Yesterday evening I had what I think was my first ever migraine. My head was really painful and I felt sick and dizzy. Duncan gave me some of his strong tablets and they seemed to do the trick but left me very tired and I continued to feel tired and groggy into today. Having built up lots of flexi time, I decided to go home for the afternoon and have a lie down.
When I woke up, I forced myself to get out for a run before it got dark. I got Ruby on the waist lead and headed off up to George's Lane. I felt great! All the way up I felt full of energy and when I got to Two Lads, I decided that instead of going straight home, which I had intended to do, I'd go over to the Pike first.
Again, I felt brilliant climbing up to the Pike and would have carried on further if I didn't have Ruby with me so instead we headed back home.
Total distance - 5 miles
I don't suffer from full-on migraine attacks, but I do get, on occasion, the interference with vision that I understand are part of the full monte. This seems to be due to dehydration and a large drink of water seems to clear it within 30 minutes. Might be worth a try.