Sunday, 4 January 2015

Drinker's False Dawn

Complete with last night's make up still on, I headed off with Ruby for an easy short run this morning. How I did it I will never know.  I woke up feeling like death as I had been out last night with Duncan, Rachel and Markus and had consumed a half litre bottle of wine and four rum and cokes.  Yes, I'm a lightweight and that was enough alcohol to make me feel pretty drunk.

When I drink I always fall asleep easily but I wake up really early and can't get back to sleep.  Today I was awake by about 5am.  Duncan was going up to the Lakes to go mountain biking with my brother and had to be up really early.  I mentioned to him about how I had been awake for ages and he said something to me about 'drinker's false dawn'.  When I got up I googled this and found it to be a real thing, something to do with REM.  Not just me then!

I didn't fall back asleep when Duncan left at 7.15 so decided to get up and see how I felt.  I was really hungry.  I always wake up hungry but ridiculously so after a night of drinking.  Ruby was chomping at the bit to get out though so I decided to resist food and go for a very quick run instead.  When I say very quick, I mean very quick, I was thinking just a couple of miles as I really did feel rough and didn't want to run at all.

Turns out I actually felt pretty good when I got out.  I ended up doing four miles, which isn't much but is double what I intended to do.  I bumped into Martyn and a new club member, Dave, down at the barn and had a good natter before continuing on a loop around lower Rivington.

Bacon and egg butty when I got in.  The healthy eating starts tomorrow!

Total distance - 4 miles

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