Speed work day today. I drove down to the barn and warmed up for a mile to get to the other side of the dam on The Street - my new favourite speed work place (thanks Dave Jackson!).
My aim was to do 3 x 4 x 1/4 mile at a 7.00 to 7.30 minute mile pace, with 30 seconds recovery between each set and two minutes recovery between each set.
As each rep went on, the thirty seconds rest seemed to get shorter and shorter and by the last few reps it felt like only about five seconds rest!
Four reps in I was really feeling the burn and starting to think that I'd only do one more set rather than two more but I shoved those thoughts aside. I had set out to do twelve reps and twelve reps is what I would do, even if it meant slowing down considerably for the last ones.
My reps were as follows, which I'm pretty pleased with as only three of them were over a 7.30 minute mile pace and two of those were only slightly over:
Rep 1 - 7.08
Rep 2 - 7.00
Rep 3 - 7.16
Rep 4 - 7.08
Rep 5 - 6.40
Rep 6 - 7.32
Rep 7 - 7.24
Rep 8 - 7.24
Rep 9 - 7.16
Rep 10 - 7.36
Rep 11 - 7.56
Rep 12 - 7.16
The fastest rep, by quite a long way, was on rep 5 which is surprising as the odd numbered reps had more of an incline than the even number reps (odd numbered reps had 30ft of ascent).
Positive comments: Did the whole session, even though I really wanted to quit. Pleased with pace, especially on rep 5.
Total distance - 5 miles
(cool down - http://www.strava.com/activities/184633140)
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