Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Vernons 5k - Race 3

The aim of entering this race series was to see whether my hard training would pay off between the first race and the last and so far it's really not going to plan.

On my first race I got a 5k PB of 23.20.

Last month, full of a cold and with a bad back, I was over a minute slower, clocking in at 24.26.

Tonight I was feeling good and had done quite a lot of decent training so was hoping for a much better time.  Unfortunately, I failed miserably, finishing in a time only 12 seconds quicker than last month - 24.14.

That's a whopping 54 seconds off the first race and I just can't understand it because that's a lot over a 5k.

I have absolutely no excuse.

I knew throughout the race that I was running too slowly but I just couldn't muster anything more.

I'm wondering if it's psychological, which won't come as any surprise to most of you who, by now know full well that I have head issues.  My aim at the start of the series was to beat my PB for a 5k.  I did that in the first race by over a minute so I'm wondering if now, subconsciously, I don't care enough anymore.  I don't feel like that's the case but who knows what goes on in the subconscious mind.

I really do want to get past that 23.20 in the final race but because my past two races have been so far off it, I'm struggling to believe I ever actually did it.

Edit: Looking at Strava it appears I did my usual trick of setting off too fast.  My first quarter of a mile was done in a 6.47-7.25 minute mile pace (my best 5k average pace has been 7.45 minute mile).

Erica joined me for tonight's race and she did a great time of 22.29 (fourth lady).  Gareth was also at the race, coming third in a time of 16.46.  Well done guys!

Total distance - 3.1 miles + warm up/cool down

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