent behind it but then I can't see where it takes you out and I haven't ventured down it yet to have a look.
Just lately, my glute/hip troubles, which have always been on my right side, have now appeared on my left side. I can't decide whether it's just muscular or something more sinister, or both. Some of it feels muscular and if I press on my glute it is tender, like the muscles are knotted. However, I sometimes get an ache in the sticky out hip bone, which makes me worry a bit about arthritis. I went for physio with Maria at lunch today and she thinks it is just a case of strengthening the glute muscles.
After some painful deep tissue massage, acupuncture and stretching exercises, I went home. I had more of an in depth look on the internet about my injury and found the name of the bone that I get the pain in. It's called the iliac crest and when I googled pain in it, it brought up lots of running related sites. Funny because I hadn't mentioned running at all in my google. A lot of what I read was pretty reassuring and, as Maria had said, was down to having to strengthen the muscles. I did read a few things though saying that the pain in the iliac crest is very often caused by running on uneven surfaces, which actually ties in with when I first discovered the problem. My originally hip injury came on after I started running off road all the time. I never had a problem back in my road runner days. I'd go into more detail on the reasons why off-road running causes this pain but, to be brutally honest, I can't be bothered so if you're interested, google it :)
I'm going to take a couple of days off running I think as the hip pain has really flared up and I'm going to concentrate on LOTS of strengthening exercises instead. Hope I manage to sort it soon.
It was cold! The sun was shining when I left home and I had shorts on and a long sleeve top but no coat. When I stepped out of my front door I thought it was quite pleasant but it wasn't until I got out of the car on the other side of Winter Hill that I realised how cold it was. It was really windy on that side of the hill, which it wasn't on my side. Needless to say, I ran pretty fast just to get warm so it turned out to be a really good, if short, session, leaving me pretty tired.
It's lovely running at that time of day when there are very few people around. I only saw one person, who was sat out by the Pike trying to photograph birds.
Total distance - 4 miles
Hopefully Albert will read this as I have a question and I'm pretty sure he'll know the answer...
When running along George's Lane with the Pike on your left, you pass the gate to the field down to the farm on the Pike Race route on your right. After that, there is then a kissing gate on your right. Where does that go? It just seems to have a steep stepped descent behind it but then I can't see where it takes you out and I haven't ventured down it yet to have a look.
Just lately, my glute/hip troubles, which have always been on my right side, have now appeared on my left side. I can't decide whether it's just muscular or something more sinister, or both. Some of it feels muscular and if I press on my glute it is tender, like the muscles are knotted. However, I sometimes get an ache in the sticky out hip bone, which makes me worry a bit about arthritis. I went for physio with Maria at lunch today and she thinks it is just a case of strengthening the glute muscles.
After some painful deep tissue massage, acupuncture and stretching exercises, I went home. I had more of an in depth look on the internet about my injury and found the name of the bone that I get the pain in. It's called the iliac crest and when I googled pain in it, it brought up lots of running related sites. Funny because I hadn't mentioned running at all in my google. A lot of what I read was pretty reassuring and, as Maria had said, was down to having to strengthen the muscles. I did read a few things though saying that the pain in the iliac crest is very often caused by running on uneven surfaces, which actually ties in with when I first discovered the problem. My originally hip injury came on after I started running off road all the time. I never had a problem back in my road runner days. I'd go into more detail on the reasons why off-road running causes this pain but, to be brutally honest, I can't be bothered so if you're interested, google it :)
I'm going to take a couple of days off running I think as the hip pain has really flared up and I'm going to concentrate on LOTS of strengthening exercises instead. Hope I manage to sort it soon.
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
O Motivation, Where Art Thou?
As the title implies, I'm really lacking in motivation at the minute. I have no idea why as you'd think the nice light (and sometimes sunny) evenings would be really encouraging but since coming back off my holiday I'm really struggling to get out the door for a run. Don't get me wrong, I'm still getting out, but only after having to give myself a good talking to. I'm not chomping at the bit to get out there and I don't know why. I think I need a new goal but I don't know what to go after. I'll have to have a think I suppose.
I'm also starting to get a bit disheartened about running with Ruby. This blog may well have to change it's title soon as my runs with her are getting fewer and fewer. It's not that I'm not enjoying it but more that I think she isn't. She just trundles along and I find myself going no faster than an 11 minute mile pace. I suppose that's fine for my easy runs but I can't do any steady runs or speed sessions with her. I think I'll have to just go for a couple of easy, short runs a week with her and stop taking her on my long runs and faster runs. It's a shame though as I really love running with her but I don't want to tire her out too much and make her age faster than she should.
Tonight we had a leisurely jaunt around Rivington Reservoir, past the bowling club and then down to Dean Brook, where we came back on ourselves, went up the steps, through the field and came out at the stocks on Rivington Green. From there we followed the path by the side of the road all the way back to Rivington School and then home. I was feeling quite energetic and wanted to go further but Ruby was tired, which made it all the more annoying when Duncan drove past us near the school and didn't see us as I would have liked him to pick Ruby up so I could carry on the run on my own and get a few more miles in. Thanks Duncan!
Total distance - 5 miles
I'm also starting to get a bit disheartened about running with Ruby. This blog may well have to change it's title soon as my runs with her are getting fewer and fewer. It's not that I'm not enjoying it but more that I think she isn't. She just trundles along and I find myself going no faster than an 11 minute mile pace. I suppose that's fine for my easy runs but I can't do any steady runs or speed sessions with her. I think I'll have to just go for a couple of easy, short runs a week with her and stop taking her on my long runs and faster runs. It's a shame though as I really love running with her but I don't want to tire her out too much and make her age faster than she should.
Tonight we had a leisurely jaunt around Rivington Reservoir, past the bowling club and then down to Dean Brook, where we came back on ourselves, went up the steps, through the field and came out at the stocks on Rivington Green. From there we followed the path by the side of the road all the way back to Rivington School and then home. I was feeling quite energetic and wanted to go further but Ruby was tired, which made it all the more annoying when Duncan drove past us near the school and didn't see us as I would have liked him to pick Ruby up so I could carry on the run on my own and get a few more miles in. Thanks Duncan!
Total distance - 5 miles
Sunday, 6 April 2014
Hot and Bothered
I went straight out for a quick run with Ruby this morning as soon as I woke up.
At this time of year and and this time of day, it's quite difficult to know what kit to wear so you won't be too hot/cold. I opted for 3/4 leggings, a long sleeved top and a windproof gilet.
Wrong decision.
I was BOILING! I only ran a short distance and at a slow pace but the sweat was dripping off me. My top had a half zip so I had this zipped down and my gilet zipped down which cooled me off a little but it was still really warm. I was actually quite relieved when it started to rain (on that note, again I didn't see any other runners out this morning in the grey weather).
We just did a quick loop to the barn, up to George's Lane and back home through Wilderswood. Both of us were pretty tired this morning so it was a slow run but enjoyable all the same.
Total distance - 4.35 miles
Week's total distance - 26.45
Not much running this week - must try harder next week!
At this time of year and and this time of day, it's quite difficult to know what kit to wear so you won't be too hot/cold. I opted for 3/4 leggings, a long sleeved top and a windproof gilet.
Wrong decision.
I was BOILING! I only ran a short distance and at a slow pace but the sweat was dripping off me. My top had a half zip so I had this zipped down and my gilet zipped down which cooled me off a little but it was still really warm. I was actually quite relieved when it started to rain (on that note, again I didn't see any other runners out this morning in the grey weather).
We just did a quick loop to the barn, up to George's Lane and back home through Wilderswood. Both of us were pretty tired this morning so it was a slow run but enjoyable all the same.
Total distance - 4.35 miles
Week's total distance - 26.45
Not much running this week - must try harder next week!
Saturday, 5 April 2014
Fairweather Running
My long run today wasn't terribly long as I had a busy day ahead, but in the nine and a bit miles I did run, I didn't see a single other runner. This time last week I saw LOADS of runners.
This may have something to do with the fact that today it was raining and last week it was beautifully sunny.
I started out at Rivvy Barn today as Duncan had driven there with Ruby to play ball and I wanted to get out on my own this morning so I could get round quicker. I decided to do a run which I really like and was introduced to by Tony Hesketh. The run took me past the bowling club and along to Yarrow Reservoir. I then ran around Anglezarke Reservoir coming out at Waterman's Cottage and then up a load of steps into a muddy field, where I continued my round Anglezarke route, eventually coming out opposite the end of The Street. I then headed back to Rivington and skirted the outside of Rivington Reservoir, up to Liverpool Castle and then home.
Nothing really to report on this run, it was just a really refreshing run in the rain and I felt really good for it. It's a great feeling when you get in from a run in the rain to a lovely cosy warm house and a nice cup of tea.
So to all you fairweather runners out there, get out of bed and embrace the great British weather. If you only run when the weather is good you'll hardly ever get out the door. Get out into the rain, sleet, hail, wind - feel alive!
Total distance 9.25 miles
This may have something to do with the fact that today it was raining and last week it was beautifully sunny.
I started out at Rivvy Barn today as Duncan had driven there with Ruby to play ball and I wanted to get out on my own this morning so I could get round quicker. I decided to do a run which I really like and was introduced to by Tony Hesketh. The run took me past the bowling club and along to Yarrow Reservoir. I then ran around Anglezarke Reservoir coming out at Waterman's Cottage and then up a load of steps into a muddy field, where I continued my round Anglezarke route, eventually coming out opposite the end of The Street. I then headed back to Rivington and skirted the outside of Rivington Reservoir, up to Liverpool Castle and then home.
Nothing really to report on this run, it was just a really refreshing run in the rain and I felt really good for it. It's a great feeling when you get in from a run in the rain to a lovely cosy warm house and a nice cup of tea.
So to all you fairweather runners out there, get out of bed and embrace the great British weather. If you only run when the weather is good you'll hardly ever get out the door. Get out into the rain, sleet, hail, wind - feel alive!
Total distance 9.25 miles
Thursday, 3 April 2014
Am I Going to be Beaten by a Walker...?
I had wanted to go to the club’s hill session tonight now that it is back off road again but, due to Duncan going out on his bike, I decided to give it a miss for a reason which some of you just won’t understand: Ruby! She has been in on her own all day from 7.30am to 4.30pm so there’s no way I can then leave her again for another couple of hours in the evening. She hates being left on her own and she gets major separation anxiety so I try to keep her time alone to a minimum. If you're a dog lover, I'm sure you'll understand.
I decided to do my own brand of hill session though to ease the guilt a little so Ruby and I ran from home and had a gentle warm up to top barn. From there, we ran to that bit that I can never describe - the zig-zag graveled path which runs from behind the barn up to 'the driveway'. It's a short but steepish path. I decided that all the short steep bits I would try to run up as fast as I possible could so, after a stretch at the bottom, up we went. I let Ruby off the lead so that she wouldn't stop and sniff and slow me down. I was gasping for air by the time I reached the top but felt really good. We then headed down towards the pigeon tower car park, past a burnt out Nissan Micra (scumbags!). We then climbed the rocky route up to the Pigeon Tower, which was really hard work tonight. i think I exerted myself too much on my earlier uphill sprint ha ha.
From the Pigeon Tower we then headed over to the Pike. Again I let Ruby off the lead as there were no other dogs around and we took the steep grass route to the left hand side of the steps. Again as this was a short and steep bit, I ran it as fast as I could. When I got to the top, we ran straight off down the Pike Race route, which is my favourite bit of running round here.
We got back onto George's Lane and ran along to the kennels and turned off left to head to Two Lads. As we went through the kissing gate, a walker went through just before us. Ruby stopped for a number 1 at the bottom so the walker was now half way up the first bit of hill before we started the climb. We started to make our way up but I was totally cream crackered by this point. I kept berating myself for not being able to catch up to the walker and I got more and more determined that he wasn't going to beat me to the top. Granted, he was walking pretty damn fast but still I wasn't going to let him beat me so I pushed and pushed and pushed. I eventually went past him about 200 metres from the top but he arrived at the top only about 15 seconds after me.
After a brief chat with the walker who, thankfully, admitted that he was walking really fast, we headed home which I'm pleased to say was all downhill.
I really felt like we had a good hill session and I'm pleased with myself for getting out and doing it. Still a bit sad that I didn't get to the actual hill session but there's always next week.
Total distance – 5.70 miles
I decided to do my own brand of hill session though to ease the guilt a little so Ruby and I ran from home and had a gentle warm up to top barn. From there, we ran to that bit that I can never describe - the zig-zag graveled path which runs from behind the barn up to 'the driveway'. It's a short but steepish path. I decided that all the short steep bits I would try to run up as fast as I possible could so, after a stretch at the bottom, up we went. I let Ruby off the lead so that she wouldn't stop and sniff and slow me down. I was gasping for air by the time I reached the top but felt really good. We then headed down towards the pigeon tower car park, past a burnt out Nissan Micra (scumbags!). We then climbed the rocky route up to the Pigeon Tower, which was really hard work tonight. i think I exerted myself too much on my earlier uphill sprint ha ha.
From the Pigeon Tower we then headed over to the Pike. Again I let Ruby off the lead as there were no other dogs around and we took the steep grass route to the left hand side of the steps. Again as this was a short and steep bit, I ran it as fast as I could. When I got to the top, we ran straight off down the Pike Race route, which is my favourite bit of running round here.
We got back onto George's Lane and ran along to the kennels and turned off left to head to Two Lads. As we went through the kissing gate, a walker went through just before us. Ruby stopped for a number 1 at the bottom so the walker was now half way up the first bit of hill before we started the climb. We started to make our way up but I was totally cream crackered by this point. I kept berating myself for not being able to catch up to the walker and I got more and more determined that he wasn't going to beat me to the top. Granted, he was walking pretty damn fast but still I wasn't going to let him beat me so I pushed and pushed and pushed. I eventually went past him about 200 metres from the top but he arrived at the top only about 15 seconds after me.
After a brief chat with the walker who, thankfully, admitted that he was walking really fast, we headed home which I'm pleased to say was all downhill.
I really felt like we had a good hill session and I'm pleased with myself for getting out and doing it. Still a bit sad that I didn't get to the actual hill session but there's always next week.
Total distance – 5.70 miles
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
I Can See My House From Here!
What a lovely evening for a run. Hope this marks the start of a great summer.
Ruby and I set off from home at 4.50pm and headed towards the top barn. From there we went along to Sheephouse Lane and along the path running at the side of it all the way to the Pigeon Tower car park. We then went through the fields and woods before climbing up to Dangerous Corner. It was still ridiculously boggy on the way up to Dangerous Corner and I sank to my ankles in some really stinky mud. Yuk!
We then ran along Rivington Road a bit and up to the end of Belmont Road (continuation of George's Lane).
I let Ruby off the lead at this point and we carried on along to the Pigeon Tower where I put her back on again as there were lots of other dogs around. After chatting to some other dog walkers, we then climbed up to the Pike where we had a chat with Gary Chadderton. I noticed that there was nobody coming up the steep side of the Pike so I let Ruby off the lead again as I love running down that bit but usually when I have Ruby with me I go down the less steep curly route as otherwise she drags me down. We had a really good run off the Pike and I have missed it a bit because it's my favourite kind of running. I then put her back on the lead at the bottom of the Pike where we bumped into Maria Lowe and Dave Jackson. We stopped for a good chat again before continuing on our way home along George's Lane.
Just before starting the descent back home, I stopped to take this picture in which you can see my house... if you have a magnifying glass.
We finally arrived home at 6.30pm and I felt great and pleased that I had run off that delicious peanut butter chocolate brownie I had at lunch. Yum!
Total distance - 7.15 miles (a very short distance considering I was out for an hour and 40 minutes due to chatting to every man and his dog!)
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