Tuesday, 22 November 2016


Given my lack of running lately, I'm trying to mix it up a bit and try new things and a boxing class has just started at my gym so I decided to give it a whirl as I quite like the idea of taking my aggression out on a punch bag.

I must admit I was really nervous.  I have absolutely no co-ordination of which to speak so was terrified of making a complete arse of myself.

When I got there, I found that I was the only one in the class so I got a one to one session.  The instructor's name is Scott Mitchell and he's an ex pro so really knows his stuff.

First of all, he took me though how to stand properly so as to keep a stable posture and we then went through how to move around whilst staying in this stable position.

After that, we moved onto the jab, firstly with the left arm and, once I got the hang of that, with the right.  We then moved onto the left hook, followed by the right upper cut, left upper cut and, finally, the right hook.

Once I had got the hang of it all a bit more, Scott put on some pads and we did some pad work, which I really enjoyed.  The bit I was struggling with the most, was moving my hands back to my face after throwing the punches.

After a bit of pad work, he moved me onto the punching bag.  It's harder work than it looks jumping around it and punching the hell out of it.  I had to do this for a minute, and then do a minute of either star jumps or burpees, both made harder by the use of an aerobic step.  It really did make me feel unfit.  I started off the burpees thinking they were easy but by the end of the minute, I was basically just stepping off the step, rather than jumping off it.

We finished the session off with some core work and I must admit I was dying by the end of it.  Can't wait to go back though, it was a great workout and was actually proper boxing rather than the boxercise classes you see in most gyms.

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