Saturday, 6 February 2016

Hard Spin Session + Heavy Drinking Session = Poor Run

Last night I went to spin at altitude and it was a tough session but I really went for it.  I was dripping with sweat and felt like I'd worked really hard.  When I got home, all I had for tea was a pie and some jaffa cakes but did wash that down with a good few glasses of wine.

I'm pretty sure that's why today's run was absolutely dreadful.  From start to finish I had nothing.  My legs just didn't want to go anywhere.  They didn't even want to walk and just wanted to go back home and sit on the couch.  I persevered though and hoped that the tiredness would pass.  I even had an energy gel only three miles in but alas, nothing.

Ah well, we all have our off days.

The run itself took me through Rivington, up past Yarrow and into Lead Mines Clough where I then climbed up to bomber memorial and then did a loop along the path above bomber memorial, then back on myself, through the field and down the steep hill, coming back out into Lead Mines Clough.  I then went up the other steep hill opposite and followed the trail along to Higher and Lower Hempshaws, before coming out onto the road and heading down to 'Dangerous Corner'.

Dangerous Corner was exactly that today and when descending towards the wooden bridge I slipped and fell on my backside into a load of mud.  I then nearly fell a number of other times as it was so slippery underfoot but I managed to stay upright after that first fall.

I continued on to the pigeon tower car park then headed up to the pigeon tower.  On a normal day, I'd then have gone up to the Pike but I still had absolutely nothing in my legs and just wanted to get home now so I carried on along George's Lane and then, to add some fun into an otherwise rubbish run, I went down through my favourite field.  This too was pretty slippery though and I'm surprised I managed to stay on my feet.

Total distance - 10.1 miles 

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