Thursday, 29 October 2015

‘Skiing’ Off Two Lads

I went for another easy run with Ruby tonight (they seem to have all been easy runs since I got back from holiday – I think I may have lost my mojo again!) just up to Two Lads and back via Wilderswood.  When we had just got past Wylderswoode Stud (I’ve always wondered why the name of the stud is spelt differently) a husky came running over to us.  It went for Ruby, who was on a lead, and they started grappling.  Ruby let out a yelp, which I’ve never heard her do before as she’s usually a tough old bird.  The owner of the husky yelled at it and eventually it went back to her.  She apologised and, as Ruby didn’t appear to be hurt and it’s usually me doing the apologising for her biting dogs, I said it was fine.  To be honest, of all the dogs Ruby has attacked whilst I’ve had her, none have retaliated so this might have taught her a lesson!  We carried on up to Brinks Row but Ruby had stopped running and was just walking behind me looking all sheepish with her tail between her legs.  I couldn’t decide whether she was hurt so I bent down and gave her a good feel to see whether anything made her wince or whether I found any blood on her.  All seemed well but she just didn’t want to run.  After hanging around on Brinks Row for about ten minutes she finally decided she was OK now and we carried on on our way.  I stuck to the road (Old Rake) up to George’s Lane just in case she was injured as I didn’t want her on uneven ground.  She was fine though so once on George’s Lane we headed up to Two Lads.  I had Ruby off the lead at this point as it was dark and I knew I’d see any other animals before she would.  When we started heading down from Two Lads towards the kennels, I could see what felt like hundreds of eyes staring at me through the beam of my torch.  It was of course sheep so I had to quickly get Ruby back onto the waist lead.  The problem with this is that once Ruby saw the sheep she tried to chase them.  She may be small, but she’s very strong for her size and when you’re running down a slippery hill with a dog dragging you, it doesn’t end well.  The best way of describing it is that I skied off the hill.  There wasn’t much in the way of running, just me trying to stay upright whilst Ruby dragged me.  

What’s with all the sheep on Two Lads these days anyway, they seem to be there all the time whereas before they very rarely were and I always had Ruby off her lead. 

Total distance – 3.3 miles

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