Monday, 30 December 2013

Formby Beach Fartlek

Since saying in my introduction that I would be starting my blog tomorrow, I have already changed my mind and have decided to blog about my run earlier today on Formby Beach. I was on my own for most of it as my other half, Duncan, came with us and kept Ruby company by throwing a tennis ball for her. She is unbelievably obsessed with her tennis ball and will fetch it back to you and drop it at your feet again and again and again… She never tires of it, unlike Duncan and me!

I decided to do a bit of a fartlek session as I’ve been neglecting my speedwork lately due to always running with Ruby and thought a nice flat beach would be ideal. The first bit, across the sand dunes from the car park, was hard going as anyone who has run on deep sand knows. The beach itself was pretty compacted though so was nice and easy to run on… in one direction! When I turned round to come back it was a different story as the wind was relentless! I felt like I was dragging a truck behind me for 2.5 miles! The ‘speed’ parts of the return journey were actually only my normal running pace as it was so difficult running against the wind.

Felt great after the session though, running in conditions like that really wakes you up! I don’t think I have run against winds that strong on top of Winter Hill!

Ruby was knackered too from her tennis ball session and slept in the car all the way home.

Total distance - 5 miles

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