Tuesday, 24 June 2014


Today was my first run since my epic adventure on Saturday.  I was out at a track and field event all day Sunday (helping out, not competing) so I didn't get chance for a run and then yesterday was written off because at around 12.30 in the morning I started being sick and this went on until about 10.00am.  This is the second time this has happened in about six weeks even though usually I'm never ill and haven't had a sick day off work since 2007!!!  I still haven't as I took yesterday off as a flexi day instead (seeing as I have a ludicrous amount of flexi built up - more than I can ever possibly take).

I actually lost 4lbs in weight which most girls would be really pleased with but seeing as I'm scrawny anyway I'm a bit worried that I might fall down a grid when I'm walking down the street.

Anyway, enough of that.  I felt better today, just pretty light headed due to not eating yesterday but, as the day went on and the more I ate, I started to feel good enough to go for an easy run this evening.

It really was an easy run though, just to the top barn and back with Ruby in the rain.  I felt quite sluggish at first but started to feel OK towards the end.  Hopefully I'll get a decent run in tomorrow.

If anybody is wondering about the title of this blog, to chunder means to be sick.  It's a great word which apparently came about in ye olde days on ships where somebody was going to throw up over the side and they would shout 'watch under' so that people on lower decks knew to get out of the way of the falling vomit and it was then shortened to 'chunder'.  I love finding out things like that (I'm a nerd in case you don't already know).

Total distance - 3.3 miles


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