Saturday, 7 June 2014

No Cows Today

After leaving home this morning at 9am, sitting on my backside all day until 5pm and having consumed two packed lunches, I decided I should go for a run this evening to work off some calories.

I have spent the day in Wigan inputting results for the track and field event which Horwich were hosting.  I've never done this before and must admit that, in a geeky way, I quite enjoyed myself.  I work with spreadsheets all day at work so doing it in my spare time shouldn't be fun but somehow it was.  I really am just a spreadsheet nerd.

A big well done to everyone who competed at the Northern League event today, and especially to Mark and Debbie who both had their debut race on the track!

It had been a pretty miserable day weather-wise but really cheered up as we were leaving the event.  It was lovely and sunny and, whilst being driven back towards Blackrod and looking out to the hills, they just looked so tempting, even though I hadn't planned to run today.  After Trevor dropped me off at home, I went in, threw off my top layer of clothes (I had been wearing shorts and t-shirt all day in case I suddenly got the urge to compete but, shocker of shockers, I didn't) grabbed Ruby's lead and off we went.  I didn't even change my trainers which was pretty silly as I was wearing racing flats and ended up going for a muddy run where I was slipping and sliding all over the place.

We ran down to Rivvy School, then up the road and took the 'middle path' which is the rock one that takes you up to the terraced gardens.  I had only planned to run down to the barn and back but the middle path just seemed to call out to me.  We ran through the terraced gardens, coming out by the Pigeon Tower, and then ran along George's Lane, down Old Rake and along Brinks Row before dropping down onto Brownlow Road and heading home.

Total Distance - 3.9 miles

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