Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Balance Board

Tonight, I just had a short jog with Ruby to combine exercising Ruby with a warm up for my balance board workout.

Further to yesterday's post, I'm still undecided about joining a gym but thought I'd spend the next couple of weeks doing some of the huge amounts of workout DVDs I have at home, together with other core workouts to see if I can stick to it and avoid joining a gym.

Tonight I decided on a balance board workout.  It's excellent for the core as you need to keep your core engaged to help you to balance.  It's also good for strengthening my feet and ankles which is something I really need to do at the minute.

It's so much harder than it sounds to stay balanced on that board and I really felt it as a decent workout.  I have just got the DVD/board back from Josie who borrowed it for a while but I'm not sure if she'll agree that it was quite a challenging workout, although she's probably got much better balance and core fitness than I have to begin with.

It wasn't an intense workout, just a difficult one.  I thought I had quite good balance but turns out I was wrong.

Total distance - 3.3 miles

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