Friday, 3 June 2016

The Foot Pain Mystery Continues

I rang the GP's surgery today for my MRI scan results...


That is what was relayed to me by the receptionist in a thrilled voice as, obviously, she thought this would be good news.  I suppose, in a way, it is good news as it means no arthritis, no gout, no stress fracture, no tendon damage, no muscle damage...

...but what DOES it mean?

It means that I am still non the wiser as to why I'm getting this weird foot pain.  What could it be which doesn't show up on an MRI scan yet caused enough pain to make me feel sick and dizzy and unable to drive on Saturday?

I have an appointment with the doctor next Friday to discuss the results but there doesn't really seem like much to discuss, does there?

I'm very bored of my elliptical trainer now and the sun is beckoning me!

Total distance - ZERO!


  1. Replies
    1. Unfortunately not Ed.

      When I went to the doctors about the scan results I was told that the only thing showing up was synovitis, for which he prescribed nothing more than Ibuprofen. I hate taking drugs but followed doctors orders and have been taking the Ibuprofen but it appears to have had no effect whatsoever.

      I have been to the physio but again nothing is helping and I must say I'm getting quite sad about it all now. I feel like nobody can help me and I don't know what to do.

      Having looked up synovitis of the first and second metatarsals on the internet, there is very little of use. Apparently in extreme cases, crutches should be used to completely take the weight off and I'm wondering whether that's the route I'm now going to have to go down as it's just not getting better. I have a bit of a dilemma at the minute though in that I have my Cumbria Way planned for next week. All my accommodation is booked and some of it is non-refundable. I don't know whether to just trash myself walking that and then deal with the consequences afterwards. When I walked the 21 mile WBW on Saturday my foot was absolutely fine but yesterday it started to hurt on the ball of my foot and is still painful today, possibly due to the fact that I wore heels (albeit not very tall ones) yesterday to a business meeting as I could hardly wear trainers with my smart suit.

      Sorry, I've really waffled on there but it's good to get it all off my chest as it is getting me down a little at the minute. I'm missing you guys and the hills!

      (bet you wish you hadn't asked!)

    2. High heels! I knew it, all down to women's vanity, no sympathy.

  2. I said heels, not high heels (men, never read things properly - seeing as we're applying sexist stereotypes :-) ) These were very low heels but my point was that they weren't trainers which is what I've been wearing the rest of the time. Can hardly go see an incredibly important client wearing trainers :-D

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