Today Ruby's new lead arrived. It's a hands free lead which goes around the waist and has a bungee on it to act as a kind of shock absorber.
We set off along to the barn and all was great, it felt amazing not to have my arm pulled around left right and centre. Even when there was another dog up front and Ruby started pulling, it still wasn't as much of a problem as when I run with the lead in my hand.
The problem started when we went up the narrow path to the side of Sheephouse Lane. Ruby just trotted along in front and wouldn't move any faster but it meant that the lead between me and her was dragging on the floor so I had to hold it further along. Usually I have her on an extension lead so when she is running close to me, the lead automatically reels in but this obviously isn't the case with this lead so I found I had to either keep holding it, or trip over it!
This went on for a great deal of our run and I found myself getting more and more annoyed and taking this out on Ruby by shouting at her to go faster. If I ran past her to encourage her to go faster, she would then just go round the back of me and along the other side so I had to keep spinning around to avoid the lead getting wrapped around my legs.
I'll persevere with it, as it was pretty expensive, but I must say I was a bit disappointed. I really did enjoy the lack of arm ache though so I hope I can master some kind of technique with it as I really don't want to go back to the hand held lead.
Mileage has been incredibly low this week (only about 10.5 miles so far) but I now feel really rested and ready for my two races this weekend. I've also eaten really well lately and have replaced all my unhealthy snacks with healthier (but not necessarily low cal) alternatives so hopefully that will pay off in the races.
Total distance - 5.35 miles
A blog of the running exploits of me and my Patterdale Terrier, Ruby, on the trails and fells around Winter Hill.
Thursday, 27 February 2014
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
On account of the huge pea and paneer curry with rice and naan I had for lunch today, I thought I'd better really make an effort on today's run.
Stomach still pretty full and complete with a strange burning sensation, off Ruby and I set along to the barn. Usually when I do any kind of speedwork, I choose a route which is reasonably flat and with with even terrain. Today, however, I decided to do my speed session on the kind of terrain I like to race on, i.e. hills and trails.
We did a mile warm up and then did 5 x 1 minute bursts of speed with 1 minute recovery x 3 sets (15 minutes of speed altogether). The first four were the best as it was reasonably flat for these. The fifth one, however, was the worst of the lot but this wasn't so much to do with the fact that it was slightly uphill but more due to it taking place on a very narrow path where Ruby trotted along in front and wouldn't go any faster. I couldn't get past her so had to write that one off really.
The rest were all reasonably similar and all in all I was really pleased with our performance as it was pretty rocky underfoot and practically all uphill. It was really hard work and I feel like we had a great session which left us both pretty worn out.
We then warmed down for the mile and a half back home and, once home, I did some core, glute and arm work.
Total distance - 5.55 miles
Stomach still pretty full and complete with a strange burning sensation, off Ruby and I set along to the barn. Usually when I do any kind of speedwork, I choose a route which is reasonably flat and with with even terrain. Today, however, I decided to do my speed session on the kind of terrain I like to race on, i.e. hills and trails.
We did a mile warm up and then did 5 x 1 minute bursts of speed with 1 minute recovery x 3 sets (15 minutes of speed altogether). The first four were the best as it was reasonably flat for these. The fifth one, however, was the worst of the lot but this wasn't so much to do with the fact that it was slightly uphill but more due to it taking place on a very narrow path where Ruby trotted along in front and wouldn't go any faster. I couldn't get past her so had to write that one off really.
The rest were all reasonably similar and all in all I was really pleased with our performance as it was pretty rocky underfoot and practically all uphill. It was really hard work and I feel like we had a great session which left us both pretty worn out.
We then warmed down for the mile and a half back home and, once home, I did some core, glute and arm work.
Total distance - 5.55 miles
Sunday, 23 February 2014
Happy Birthday Ruby!
Yes, today is Ruby's 8th Birthday! We took her to Rivington this morning to celebrate with a bout of tennis ball throwing, which is Ruby's most favouite activity.
I left Duncan and Ruby to it and decided to go for a run on my own for a change, so I set off from Rivington towards Lead Mines Clough. Sluggish is not the word for how I felt this morning. I just had no climb in my legs at all. I wouldn't mind but I was only going up a very slight incline but I was really struggling. This may have something to do with the amount of wine I consumed last night, who knows. As I was feeling OK on the flat and downhill bits I decided to make the most of my run and have something of a farlek session. I ran all the flat and donwhill bits at speed and any uphill bits I just jogged. It turned out to be quite a good session actually.
I got to Lead Mines Clough, ran though it then turned round and retraced by steps back to Rivington. Duncan and Ruby had by now already left to I carried on and ran home, still doing my farlek.
I must say, I was positively knackered by the time I got home and felt like what could have been a terrible session, actually turned into a useful one.
Total distance - 6 miles
Week's total distance - 32.1 miles
Ruby has been pampered all day and has had a good few meaty treats and she's now curled up next to me on the couch, exhausted from her tennis ball activities. Here's a pic of her scoffing some kind of log shaped treat...
I left Duncan and Ruby to it and decided to go for a run on my own for a change, so I set off from Rivington towards Lead Mines Clough. Sluggish is not the word for how I felt this morning. I just had no climb in my legs at all. I wouldn't mind but I was only going up a very slight incline but I was really struggling. This may have something to do with the amount of wine I consumed last night, who knows. As I was feeling OK on the flat and downhill bits I decided to make the most of my run and have something of a farlek session. I ran all the flat and donwhill bits at speed and any uphill bits I just jogged. It turned out to be quite a good session actually.
I got to Lead Mines Clough, ran though it then turned round and retraced by steps back to Rivington. Duncan and Ruby had by now already left to I carried on and ran home, still doing my farlek.
I must say, I was positively knackered by the time I got home and felt like what could have been a terrible session, actually turned into a useful one.
Total distance - 6 miles
Week's total distance - 32.1 miles
Ruby has been pampered all day and has had a good few meaty treats and she's now curled up next to me on the couch, exhausted from her tennis ball activities. Here's a pic of her scoffing some kind of log shaped treat...
Saturday, 22 February 2014
'Fell' Running
We set off nice and early this morning for our long run and I had no idea where the run would take us. Usually I plan my route in advance but today I just went with the flow.
We set off and started to climb up to George's Lane through Wilderswood. I must admit I was feeling really sluggish right from the off and was wondering whether this long run would actually turn into a not so long run. Once up on George's Lane though I started to feel a bit better and we headed off up the path to Two Lads but turned right once we got to the water thingy (not sure what it's called but there's a metal grate over it). We then crossed the mast road and headed off along the top of Montcliffe Stone Quarries, then turned left through the kissing gate. We then got to a T junction and I couldn't decide which way to go. Do we go left, a way we have been many times before...
Obviously right won so I got my map out of my bum bag and off we went.
I must admit I lost my bearings at one point and have just been looking at my map now to work out how I went wrong, which is actually really obvious and I'm not sure how I managed it. I came out onto a road and for some reason, I was looking at the wrong road on the map. We didn't get lost or anything because I could always see the mast so knew which way I would need to head but, after going through Walker Fold Woods, out onto Colliers Row Road for 50 or so metres, then up to Sheep Cote Green Farm and along to Smithills Dean, we eventually came out on a road which we went left along and arrived at the Trespass Stone so I then knew exactly where we were.
We then headed past the Shooting Hut and up to Scotsman's Stump. From there, we headed up to the trig point and then towards Hordern Stoops. Here, we bumped into John Parker, who kindly took a picture of us with Belmont Reservoir in the background.
We left John and headed off down Hordern Stoops.
Not long after this picture was taken, I slipped on some mud and fell right onto my backside. This has never happened to me before. I've had a few near misses but have always managed to right myself and have never gone completely down. It's funny because I had been running along with my camera in my hand and about a minute before my fall, I was thinking to myself that if I fell I might break my camera. I didn't break the camera.
After landing in a muddy bog, the first thing I did, obviously, was look around to see if anybody had witnessed this incident. Luckily there wasn't a soul in sight so I picked myself up and carried on.
My left bum cheek was now pretty cold but it soon warmed back up and we got to the bottom of Hordern Stoops and ran along Rivington Road to the end of Belmont Road. We continued along Belmont Road and I stopped to take a picture of where we had been...
...and another one of where we were going...
Not long after this picture was taken, I took another tumble! This time it was a trip not a slip and I went flying, ending up in a very big muddy puddle not far from the Pigeon Tower. Again, I did a quick scan round to see if anybody saw but again I got lucky.
Left bum cheek again very cold, we continued along to the Pigeon Tower, then along George's Lane and up to the Pike.
On the way up to the Pike a lady was walking her Chocolate Lab and it came bounding over to Ruby. I warned the lady that Ruby could be quite snappy but she just gave me a dirty look and carried on. She didn't make any attempt to stop her dog though, which wasn't on a lead (Ruby was) and it ran up to Ruby and then Ruby, as I said she would, snapped at it and a bit of a scuffle ensued, meaning I had to stop running and unwrap the lead from round my legs Again, the woman did nothing and just carried on walking, not even calling to her dog or anything. Some people are just so rude!
After reaching the top of the Pike we then ran the curly route back down (I avoid the steep route when with Ruby as it's just a recipe for disaster) and back onto George's Lane. We then ran home, skirting the edge of Wilderswood.
I felt fine after my two falls but as I'm sat here typing this, my left hip is starting to get quite stiff as I think I might have twisted funny on the first fall. Ah well, at least it takes the emphasis off my right hip which is the one I have a longstanding problem with!
Total distance - 11.2 miles.
We set off and started to climb up to George's Lane through Wilderswood. I must admit I was feeling really sluggish right from the off and was wondering whether this long run would actually turn into a not so long run. Once up on George's Lane though I started to feel a bit better and we headed off up the path to Two Lads but turned right once we got to the water thingy (not sure what it's called but there's a metal grate over it). We then crossed the mast road and headed off along the top of Montcliffe Stone Quarries, then turned left through the kissing gate. We then got to a T junction and I couldn't decide which way to go. Do we go left, a way we have been many times before...
Or do we go right, somewhere we have never been...
I must admit I lost my bearings at one point and have just been looking at my map now to work out how I went wrong, which is actually really obvious and I'm not sure how I managed it. I came out onto a road and for some reason, I was looking at the wrong road on the map. We didn't get lost or anything because I could always see the mast so knew which way I would need to head but, after going through Walker Fold Woods, out onto Colliers Row Road for 50 or so metres, then up to Sheep Cote Green Farm and along to Smithills Dean, we eventually came out on a road which we went left along and arrived at the Trespass Stone so I then knew exactly where we were.
We then headed past the Shooting Hut and up to Scotsman's Stump. From there, we headed up to the trig point and then towards Hordern Stoops. Here, we bumped into John Parker, who kindly took a picture of us with Belmont Reservoir in the background.
We left John and headed off down Hordern Stoops.
Not long after this picture was taken, I slipped on some mud and fell right onto my backside. This has never happened to me before. I've had a few near misses but have always managed to right myself and have never gone completely down. It's funny because I had been running along with my camera in my hand and about a minute before my fall, I was thinking to myself that if I fell I might break my camera. I didn't break the camera.
After landing in a muddy bog, the first thing I did, obviously, was look around to see if anybody had witnessed this incident. Luckily there wasn't a soul in sight so I picked myself up and carried on.
My left bum cheek was now pretty cold but it soon warmed back up and we got to the bottom of Hordern Stoops and ran along Rivington Road to the end of Belmont Road. We continued along Belmont Road and I stopped to take a picture of where we had been...
...and another one of where we were going...
Not long after this picture was taken, I took another tumble! This time it was a trip not a slip and I went flying, ending up in a very big muddy puddle not far from the Pigeon Tower. Again, I did a quick scan round to see if anybody saw but again I got lucky.
Left bum cheek again very cold, we continued along to the Pigeon Tower, then along George's Lane and up to the Pike.
On the way up to the Pike a lady was walking her Chocolate Lab and it came bounding over to Ruby. I warned the lady that Ruby could be quite snappy but she just gave me a dirty look and carried on. She didn't make any attempt to stop her dog though, which wasn't on a lead (Ruby was) and it ran up to Ruby and then Ruby, as I said she would, snapped at it and a bit of a scuffle ensued, meaning I had to stop running and unwrap the lead from round my legs Again, the woman did nothing and just carried on walking, not even calling to her dog or anything. Some people are just so rude!
After reaching the top of the Pike we then ran the curly route back down (I avoid the steep route when with Ruby as it's just a recipe for disaster) and back onto George's Lane. We then ran home, skirting the edge of Wilderswood.
I felt fine after my two falls but as I'm sat here typing this, my left hip is starting to get quite stiff as I think I might have twisted funny on the first fall. Ah well, at least it takes the emphasis off my right hip which is the one I have a longstanding problem with!
Total distance - 11.2 miles.
Friday, 21 February 2014
I'm My Own Worst Enemy
As I write this, my head is filled with the Pink song…
It’s so true to me though. I really am my own worst enemy. During the day, my head is filled with all these great intentions and ideas of how I can improve my running and incorporate drills and strength training, etc, but when I get home from work, all my motivation is gone and I just want to flop onto the couch, eat my tea and chill out. Then I wonder why I never get any faster. I need to win the lottery or have a really flexible job where I can work from home so that I can do my training in my own time as and when I please. For example, at around 10.00am every day, I’ll be sat at my desk itching to go for a run but, by the time I get home, I really have to force myself to go out because by then I’m just too tired. I wish I could just run/train when the feeling takes me. Work really does get in the way. I worked from home on Wednesday and, as mentioned in my blog, this enabled me to get in two runs and I also did a bit of yoga too, but I still managed to get in a full seven hours of work. If only I could work from home every day. Not sure the bosses would go for that though.
I also have thoughts of joining a gym in Manchester so that I can do a workout during the day and not encroach onto my evenings but 1) I hate gyms and don’t want to spend money going to one and 2) I feel like by the time I have got there, got changed, showered, got changed again and walked back to work, there is very little time left for the actual workout. Again, I’m making excuses – I'm a hazard to myself!
If I annoy myself this much, I feel really sorry for the rest of you who have to listen to this. Just tell me to shut up in future and do us all a favour. (Seriously Andy, stop laughing!)
Plan: Concerted effort – no sitting on the couch before 8.00pm in future:
4.30 - get home from work
4.45 – run
6.00 - warm down
6.15 - strength exercises/drills/yoga
7.00 – shower
7.15 - cook tea
7.45 - eat tea at the kitchen breakfast bar
8.00 – go into the living room and chill!
I actually wrote this part of my blog whilst I was on lunch at work so by the time I get home later I’m sure it will be more like:
4.30 - get home from work
4.45 – force myself to go for a run
6.00 - warm down in a hurried fashion as I'm starving
6.15 - shower
7.00 – throw tea in microwave/order take away delivery
7.15 – sit on backside on couch
7.30 – eat tea whilst sitting on backside on couch
8.00 – fall asleep on couch
Turning to tonight’s run, surprisingly it wasn't a case of having to force myself out the door. I did get a little delayed getting out as I was nattering with a neighbour but, once out, all was well. We just had a steady run along to the top barn then up onto George's Lane. I got chatting to a bloke with a couple of dogs half way up 'The Driveway' so it was getting later and later and I decided that I'd better cut my run slightly shorter as I wanted to try to get home before it got pitch black because I wasn't sure Duncan had charged my head torch. He keeps using it and 1) not charging it and 2) stretching the head band with his giant head. I have repeatedly banned him from using it but this ban appears to be falling on deaf ears.
Whilst running along to the barn we stopped to take a picture of a really beautiful but rainy sunset, although, as with most of my pictures, it didn't turn out too well.
Total distance – 4.55 miles
As you are of course dying to know, here's what actually happened this evening:
4.40 - get home from work
4.45 – natter to neighbour
5.00 - go for run
6.00 - warm down
6.15 - glute strengthening session
6.45 – shower
7.00 - cook tea
7.30 - eat tea in the living room whilst typing this blog
7.45 – finish blog and then chill out
So basically it was a bit of a mixture of the two scenarios but I'm happy to say it was more in line with scenario 1 than scenario 2 although it isn't 8.00 yet so there's still time for me to fall asleep on the couch. Night night!
'I’m a hazard to myself(Andy, I can just picture you all gathered round laughing at this right now)
Don’t let me get me
I’m my own worst enemy
It’s bad when you annoy yourself
So irritating
Don’t wanna be my friend no more
I wanna be somebody else’
It’s so true to me though. I really am my own worst enemy. During the day, my head is filled with all these great intentions and ideas of how I can improve my running and incorporate drills and strength training, etc, but when I get home from work, all my motivation is gone and I just want to flop onto the couch, eat my tea and chill out. Then I wonder why I never get any faster. I need to win the lottery or have a really flexible job where I can work from home so that I can do my training in my own time as and when I please. For example, at around 10.00am every day, I’ll be sat at my desk itching to go for a run but, by the time I get home, I really have to force myself to go out because by then I’m just too tired. I wish I could just run/train when the feeling takes me. Work really does get in the way. I worked from home on Wednesday and, as mentioned in my blog, this enabled me to get in two runs and I also did a bit of yoga too, but I still managed to get in a full seven hours of work. If only I could work from home every day. Not sure the bosses would go for that though.
I also have thoughts of joining a gym in Manchester so that I can do a workout during the day and not encroach onto my evenings but 1) I hate gyms and don’t want to spend money going to one and 2) I feel like by the time I have got there, got changed, showered, got changed again and walked back to work, there is very little time left for the actual workout. Again, I’m making excuses – I'm a hazard to myself!
If I annoy myself this much, I feel really sorry for the rest of you who have to listen to this. Just tell me to shut up in future and do us all a favour. (Seriously Andy, stop laughing!)
Plan: Concerted effort – no sitting on the couch before 8.00pm in future:
4.30 - get home from work
4.45 – run
6.00 - warm down
6.15 - strength exercises/drills/yoga
7.00 – shower
7.15 - cook tea
7.45 - eat tea at the kitchen breakfast bar
8.00 – go into the living room and chill!
I actually wrote this part of my blog whilst I was on lunch at work so by the time I get home later I’m sure it will be more like:
4.30 - get home from work
4.45 – force myself to go for a run
6.00 - warm down in a hurried fashion as I'm starving
6.15 - shower
7.00 – throw tea in microwave/order take away delivery
7.15 – sit on backside on couch
7.30 – eat tea whilst sitting on backside on couch
8.00 – fall asleep on couch
Turning to tonight’s run, surprisingly it wasn't a case of having to force myself out the door. I did get a little delayed getting out as I was nattering with a neighbour but, once out, all was well. We just had a steady run along to the top barn then up onto George's Lane. I got chatting to a bloke with a couple of dogs half way up 'The Driveway' so it was getting later and later and I decided that I'd better cut my run slightly shorter as I wanted to try to get home before it got pitch black because I wasn't sure Duncan had charged my head torch. He keeps using it and 1) not charging it and 2) stretching the head band with his giant head. I have repeatedly banned him from using it but this ban appears to be falling on deaf ears.
Whilst running along to the barn we stopped to take a picture of a really beautiful but rainy sunset, although, as with most of my pictures, it didn't turn out too well.
Total distance – 4.55 miles
As you are of course dying to know, here's what actually happened this evening:
4.40 - get home from work
4.45 – natter to neighbour
5.00 - go for run
6.00 - warm down
6.15 - glute strengthening session
6.45 – shower
7.00 - cook tea
7.30 - eat tea in the living room whilst typing this blog
7.45 – finish blog and then chill out
So basically it was a bit of a mixture of the two scenarios but I'm happy to say it was more in line with scenario 1 than scenario 2 although it isn't 8.00 yet so there's still time for me to fall asleep on the couch. Night night!
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Feeling Energetic
I was working from home today so decided to get my run out of the way first thing. Duncan dropped me and Ruby off on Rivington Road and we set off through the farmland 'Old Rachel's' towards Lead Mines Clough. I'm not going to lie, Ruby drove me mad whilst running through the farmland as there were sheep everywhere and no mater how much I yelled and yanked her back, she still tried to go after them. Will she ever learn? We then arrived at Lead Mines Clough and did a little loop around before heading out towards the road and Yarrow Reservoir.
From there we ran down into Rivington and then up Sheephouse Lane, to the top barn then home. As it was still really early at this point, there was wildlife everywhere so again Ruby insisted on trying to chase squirrels, rabbits and birds.
My foot pain from Monday had practically vanished completely today. I'm pretty sure it was just a knot and have spent the last couple of evenings using a heated wheat bag and a massage ball to iron it out, which appears to have done the trick as there was only a little bit of pain at the beginning of my run which soon eased off.
Total distance - 6.6 miles
After spending all day sitting on my backside working from home, by 4.30 I was itching to get back out there so I put my Inov8s back on and went for another run. Just a short but sweet one this time - a three miler up to Two Lads and back. Why is it that the second run of the day always feels easier than the first one?
Total distance - 3.05 miles
Day's total distance 9.65 miles.
Just before I sign off, here's a picture of how difficult a dog and cat's life must be...
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Apparently North Manchester is a Dump!
Anyway, as I was only walking with Ruby tonight, I decided to take a few pictures. The walk I went on was only very short, up to George's Lane and back but, personally, I think the scenery is lovely throughout the walk and all this is on my doorstep.
Firstly though, I'll start with some pictures of the fallen trees I mentioned the other night now that I managed to see them in the daylight.
This is the one which you have to go under to get past (Rachael, did I spell past right?) ;)
This one may add a fun obstacle to the Two Lads race if it isn't removed beforehand...
Next is a picture of the view from George's Lane over Rivington Reservoir and beyond. It's a shame the picture hasn't come out as well as I had hoped as, believe it or not, it was a pretty clear evening and you could clearly see all the hills - Parbold, Ashurst, Billinge, etc and even as far as Wales (at least I think it's Wales that way) - in the background.
Finally, a view of the Pike taken from the scene of Duncan's accident...
In conclusion, I absolutely love where I live and wouldn't swap it for anywhere in South Manchester which would cost triple the price anyway! I just wish I could do the beauty of the West Pennine Moors a bit of justice but unfortunately my photography skills are pretty poor. All of these photos were taken only a few minutes walk away from my house. I wonder if the guy at work has countryside like this on his doorstep. I think not.
Monday, 17 February 2014
Mission Aborted
Due to time constraints, I set off for an easy four miles with Ruby this evening. However, right from the off I knew something was wrong .
Yesterday, during my run home from the race, my right foot started to get sore on the inner arch. I just carried on regardless hoping it would wear off. It didn't but neither did it get any worse. Tonight the pain was back as soon as I started running and the more I ran, the more intense it got and it was making me run on the outer side of my foot so that I didn't put any weight on the inside. I decided it would probably be best to abort the run after only 0.7 of a mile and just walked with Ruby instead.
I won't be running tomorrow night either due to other commitments which is probably for the best so I can give it a good rest.
A video was put online today from the race yesterday showing all the runners being sent the wrong way by a marshal at the start. I saw myself running on this video and this is the first time I have ever seen myself run. I must say I didn't look as bad as I thought I would. On photos I always look hunched over but on this video I didn't think I looked too bad. Would really like to see the unedited footage and slow it down though so I can analyse it a bit more.
Total distance - 0.7 miles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday, during my run home from the race, my right foot started to get sore on the inner arch. I just carried on regardless hoping it would wear off. It didn't but neither did it get any worse. Tonight the pain was back as soon as I started running and the more I ran, the more intense it got and it was making me run on the outer side of my foot so that I didn't put any weight on the inside. I decided it would probably be best to abort the run after only 0.7 of a mile and just walked with Ruby instead.
I won't be running tomorrow night either due to other commitments which is probably for the best so I can give it a good rest.
A video was put online today from the race yesterday showing all the runners being sent the wrong way by a marshal at the start. I saw myself running on this video and this is the first time I have ever seen myself run. I must say I didn't look as bad as I thought I would. On photos I always look hunched over but on this video I didn't think I looked too bad. Would really like to see the unedited footage and slow it down though so I can analyse it a bit more.
Total distance - 0.7 miles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, 16 February 2014
Central Lancashire 5k - My 50th Race!
Today’s race, the Central Lancashire 5k at Leverhulme Park in Bolton, marks my 50th ever race! This, coupled with the fact that my race number was 88 and 8 is one of my two lucky numbers (the other one being 11 which times by 8 = 88!), put me in good spirits and a positive mindset at the start of the race.
Despite never having run well at Leverhulme in the past, I didn't do too badly today. Throughout the race I felt like it wasn't going well, especially when I got to the hill where I just lost all energy - strange as it is nothing like as steep or as long a hill as I'm used to in training but for some reason it just completely floored me - and was overtaken by people who are usually behind me. I did manage to get back past them towards the end of the race and, as I crossed the line after my sprint finish, I thought I was going to throw up. I felt really bad about my performance until I saw my watch and realised that I was only a couple of seconds off my 5k PB which I attained on a much easier, flatter course. Looking at my Garmin stats later on, I realised that I had, yet again, done my first mile too quickly, which probably explains why I had lost energy on the hill. The pace of my second mile was 1m 20s slower than my first mile!!!
I really want to do a flat 5k now just to see what kind of time I could get (I don't often do road races as I don't like them but I'm feeling intrigued) as I'm sure I could thrash my PB going off my pace in my first and third miles.
I really want to do a flat 5k now just to see what kind of time I could get (I don't often do road races as I don't like them but I'm feeling intrigued) as I'm sure I could thrash my PB going off my pace in my first and third miles.
After the race I decided to run home as I wouldn’t otherwise get a decent length run in this weekend. I thought home was seven miles away but it turned out to be over eight and was the longest eight miles ever as I was totally cream crackered by this point. It's mostly uphill too and was more of a shuffle than a run by the time I got to Chorley Old Road where I finally got to head downhill for a bit.
Race distance - 3.03 miles (+ warm up)
Run home distance - 8.15 miles
Day's total distance - approx 12 miles
Week's total distance - 35.4 miles
Friday, 14 February 2014
Fallen Trees
An easy six miler was on the training plan today after our exertions on the Pike yesterday, although I felt really good and so ended up doing a little bit more.
We ran along the edge of Rivington Reservoir and then along to the bowling club and down to Dean Brook where we turned back on ourselves and ran along the brook, up the steps and out onto Rivington Green. We then went up Sheephouse Lane all the way to the Pigeon Tower car park, then up to the Pigeon Tower via 'the driveway'. From there we ran along George's Lane and then down the path at the side of Wilderswood, which is the route down from the Two Lads race.
Due to the awful weather lately, there were a couple of trees down along this path. The first one was down right across the path and we had to climb over it. The second one, near to the turn off to Brinks Row, wasn't fully down and we had to go underneath it, which was quite scary as it was still blowing a gale and I was afraid it would fall completely whilst we were running under it. I stopped to take a picture but, due to my poor camera skills and the fact that I couldn't work out how to get the flash to work, it didn't turn out too well.
No running tomorrow as having a good rest and some yoga to get me nice and fresh for Sunday’s race which is the first one of this year’s Central Lancs Grand Prix. I'll probably go for a long walk with Ruby though so, if it's interesting enough, I might post about it.
Total distance - 7 miles
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Pike Reps and a Confused Dog
After a glass or two of wine last night, I decided it would be a good idea to, once again, put myself through the sheer pain and humiliation of running (if I can use that word!) the Kentmere Horseshoe fell race in July. I therefore decided that I’d better get my rear into gear and get a bit more serious on my hill reps.
After getting home from work at 4.30 I decided that I couldn’t face hanging around for two hours and then going to the club session so I set off with Ruby to do our own hill repeats.
We had a nice warm up by running to the top barn and, from there, we ran straight up to the Pigeon Tower via the short but steep paths. I yet again find myself unable to describe which paths I mean by this – there is the bottom one which has been laid with gravel and kind of zigzags up by the side of a field of sheep and brings you out onto the wide path which goes up through the terraced gardens under the bridge (Duncan thinks this path is referred to as 'the driveway' as it was Lord Leverhulme's drive but he isn't 100% sure so please correct me if you know otherwise). Then there is the upper path which is almost exactly opposite the top of the lower path and is a steep muddy one which brings you out at the side of the pigeon tower. If anyone knows the paths I mean and has a good way of describing them, please do let me know as I run up them quite often and would really like to be able to describe where I mean a bit better.
From the Pigeon Tower, we then ran along George’s Lane to the gate to the Pike opposite the old toilet block. That’s where the reps started. I had anticipated doing four but ended up arriving at the Pike seven times! It was bizarre as I felt really strong and every time we got to the top and started going back down again I decided 'just one more!' I kept saying it was the last one but kept doing more. I would have stayed out longer but by this point Ruby seemed to be getting very confused at why we kept going round in circles and kept trying to lead me off in a different direction. Plus my stomach was telling me it was tea time and, as anybody who knows me well will know, I don't deal with hunger very well so I decided to call it a night and head back home along George's Lane and down the side of Wilderswood.
I'm really pleased with myself as I didn't think that, being on my own rather than with the club, I would stay motivated enough to do so many reps. I can't believe how strong I felt and on each rep I really motored up with ease. For anyone who thinks the wind must have been helping me, you're wrong as we alternated our route up to the top so sometimes the wind was with us and sometimes it was against us. We mostly ran up the rocky Pike Race route, or the stepped route, but we also did a few on the very steep grassy sides which, whilst shorter, are much steeper. There was no resting at the top either as every time we got there we just kept going - up and down, up and down.
The seven reps, coupled with the earlier climb to the Pigeon Tower, to me is a pretty good hill session and I'm definitely deserving of the other half of the bottle of wine I started drinking last night. Better put the laptop away though or who knows what race I might enter!
Total distance – 6.15 miles
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
Food for Thought
I made an important food discovery today - bad food might have more calories, but it keeps me full WAAAAAAY longer and therefore I don’t eat as much so end up having less calories in the long run. I ate 100g of chocolate today with my lunch but felt so stuffed afterwards that I then didn’t feel the need to eat again until after my tea time run. Normally during that time, I will have scoffed all sorts (healthy stuff from my Graze box, banana, cereal bar, etc) and moaned about being hungry the entire time. It’s the same when I have a highly calorific breakfast like cheese on toast. This keeps me full for ages whereas porridge does nothing. If I have a 50g bowl of porridge with 300ml of milk (that’s a big bowl of porridge) before setting off for work at 6.15, by the time I get to work at 7.30 I’m ravenous.
Anyway, enough talk of food, it’s making me hungry!
Tonight’s run was down as being a five mile tempo session – a one mile warm up, three miles at 8 min mile pace and a one mile cool down. I had Ruby with me so couldn’t go on the roads so I stayed round the trails of Rivington but this was a bit difficult due to all the other dogs and Ruby wanting to show them all who’s boss. The session was also made more difficult by the fact that the second I stepped out of my front door a blizzard started!
Needless to say, my tempo session didn't go entirely to plan and I only averaged a 8.27 pace for the three miles which is pretty slow, even for me. I suppose I should be content with this as that time included a brief toilet stop for Ruby and a very near tripping incident where she stopped right in front of me to shake off some snow and I nearly went flying over her. It wasn't a flat run either and the trails were very muddy in places. Even as I type this, all I'm hearing is excuses, excuses, excuses but I tried, it just didn't go well for me today - seems to be a theme lately. I'll just have to try even harder next time.
I wish I had started this blog three months earlier than I did as towards the back end of last year my running was going brilliantly and I was getting PB after PB. So far this year though, it all seems to be doom and gloom. I hope this is just a brief bad spell and things pick up again soon.
I didn't get time to take any photos tonight as I was too busy pretending to be a serious runner so instead here's a picture of my hall floor after Ruby comes back from our run. What's the point in even cleaning it, it'll just be back like this again tomorrow...
Needless to say, my tempo session didn't go entirely to plan and I only averaged a 8.27 pace for the three miles which is pretty slow, even for me. I suppose I should be content with this as that time included a brief toilet stop for Ruby and a very near tripping incident where she stopped right in front of me to shake off some snow and I nearly went flying over her. It wasn't a flat run either and the trails were very muddy in places. Even as I type this, all I'm hearing is excuses, excuses, excuses but I tried, it just didn't go well for me today - seems to be a theme lately. I'll just have to try even harder next time.
I wish I had started this blog three months earlier than I did as towards the back end of last year my running was going brilliantly and I was getting PB after PB. So far this year though, it all seems to be doom and gloom. I hope this is just a brief bad spell and things pick up again soon.
I didn't get time to take any photos tonight as I was too busy pretending to be a serious runner so instead here's a picture of my hall floor after Ruby comes back from our run. What's the point in even cleaning it, it'll just be back like this again tomorrow...
Total distance - 5.25 miles
Monday, 10 February 2014
Where Did That Bench Come From?
After yesterday’s long road run, I found myself very sore around the hip area again today. This time, the soreness feels more in the bone than in the muscle, which is rather worrying. I sat at work all day with a heated wheat bag on my hip.
On the topic of my hip/glute issue, I tried another experiment the other day. I lay face down on my stomach and lightly put my hand on my left glute and raised my left leg. Straight away as I started to raise the leg, my glute fired into action. I then tried the same thing on the right side… nothing. No feeling whatsoever underneath my hand which shows that my right glute just isn’t firing. I really need to sort this out as I’m worried that I’m going to end up not being able to run at all. I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t run – get very fat probably.
My training schedule has me down for an easy six miles with Ruby today but due to the hip pain I decided to just try an easy four miles to the top barn, a loop around Sheephouse Lane, back to top barn then home. However, when we got to the top barn I was feeling surprisingly good so I met myself half way and did five miles. In fact, I was feeling so good that I decided to climb up to the Pigeon Tower via the steep muddy slope.
Ruby on the way up the steep muddy hill...

View from the Pigeon Tower...

Still feeling good we headed up to the Pike. Now, either I haven't been to the Pike for longer than I thought, or last time I was there I had my eyes closed because I have never noticed this bench before.

From the Pike we headed back down to George's Lane and then home via Old Rake, just getting in before I had to dig out my head torch.
Total distance - 5 miles
On the topic of my hip/glute issue, I tried another experiment the other day. I lay face down on my stomach and lightly put my hand on my left glute and raised my left leg. Straight away as I started to raise the leg, my glute fired into action. I then tried the same thing on the right side… nothing. No feeling whatsoever underneath my hand which shows that my right glute just isn’t firing. I really need to sort this out as I’m worried that I’m going to end up not being able to run at all. I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t run – get very fat probably.
My training schedule has me down for an easy six miles with Ruby today but due to the hip pain I decided to just try an easy four miles to the top barn, a loop around Sheephouse Lane, back to top barn then home. However, when we got to the top barn I was feeling surprisingly good so I met myself half way and did five miles. In fact, I was feeling so good that I decided to climb up to the Pigeon Tower via the steep muddy slope.
Ruby on the way up the steep muddy hill...
View from the Pigeon Tower...
Still feeling good we headed up to the Pike. Now, either I haven't been to the Pike for longer than I thought, or last time I was there I had my eyes closed because I have never noticed this bench before.
From the Pike we headed back down to George's Lane and then home via Old Rake, just getting in before I had to dig out my head torch.
Total distance - 5 miles
Sunday, 9 February 2014
Homeward Bound
I was struggling yesterday to work out how to go about doing my long run and fit in all the other things I had to do today. It was one of my friend's kids' birthday party today in Radcliffe which, for anyone who knows me, is where I'm from and where my parents live. I decided that I'd just run to Radcliffe and that should solve the problem. Duncan and my brother were spending the day going round various bike shops so I told Duncan to meet me at my mum and dad's after he had dropped my brother off, who also lives in the Radcliffe area.
I set off from home and headed up Chorley Old Road, turning left at Doffcocker Roundabout and heading out to Crompton Way. I ran all the way along Crompton Way and then out onto Bury and Bolton Road, through Bradley Fold and into Radcliffe. I tried to turn right at Cams Lane School to go over the canal towards Sion Street, part of the route of the Radcliffe 10k but part way down to the canal there was a sign saying the bridge was closed. I'm not sure if it was an old sign or whether the bridge was indeed closed, but rather than run further to find out, I turned back up to the main road. I cut through over the canal just past the Tesco Express and ran down into Radcliffe Asda (where I bought the presents and card for the party I was going to - talk about last minute). My mum and dad's is only a few minutes away from Asda so I put the presents in my rucksack and continued on my way.
I was pretty knackered by the time I got there and for some strange reason my left heel is still hurting but I quite enjoyed the change of scenery, even though it was a road run. It's weird because the thought of running from the far side of Horwich to Radcliffe in my head is a really long way, but it's only actually the same distance as if I ran from home to the Pigeon Tower and back three times, which really doesn't compute in my head.
Total distance - 12.4 miles (much less than expected to be honest)
Week's total distance - 29.25 miles (still not as much as I hoped to get in this week)
I set off from home and headed up Chorley Old Road, turning left at Doffcocker Roundabout and heading out to Crompton Way. I ran all the way along Crompton Way and then out onto Bury and Bolton Road, through Bradley Fold and into Radcliffe. I tried to turn right at Cams Lane School to go over the canal towards Sion Street, part of the route of the Radcliffe 10k but part way down to the canal there was a sign saying the bridge was closed. I'm not sure if it was an old sign or whether the bridge was indeed closed, but rather than run further to find out, I turned back up to the main road. I cut through over the canal just past the Tesco Express and ran down into Radcliffe Asda (where I bought the presents and card for the party I was going to - talk about last minute). My mum and dad's is only a few minutes away from Asda so I put the presents in my rucksack and continued on my way.
I was pretty knackered by the time I got there and for some strange reason my left heel is still hurting but I quite enjoyed the change of scenery, even though it was a road run. It's weird because the thought of running from the far side of Horwich to Radcliffe in my head is a really long way, but it's only actually the same distance as if I ran from home to the Pigeon Tower and back three times, which really doesn't compute in my head.
Total distance - 12.4 miles (much less than expected to be honest)
Week's total distance - 29.25 miles (still not as much as I hoped to get in this week)
Saturday, 8 February 2014
Mid Lancs XC - Witton Park, Blackburn
After spending all morning trying to talk myself out of going to XC today for various reasons, I actually surprised myself and performed really well.
Learning from last week's mistakes I did a thorough warm up (one lap of the course, some stretching and some strides) and was ready for action as soon as the five minute warning went off. It was however REALLY difficult to force myself out of my warm clothing as the weather was utterly foul today.
I did Witton Park in the Red Rose XC last season and it was a really tough course as there was a steep hill in it, which you went up, then back down, before climbing another longer but less steep hill. This year, however, I was elated when I warmed up and found that the steep hill was no longer part of the course (the longer less steep hill still was though).
It was still a really tough course and the hill is really hard work second time around (I feel sorry for the blokes who had to tackle it five times!!!) but I managed to keep going and give it all I could. Two ladies overtook me on the second lap of the hill, but I overtook both of them again, together with four others, on the way back down. I really am miles better at running down slippery slopes than up them. Love it!
The only bad point to today's run is that the arches of my feet started to get really sore by the last lap. I know spikes have no cushioning in them but I did have custom insoles in so I'm not sure why my arches hurt so much. I tried to ignore it and keep going though.
I felt like I had run really well and managed to out sprint another lady just before the finish, but when I checked my Garmin, I was a bit disappointed with my pace. I haven't seen the results yet so I'm not sure how I did and I'll add an edit later on when the results come out. Fingers crossed my slow pace was due to the tough course (which in places had really deep mud) and that everyone else got a slower than usual pace too.
After the race I warmed down by running round the course again, in the opposite direction to the men's race. When I was running up the really muddy hill (where the men were running down), three men all lost shoes in the mud and had to dig around trying to retrieve them. Shows how bad the course was in places. Our men's team did really well and have hopefully won the league but I think we'll have to wait until the last race in Kendal to find out. RED ARMY!!!
I feel I tried as hard as I could today and gave it 100% so I just hope my positioning in the results reflects this. Watch this space.
Total course distance - 2.7 miles
Total distance including warm up/down - 5.4 miles
Edit: Have now seen the results and I have mixed feelings. I came much further down than I thought I had (65th out of 97) but have been looking at familiar names around me and there are some who were behind me but have beat me in the past but likewise there are some who were in front of me who I have beat in the past. Thing is, me being me, I'll probably focus more on the negatives than the positives. I think it's the furthest down the field I have been at cross country this season so I can't help but feel disappointed but, as stated above, I gave it my all but it seems my all isn't good enough.
Learning from last week's mistakes I did a thorough warm up (one lap of the course, some stretching and some strides) and was ready for action as soon as the five minute warning went off. It was however REALLY difficult to force myself out of my warm clothing as the weather was utterly foul today.
I did Witton Park in the Red Rose XC last season and it was a really tough course as there was a steep hill in it, which you went up, then back down, before climbing another longer but less steep hill. This year, however, I was elated when I warmed up and found that the steep hill was no longer part of the course (the longer less steep hill still was though).
It was still a really tough course and the hill is really hard work second time around (I feel sorry for the blokes who had to tackle it five times!!!) but I managed to keep going and give it all I could. Two ladies overtook me on the second lap of the hill, but I overtook both of them again, together with four others, on the way back down. I really am miles better at running down slippery slopes than up them. Love it!
The only bad point to today's run is that the arches of my feet started to get really sore by the last lap. I know spikes have no cushioning in them but I did have custom insoles in so I'm not sure why my arches hurt so much. I tried to ignore it and keep going though.
I felt like I had run really well and managed to out sprint another lady just before the finish, but when I checked my Garmin, I was a bit disappointed with my pace. I haven't seen the results yet so I'm not sure how I did and I'll add an edit later on when the results come out. Fingers crossed my slow pace was due to the tough course (which in places had really deep mud) and that everyone else got a slower than usual pace too.
After the race I warmed down by running round the course again, in the opposite direction to the men's race. When I was running up the really muddy hill (where the men were running down), three men all lost shoes in the mud and had to dig around trying to retrieve them. Shows how bad the course was in places. Our men's team did really well and have hopefully won the league but I think we'll have to wait until the last race in Kendal to find out. RED ARMY!!!
I feel I tried as hard as I could today and gave it 100% so I just hope my positioning in the results reflects this. Watch this space.
Total course distance - 2.7 miles
Total distance including warm up/down - 5.4 miles
Edit: Have now seen the results and I have mixed feelings. I came much further down than I thought I had (65th out of 97) but have been looking at familiar names around me and there are some who were behind me but have beat me in the past but likewise there are some who were in front of me who I have beat in the past. Thing is, me being me, I'll probably focus more on the negatives than the positives. I think it's the furthest down the field I have been at cross country this season so I can't help but feel disappointed but, as stated above, I gave it my all but it seems my all isn't good enough.
Thursday, 6 February 2014
It Pays Not To Be Complacent
Before talking about tonight’s run, I thought I’d share a story with you first about my commute home.
I left work at the usual time and went to Piccadilly station. Once there, I chatted to my train friends, Bev and Jeff, as usual. In came the Liverpool Lime Street train… as usual. Next came the Oxford Road train… as usual. Once that left, in came the Transpennine Express train, right on time. We were chatting away and the train pulled into the station. I commented to Bev that it was very quiet getting on the train as, usually, there is a massive crowd of people around the doors who are so rude they don’t let the passengers who want to get off the train, off! We got on and sat down and the train was still very quiet. I was next to the window and Bev was next to me and I said that I wasn’t sure this was the right train. She assured me it was and that there had been an announcement when it was coming into the station. The train left the station bang on time. We got to Oxford Road and it was still really quiet. I was trying to read the boards on the platform but couldn’t see them and Bev and Jeff were laughing at me for being so paranoid. However, on leaving Oxford Road, it became apparent that my paranoia was not misplaced. As the train pulled out of the station, I finally got to see the boards on the platform which read WARRINGTON!!! Bev asked somebody on the train where the train was going and he said it was the 45 minutes late Liverpool train which was now terminating at Warrington due to it being so late. Nice one! It was an express train too so we got all the way to Birchwood before we were able to get off and get a train back into Manchester. Ah well, at least it was a change of scenery.
Turning to tonight’s run, there are days when I really love running with Ruby… unfortunately, this wasn’t one of them.
I myself was feeling great, which is surprising seeing as my muscles were so tight and painful on Monday’s run. Perhaps it was the two day break I gave myself which has enabled my body to repair itself. I was motoring along and feeling great but Ruby was driving me mad. She really had it on her tonight and was either dragging me along after rabbits and sheep, or just running across my path or stopping dead right in front of me. She just wouldn’t run in a straight line. She’s not always like this but when she is, it’s really annoying. I got to the point where I felt like letting her off the lead and telling her to make her own way home (of course I would never actually do this).
Due to my earlier train mishap, I was a bit stuck for time with tonight’s run so didn’t go as far as I would have liked. I was feeling guilty for not having run for two days so wanted to get at least 7 miles in but only managed just over 5. We just went to the top barn, up the steep hill which takes you onto the path up to the pigeon tower (I have no idea what this is called), then back down to pigeon tower car park, along the side of Sheephouse Lane, back to top barn and then back home.
Total distance – 5.2 miles
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
Not Firing on all Cylinders
As I was working from home today I thought it was a great opportunity to get two runs in – an easy one in the morning and a speed session in the evening. Unfortunately, due to hamstring, glute and calf tightness and pain, neither of these sessions happened.
I can be a bit overly cautious sometimes when it comes to injuries, although some would say that’s a good thing. Basically, if I have a niggle I rest to avoid the niggle getting worse. Some might say that I should just take the pain and run through it but I would rather not end up properly injured and unable to run at all so I’d rather just have a bit of a rest. Call me a wimp, I don’t care.
Instead, I did a good long yoga session and had a walk with Ruby up to 2 Lads. Sometimes it’s nice to have a walk and just take in the scenery instead of running past it all.
View heading down from 2 Lads (toward the kennels)
I was told by a biomechanics specialist a while back that I'm not firing on my glutes when I run so I'm looking into how to sort this out at the minute. I've been doing quite a bit of internet research and have got some exercises to try out. I did a little test today and tried to isolate contractions on both glutes. I can contract my left glute independently of my right really easily but when I try to contract my right glute independently it's much more difficult and my left one wants to contract with it. This is in line with the fact that it's my right glute which is the one I have trouble with. Hopefully I'll be able to get it sorted out as apparently it's mostly just a case of strengthening the muscles and this in turn will make them activate when running (there's a bit more to it than that).
I won’t be running tomorrow as I’m going out straight from work (pub quiz) so hopefully the two days rest will help my hamstring heal in readiness for cross country on Saturday. Fingers crossed!
Monday, 3 February 2014
Lying in bed last night, I couldn’t help but dwell on my performance at the relays yesterday. I’m really disappointed in myself for not having warmed up properly and for not pushing myself harder. If I had warmed up properly, and done a trial run up to the top of the hill, I would have known that I could have quite easily made it to the top, without having to conserve as much energy as I thought I did because I didn’t know how long the hill went on for. I know I could have pushed much harder and run faster – I proved this at last week’s hill session where Steve had me sprinting up Factory Hill so I know that I’m more than capable. I just need to learn to push myself rather than having to rely on others to push me. Seriously, I really need a hypnotherapist!
I found the fact that I didn’t have a set start time for the race really difficult and I had no idea when to start/stop warming up so all I did was a pathetic little jog which didn’t even last two minutes. No strides, no stretching.
Again, I have no one to blame but myself and wish I could turn the clock back and do it all over again.
On a brighter note, you learn by your mistakes so I just have to pick myself up, move on and file this experience away as a lesson in how to run relays. Hopefully the next one will be a different story.
Oh and I forgot to mention yesterday that I also did a 45 minute yoga session as part of my goal to get back into core and flexibility work.
By about a mile into tonight's steady run, I realised something was wrong. My calves and shins were really tight. I stopped for a stretch and, whilst stretching, also did a hamstring stretch and this really hurt on the right side, under the glute. I hadn't noticed it whilst running. Some of you will know that I have a lot of issues with my right glute/hamstring/low back and have been having physio on it for a good while. Whilst the deep tissue massage and stretching exercises alleviate the pain, it's isn't going away entirely. I think it might be time to make use of my Pru Health plan at work and get some x-rays done to see if there is anything more serious going on. I'm not sure I want to know the results though and I know that any non-running doctor will just tell me to stop running, which isn't really an option.
After a few minutes stretching I tried to give it another go. Whilst the pain wasn't too bad, I wasn't happy so I kept stopping to stretch throughout the entire run. By the last mile my right side was feeling really heavy, like my leg had turned to lead. Looking back, I probably shouldn't have carried on trying to run but you know what runners are like, we carry on hoping it will get better on its own.
I'm supposed to be doing a speed work session tomorrow but I really don't think that will be happening now. Typical, my first week of getting back into some more serious training and this happens. I'm not sure if it was the race yesterday or what that has made my muscles so tight. I have just spent the last three quarters of an hour rolling around on my Grid foam roller and using a massage stick but it doesn't seem to have helped much.
My blog seems to be all doom and gloom these days!
I really need to get this sorted out as I have another race this weekend... and the weekend after! At least I don't have to feel bad about missing a speed session though as I can just use the race as a speed session instead (if I end up doing the race!).
Total distance - 6.25 miles.
I found the fact that I didn’t have a set start time for the race really difficult and I had no idea when to start/stop warming up so all I did was a pathetic little jog which didn’t even last two minutes. No strides, no stretching.
Again, I have no one to blame but myself and wish I could turn the clock back and do it all over again.
On a brighter note, you learn by your mistakes so I just have to pick myself up, move on and file this experience away as a lesson in how to run relays. Hopefully the next one will be a different story.
Oh and I forgot to mention yesterday that I also did a 45 minute yoga session as part of my goal to get back into core and flexibility work.
By about a mile into tonight's steady run, I realised something was wrong. My calves and shins were really tight. I stopped for a stretch and, whilst stretching, also did a hamstring stretch and this really hurt on the right side, under the glute. I hadn't noticed it whilst running. Some of you will know that I have a lot of issues with my right glute/hamstring/low back and have been having physio on it for a good while. Whilst the deep tissue massage and stretching exercises alleviate the pain, it's isn't going away entirely. I think it might be time to make use of my Pru Health plan at work and get some x-rays done to see if there is anything more serious going on. I'm not sure I want to know the results though and I know that any non-running doctor will just tell me to stop running, which isn't really an option.
After a few minutes stretching I tried to give it another go. Whilst the pain wasn't too bad, I wasn't happy so I kept stopping to stretch throughout the entire run. By the last mile my right side was feeling really heavy, like my leg had turned to lead. Looking back, I probably shouldn't have carried on trying to run but you know what runners are like, we carry on hoping it will get better on its own.
I'm supposed to be doing a speed work session tomorrow but I really don't think that will be happening now. Typical, my first week of getting back into some more serious training and this happens. I'm not sure if it was the race yesterday or what that has made my muscles so tight. I have just spent the last three quarters of an hour rolling around on my Grid foam roller and using a massage stick but it doesn't seem to have helped much.
My blog seems to be all doom and gloom these days!
I really need to get this sorted out as I have another race this weekend... and the weekend after! At least I don't have to feel bad about missing a speed session though as I can just use the race as a speed session instead (if I end up doing the race!).
Total distance - 6.25 miles.
Sunday, 2 February 2014
Witton Park Trail Relays
My first ever relay race!
I must say I quite enjoyed it. It’s a bit weird being on the third leg, because I found that when our second leg runner came in to swap to me, there were no other runners coming in so I found myself setting off on my own and it didn’t feel like a race. It's also a bit tricky working out when to start warming up and when to get your kit off at the start line, as you don't want to get down to your skimpy shorts and vest only for your previous leg runner to come in later than expected and meanwhile you freeze to death.
The start of the race is across a muddy field so I found it a bit hard going to get started. It then starts the climb up towards the woods which is a really tough climb. I was OK for most of the way but once I crossed through the tunnel I started to get tired. Everyone around me at this point was walking and I did end up walking parts of it myself as it was really steep. I know I could have run the whole thing in training though but, as it was a race, walking actually seemed like the better option as it was probably faster. It was also very muddy and there were some dodgy tree routes around which I had to be really careful on.
I did overtake a couple of other runners on the up so I was quite pleased with that.
Then came the descent, my favourite part. I love running downhill fast (except on road) and it does take a bit of skill when it’s really muddy and uneven ground so I managed to pick a couple more runners off.
The hardest part for me though was the finish across a flat field as, by this point, I was pretty tired and it was quite muddy and hard going.
It felt great to cross the line and hand over to Lindsey for the last leg. Lindsey had already run a leg for the A team but, as we were a runner short, she mucked in for the B team too and, despite it being her second lap, got a much faster time than all the rest of the B team did. I don’t know how she is so fast!
Needless to say, Lindsey won the fastest ladies lap on the day and Chris Farrell won the fastest men’s lap. We also won first ladies and men’s teams so it was a great day for Horwich RMI!
Well done everyone!
I did manage to get a few pics:
Start of Leg 1
Total Distance 3.65k plus warm up
Week’s Total Distance: approximately a meagre 22 miles
Saturday, 1 February 2014
Pretty Puddles
As mentioned yesterday, Ruby and I went for a walk rather than a run this morning and Duncan tagged along too. I have to say it was utterly, utterly freezing up on the tops this morning, despite my multi-layers. I really thought I had enough clothes on and was fully prepared but there was a really icy wind which was bitterly cold.
As requested by Andy T, I took a few pictures on this outing. Here’s one of a rather pretty puddle which I couldn’t help but take a picture of and demonstrates how cold it was...
We parked up on the mast road as Duncan didn’t want to start the walk from our house in case it got too much for him (in case you don’t know, he had a hip replacement eight weeks ago). We walked out towards the Trespass Stone but, before getting to it, cut across via Roscoe’s Tenement Clough which is a narrow muddy trail I haven’t been along before but which was very pretty. This takes you out almost at the Shooting Hut. We then went up to the ‘secret lake’ aka Smithills Reservoir.
Duncan has never been up here before and I thought he’d be really impressed, but he seemed more impressed by a lump of rusting metal he found.
We then walked back towards the Shooting Hut where Duncan got chatting to a mountain biker and I nearly froze to death. Ruby and I went to find shelter whilst he nattered away. Honestly he will talk to strangers for hours!
Whilst making our way up the path towards Scotsman’s Stump another mountain biker was heading our way. I said to Duncan ‘don’t start chatting, I’m freezing and want to keep moving’. Unfortunately, the mountain biker in question was Barry, a friend of ours so not stopping to chat was not an option. Luckily for me Barry understood my wish to keep moving and so the chat was very brief and we continued up towards the Mast Road.
I was so happy to see our crappy red Peugeot 106 along the road, something which I never thought would happen (if you have ever seen it, you would understand). It was a lovely walk, I just wish I had worn even more layers than I actually did, though I would have looked like the Michelin Man!
Finally, here’s a picture of me and Ruby, in which you can see how wrapped up I was…
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