Sunday, 7 January 2018

Week 1 - Revival

After taking a year off, I’ve decided to revive my blog but it’s going to be a bit different to how it was before.  I was finding it difficult to blog every time I went out so I have decided to just do one blog each week, on a Sunday. 

I’ll keep the title of the blog as it is for now although, due to injury, I’m not really doing much running at the minute and haven’t been for the past 20 months!  I do the odd three or four miles now and then but that’s about it.  Ruby comes with me some of the time but she’s even slower than me and constantly stops to sniff EVERYTHING so it takes around forty minutes just to run three miles! 

As it was before, this blog is really just my own personal training diary however I know that some people did enjoy reading it and probably got a good insight into just how crazy I actually am. 

Hopefully, it will show some progression back to some decent running!

Monday, 1 January – Starting the year as I hope to go on!

I was determined to get out today to start the year with a run.  There was no fear of a hangover as I spent last night curled up on the couch with Ruby watching TV (Duncan was out in Hebden Bridge) and was in bed before midnight.  Such a party girl!

I just had a leisurely jog up the hill with Ruby.  We skirted the side of Wilderswood then went up towards Two Lads but turned right at the water tanks, crossing the mast road into Smithills Estate.  We then did a bit of a loop crossing the stream and back out further up the mast road, then ran up to Two Lads ‘the back way’.  We then ran down to the kennels and went back home zigzagging through Wilderswood. 

Distance – 4 miles

Tuesday, 2 January

First strength and conditioning session of the year!

Friday, 5 January

First altitude spin class of the year! 

I’ve been going to altitude spin sessions for around three years now.  To say it’s hard work is an understatement!  No workout I have ever done comes close to the exhaustion I feel in this class.  I really do push myself and end up covered in sweat by the end.  It’s literally dripping off my nose!

I do this class at Sportesse-PT in Chorley.  It’s the only place I know of that has an altitude chamber which is basically a small room with the oxygen sucked out of it.  Even the hardiest of cyclists are knackered by the time they come out.

Saturday, 6 January

Today is my last strength and conditioning workout for this six week programme.  It all changes next week when I have my two booked sessions with Dave.  I wonder how he’ll try to kill me this time?

Sunday, 7 January

I had a lovely slow plod with Ruby this morning.  That’s all I ever seem to do running-wise these days – slow plodding!  I never was quick, but I was much quicker than I am now. 

I hadn’t actually set out to run this morning, just to walk but I was feeling strong so decided to have a bit of a jog.  I wasn’t really dressed for running though as, whilst I had running leggings on, I was wearing my Horwich RMI hoodie and had no bag to offload it into.  I was running that slowly though that I didn’t actually get too hot. 

We ran up what I call, ‘the rocky road behind the school’.  It’s the path which starts behind Rivington and Blackrod School and heads up towards Rivington Terraced Gardens.  It’s horrible underfoot as it’s really rocky but I do quite enjoy going that way up to George’s Lane.  Once on George’s Lane, we ran along towards the kennels where, embarrassingly, I was passed at speed by a fellow Horwich runner.  We then turned off and headed up to Two Lads before heading back home through Wilderswood. 

Distance – 4 miles


Week’s total running distance:               8 miles
Week’s total walking distance:               0 (save for daily standard Ruby walks)
Week’s total cycling  distance:               20km on spin bike
Week’s total swimming distance:           0
Total number of S&C sessions:              2

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