Happy New Year!
No running for me yesterday due to not getting out of bed until lunch time with a touch of a hangover. I don't even usually 'do' New Year's Eve but this year we went round to a friend's house and were force fed wine all evening. Not that I'm complaining at all.
Today, Ruby and I went for an easy run in the wind along to the barn then up to the Pigeon Tower, the Pike, then home. Nothing exciting to report. It was actually a lovely morning despite the wind and was quite mild.
I'm having a little trouble at the minute trying to put together some kind of structured training plan to try to improve my speed and hill climbing.
I'm kidding myself if I think I'm going to go to the club training sessions because I know that I won't stick to it so I need to make my aims more realistic. The reason I won't stick to it is because I get home from work two hours before the club sessions start and so I like to get my run done as soon as I get home so that I can then get tea sorted, do the housework and chill out. I know that some of you will be shaking your head at this and saying I should just do it, but I'm just trying to be realistic and form a plan that I know I can stick to - I'm just not as dedicated as some of you are and don't always find it easy to get my arse out of the door if I don't do it straight after waking or getting home from work.
Wednesdays are my best day for a speed session as I work from home and so can head out first thing to, for example, The Street and get in a good session. I know I can stick to this as I have done it lots of times and do actually really push myself to the point of near chundering.
The problem I have is when to fit in a hill session. I did think that maybe I could try to commit to going to the hill session on a Thursday night but then if I do my speed session on a Wednesday, another tough session the following day wouldn't be a good idea.
At the minute my training plan looks like this...
Monday - lunchtime run with Kathryn
Tuesday - rest or easy run with Ruby
Wednesday - morning speed/tempo session
Thursday - rest or easy run with Ruby
Friday - rest or easy run with Ruby
Saturday - long run (or race)
Sunday - rest or easy run with Ruby (or long run if raced Saturday)
So basically, I need to change one of the 'rest or easy run with Ruby' sessions to a hill session, but which one? I initially thought Sunday because I won't need to worry about Ruby as Duncan will be with her (if I do a hill session on one of the week nights I'd either have to take Ruby with me or wait until Duncan got home but then, as said above, I'm not sure I could commit to it, having already been home for nearly two hours before Duncan gets home).
Only problem with a Sunday is that I'll then be really tired for my Monday run with Kathryn, which I already find hard work. There just aren't enough days in the week!
Of course the other option would be to just do a hill session with Ruby on a Friday night and for example just do loops up to Two Lads. Ruby shouldn't slow me down as she's usually faster up hill than I am, plus I could let her off the lead as there are very rarely any sheep up there.
Any ideas on locations of hill sessions I could do with Ruby would be most welcome, ideally places I can let her off the lead without livestock.
Total distance - 5 miles
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