Sunday, 30 August 2015

You do the Maths!

Today on my training calendar was my penultimate long run before the big event.  I know I haven't told many people about my forthcoming race so I'm not sharing this post to Facebook because I don't think anyone, except perhaps Ed, reads my blogs if I don't share with Facebook and Ed knows all about my plans so I don't mind.

I've have a plan in mind which I'm going to use on race day to keep within my goal pace so I used this today to see how well it worked.  Basically, I just need to do some maths in my head as I go along, i.e. at the end of each mile, when my watch vibrates and beeps at me, it displays the time taken for the last mile so my plan is to keep a track of how much time I have 'in the bank'.  Basically, this is how much time I am under/over my goal pace (my goal pace for a sub four hour marathon is 9.09 minute mile) so I know how good my chances are of coming in under four hours and I know whether if I'm really tired I can ease off a little.

I have also decided to use my first mile as something of a warm up so I wasn't going to be too bothered if it was out of my goal pace as, based on my last couple of long runs where I've been well under my goal pace, I knew I'd have enough time to make it back up.

My first mile took 9 minutes 27 seconds so the first 'bank' figure I had in my head was -18 seconds. I made this up straight away in the second mile as this took 8.47 and mile three was done in 8.30, giving me 43 seconds in the bank.

By the end of mile 8, I had 2 minutes, 29 seconds in the bank.

It started to go a bit wrong after this though and my miles were getting slower.  The next mile was slower because I had to run slightly uphill along the locks at Heapey but I don't really have any excuse for the rest of it.  It felt great to get to the turnaround at 9.25 miles as I knew I was on the home bound stretch then.

Things didn't get any easier though and I was really struggling.  I've set out below my 'bank'

Mile                     Time                      +/-                 Bank

1                          9.27                       -18                 -18
2                          8.47                       22                  4
3                          8.30                       39                  43
4                          8.43                       26                  1.09
5                          8.50                       19                  1.28
6                          8.52                       17                  1.45
7                          8.30                       39                  2.24
8                          9.04                       5                    2.29
9                          9.17                       -8                   2.21
10                        9.02                       7                    2.28
11                        9.04                       5                    2.33
12                        9.14                       -5                   2.28
13                        9.14                       -5                   2.23
14                        9.09                       0                    2.23
15                        9.15                       -6                   2.17
16                        9.19                       -10                 2.07
17                        8.58                       11                  2.18
18                        9.09                       0                    2.18
18.5                     4.23                       11                  2.29

So that gave me 2 minutes 29 seconds in the bank at the end of it which isn't too bad I suppose and my average pace was 9 minutes 1 second per mile.  The trouble is, I didn't feel like I had another 7.7 miles left in me which was a little worrying and even if I could have run that much further the pace would have dropped substantially and I'd eat into the 2 minutes 29 seconds pretty quickly.  Perhaps I went too fast at the start and tired myself out?

I'm just a bit worried because I only have one long run left now (22 miles in two weeks time) so if that doesn't go well, I'm worried that I won't achieve my goal on the day.  The last two long runs I have done (both 17 miles) went really well though and I felt like I still had a lot left in me and was running comfortably the whole time.  The first one I did in an 8.46 pace and the second in an 8.53 pace, both of which would bring me in way under four hours so I really should focus on them rather than this one.

Why is it we always seem to dwell on the negatives though?

I'm going to make sure I eat well and don't drink much alcohol over the next two weeks and see if that has any bearing on my performance as I've been eating quite poorly lately and have had a lot of boozy nights out so time to get all that out of my system and have a detox I think.

Total distance - 18.5 miles

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Easy Jog to the Yew Tree Beer Festival

Just a three mile easy run on the training diary today and, as Duncan wanted to go to the beer festival at the Yew Tree, I decided to just run there as I knew it was just over three miles away from home.

Just as I was approaching the lower barn, I got a loud buzzing noise in my ear which came from a wasp!  My only insect fear!  It landed on my right shoulder so I jumped around trying to get it off and actually touched it with my hand.  Terrifying!  This happened in front of a couple coming in the other direction and I said to them 'I'm getting attacked by a wasp', to which the lady replied 'Oh, I thought it was a new kind of dance' and then laughed.  She clearly didn't feel my pain.

That was the only drama on this short run and I reached the end of The Street, where I was meeting Duncan, with no other issues.

When I got to the end of The Street though, Duncan was not waiting for me as promised and I ended up sitting on the wall for nearly twenty minutes before he turned up, at which point I was getting a little chilly.  Apparently he got caught up chatting to our neighbour.  Thanks mate!

Total distance - 3.2 miles 

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Gone With The Wind

What is it with the wind?  I think I've said this before but I'll say it again... how is it possible that on my way out along the canal the wind was blowing against me but then when I turned round and headed back it was STILL against me???  I think it's a conspiracy!

Anyway, I don't think I can in any way blame the wind for my poor performance today.  I had set out  to do 8.5 miles 'fast' (8.12 to 8.43 pace) but as soon as I set off my legs were like lead.  Just over half a mile in, I bumped into Ed and Hazel, who were running the Adlington Loop. I stopped and had a natter for five minutes and mentioned how tired I was feeling and Hazel said the first mile is always the worst, which I agreed with and felt sure I would run it off.

I didn't.

I was so bad that about four miles in I stopped to take a photograph.

It got worse, I gave up altogether after about six and a quarter miles.  I just had nothing and felt there was no point in carrying on as I was struggling to even keep a good form.

I felt really bad at first that I had failed in one of my training sessions but I then pulled myself together and told myself that it's only one blip on my otherwise excellent training over the last few months and, to quote Scarlet O'Hara...

"After all, tomorrow is another day!"

Total distance - 6.25 miles

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Personal Record :-) and Dead Sheep :-(

Just a short recovery run tonight.  Duncan dropped me off on the bend of Scout Road/Colliers Row and I started running along Walker Fold.  I ran down along to the farm then turned left and followed the path towards the mast road.

I crossed the mast road and ran along to the water tanks then up to Two Lads.

At the start of my run, I was feeling really sluggish and tired but after about 1.5 miles I seemed to come alive, so much so that I got a personal record on the Strava segment from the water tanks to Two Lads so I'm pretty pleased with that.

I then ran down to the dog hotel, but was quite tentative because my ankle was still a bit delicate when running down hill.

After the kennels, I crossed George's Lane and ran down through my favourite field.  Right at the bottom, before the gate, I smelled the dead sheep before I noticed it.  It hit me right in the back of the throat and made me gag.  There is no worse smell!

The sheep itself looked normal at first as it was just lying down and I could see it's back but when I got round to be able to see it's underneath, there was none!  It was hollowed out!  There was just a huge gaping hole where it's stomach should be and you could see right through to the ribcage.  Poor thing.

I then ran down to the stables and along the path towards Widerswood before running down past Wylderswoode Stud and heading home.

Total distance - 3.25 miles 

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Who Enthusiastically Beeped at Me?

If you have read my previous blog (you might not have done as I didn't share on Facebook), you'll see that I hurt my ankle on Thursday night and so had to abort the 8.5 miles I had planned to do.

I was only doing the 8.5 miles on Thursday because I didn't think I'd get time for it this weekend as I have been away but I managed to get home early enough to give it another shot tonight.

As the sudden onset of ankle pain I had on Thursday started when I was running down off the Pike, I decided to keep it pretty flat tonight and see how it went.  I ran from home down to the school and then headed to Liverpool Castle and along the edge of Lower Rivington Reservoir, coming out at the prep school.  From there, I ran along Horrobin Lane then down The Street and around the road towards Anglezarke.

I looped around Anglezarke Woodland Trail and eventually came back out onto the road.

This is where a car went past me, the driver beeping the horn and waving enthusiastically.  Apologies, but I don't know who you were.  I didn't even pay attention to the car so can't work it out from that, all I know is that it was a smallish dark coloured car.  Who are you mystery motivator?

I then headed up 'the slipway' towards Yarrow and down to the bowling club, heading back through Go Ape to the school then home.

Thankfully, there was no ankle pain, although it is still slightly stiff compared with the left ankle and there is a dull ache when I circle my foot.

Total distance - 9 miles (only 9.5 recorded on Strava)

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Ouch! Poorly Ankle!

The intention for tonight’s run was an 8.5 mile comfortable run, which is actually on my training plan for weekend but as I’m going away, I decided to swap and do it tonight instead.  Seeing as I’m on an easy week this week, I didn’t think it would be a bad thing to change my diary round a bit. 
I decided to head up onto the tops and make up my route as I went along.  I ran up through the side of Wilderswood onto George’s Lane and had a natter with Sean before carrying on along George’s Lane and running up the Pike.  I motored my way up there and was really proud of myself and a couple of blokes on the top even commented at how well I got up there.
Then disaster struck.
I was running down the grassy slope towards the gate leading to the mast and all of a sudden a sharp pain emanated from my right ankle.  It came out of nowhere as I hadn’t gone over on it or anything like that.  It was so sharp that I made an involuntary squeal when it happened.  I sat down on the grass and moved it around a bit but it was really painful.  I tried to stand back up but it hurt too much.  After sitting for about five minutes it started to ease a little so I got up.  It still hurt but I was able to walk and I decided that I’d better just head back home.  I rang Duncan to see if he would pick me up on George’s Lane so I didn’t have to walk the whole way as I didn’t want to make it worse.
My training is going so well at the minute that I didn’t want to jeopardise it by being a hero and carrying on running, although the pain eased off considerably as I was walking back and I did start to feel a bit of a wimp.  I definitely made the right decision though as it did keep twinging all night afterwards.  I don’t’ think it’s anything serious, it doesn’t feel like it so I’ll just rest for a short while and see how it goes. 
Total distance – 3 miles (although about 1 mile of that was limping!).

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Yarrow Reservoir

I parked up on the road up to the top barn today for an easy recovery run.  I just ran along to the prep school then down by the side of the bowling club and along the track, turning right downhill at the fork and following Dean Brook up to the farm fields.  I crossed through the farm fields coming out onto the road down to Alance Bridge.  I then just carried on along the road, turning left onto the track down past Yarrow Reservoir and then back down towards Dean Brook and up the steps and into Rivington Green, before running back to the car along the path by the side of the road.
It was a lovely sunny run but shortly after I arrived back home the heavens opened and it didn’t stop much all day.  It was the Jubilee tonight so it was the first time I have ever marshalled at it in the rain, it’s ALWAYS sunny for the Jubilee but I think me saying that so many times has tempted fate. 
Total distance – 3 miles

Monday, 17 August 2015

‘Jogging’ Along the Canal

I met Kathryn at the usual time of 12.35 today for our lunchtime canal run.  A couple of minutes in, we were stopped by a lady on Canal Street asking us for directions to somewhere (can’t remember where now).  She said ‘Sorry, I know you’re jogging but can you tell me where…’
Jogging?  Jogging?  We’re RUNNING dammit!!! 
It was a pretty good run too and one of our fastest along the canal to date (I should say one of MY fastest, as Kathryn can go much quicker on her own) although, as usual, I started to struggle the moment we turned round at Old Trafford and started running back and just had to leave Kathryn to do all the talking from there onwards whilst I huffed and puffed my way back to the office.
The high point of the run, for me, was seeing a Kingfisher under a bridge on the canal. I've never seen one before so was very excited, although nobody else seemed to share my enthusiasm.  
Total distance – 5.5 miles

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Runner's Feet!

Here's a question for all my female running friends... Can any of you wear sandals with pride?  My sandal/feet showing shoes days are well and truly over.  My feet are an utter disgrace.  I'm not just saying that either, they really are shocking.

After today's 17 miler I came home with a big toenail hanging off and blood everywhere, so much so that my sock was stuck to my foot.  On my other foot I have a vile blood blister on the bone at the base of my big toe, which is underneath a partially healed older blister so there's all broken skin around it.  It really is gross.  In fact, I'm going to inflict it's grossness upon you (sorry)...

As you can see, there is no way I would get these feet out in dainty shoes.  Grim grim grim!  Any other ladies have feet this disgusting?

Today's run, which caused all this damage, was the same as last Saturday's, except I started at the opposite end of the canal.

I drove along past Botany Bay and to a little car park which is at the disused 'Walton Summit' branch of the canal.  The tow path from here takes you directly onto the main Leeds Liverpool Canal towpath.  I ran out for 8.5 miles, which took me to just outside Haigh Hall, then turned around and ran back again.

I was doing really well to begin with but then at about five miles in, I started to tire a little and my pace got slower and slower.  I managed to get a good pace in for my final mile though, in fact it was the best pace of all 17 miles, so it's good to know there was something left in the tank.

I still managed the whole thing in an 8.57 minute mile pace, which is 12 seconds per mile on average worse than last week but I have put it down to having a bit of a bad stomach which was gurgling throughout the run.  The aim of the run is to be under 9 minute miling though so I still managed to achieve that, albeit it only slightly.

Total distance - 17 miles


For some reason, the past couple of months, my running clothes have really started to chafe! I have put on a tiny bit of weight, but not enough that my clothes are tight or anything so I don't know why I'm suddenly getting flesh wounds under my sports bra and m shorts waist band.  It's ridiculous!  I wouldn't mind but the shorts I was wearing today I've had since I was much chunkier than I am now and they never chafed back then.

Going to have to invest in some Vaseline I think!

Today's run was just an easy recovery run.  I ran down to the school via Tiger's Clough then along the path behind the school to the cross tracks then took a right and went up the hill onto George's Lane.  I then ran along to the kennels and down through my favourite field where I had to remind myself that I was on a recovery run so I couldn't go fast.

Total distance - 3.5 miles 

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Canal Interval Session - 5 x 1mile with 1/2 mile recovery

This morning I drove down to the canal again to do an interval session. I parked up on Rawlinson Lane in Heath Charnock and set off on my one mile warm up in the direction of Chorley.

After the warm up I did 5 x 1 mile repeats which I had intended to do at around a 7.45 pace, with 1/2 mile recovery jogs in between.

It didn't go quite to plan as I was feeling pretty tired this morning and the speed sections weren't as fast as they should have been.

The main thing is I didn't give up though and kept going, even though I was really tired.  I was inspired by the quote on the wall in the altitude spin chamber:



So that's what I did.  I stopped when I was done. I had set out to do five reps and five reps I would do.

The reps were as follows:

Mile 1 - 7.55
Mile 2 - 7.43
Mile 3 - 8.07
Mile 4 - 8.19
Mile 5 - 8.14

So, as you can see, only one of them was at the required pace, the last two being WAY over.

Ah well at least I didn't give up altogether!

Total distance - 8.5 miles

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Summer At Last!

So far, this has been the worst summer, weather-wise, that I remember.  It's been cold and rainy the majority of the time.  However, the past few days the sun has finally been shining.

One thing I have noticed though is that I can't remember the last day it wasn't windy.

Even though it's sunny, if you're in the shade and the wind is blowing, it's flippin' cold.  Or is that just me?  I seem to always be cold.  Unless the sun is directly shining on me, I'm cold.  It isn't helped by the fact that since Duncan's sister gave us her convertible, Duncan has insisted on driving round with the roof down at all times, unless it's raining.  I must look a right sight sitting there with a hoodie on with the hood up trying to keep warm.

Today's sunny run just took me around Rivington, which was very busy with dog walkers.  I just ran along the edge of the reservoir to the prep school, then back through Go Ape.  Just an easy recovery run today.

Total distance - 4.2 miles 

Monday, 10 August 2015

Canals, Wasps, Ice Baths and Moon Face

Today I had to do 17 miles.  I was supposed to do the first 5.5 at a fast pace (between a 7.56 to 8.41 pace) and then the remaining 11.5 at a comfortable pace.  Last time I tried doing this a couple of weeks ago (5.5 fast then 8.5 comfortable) it was a disaster and I really burned myself out after the first 5.5 and struggled a lot with the remaining part of the run. I therefore decided to ignore the training plan today and just try to run at a nine minute mile pace for the entire 17 miles.

I decided to drive out to Bridge 63 of the Leeds Liverpool Canal (near Haigh Hall) and run out for 8.5 miles along the canal and then back again, as this seemed far preferable to running along the roads.

I wasn't feeling like running so far today as I worked out that I would be out for about two and a half hours and the thought of doing that just running along a canal bored me senseless so I really hard to force myself out.

I parked up and set off, heading towards Chorley.  The first mile seemed to drag on for ages and I ran it at quite a slow pace (9.06 minute mile).

Just after I started mile two I was very narrowly missed by a dollop of bird poo which came out of the tree above me.  Seriously, had I run a split second faster it would have been all over me and it was huge!

It was a lovely day along the canal and there were quite a lot of people out running, dog walking, cycling and boating.  After the first couple of miles, they started ticking off quite fast and I was soon running past Botany Bay.

Shortly after Botany Bay though, I seem to have gone wrong.  I didn't realise that the canal split and that I would have to come off the tow path and cross a bridge to get back onto the canal and so I carried on along but it soon became apparent that the canal I was now on was coming to an end because there were trees right across it so boats couldn't get through. I ended up getting to the end of the tow path when I was only at 7.75 miles and so would be 1.5 miles short of my 17 miles if I turned back.  I decided to turn back anyway and thought that once I got back to the car park, I would just carry on along the canal in the other direction for three quarters of a mile and then turn back, enabling me to get up to the 17 miles.

On the way back, however, I decided to come off at the bridge before the White Bear Marina, and I ran down a road to the A6, I then ran along the A6 a bit, back in the direction of Chorley, before getting back on the canal and heading back to the car park.  This loop got me enough mileage in so that I wouldn't have to carry on once I got to the car park.

At about 11 miles I was starting to feel a little tired but I soon got a second wind and picked up my pace again on my last few miles, finishing really strong.

I'm really pleased with my pace for the entire run - 8.45 minute mile - given that I was supposed to do the 'fast' bit in up to an 8.41 minute mile yet I did the entire run in nearly this pace.  I would never have thought that I'd be able to keep up a pace like that over such a distance, given that sometimes that pace is tiring enough just for the 5.5 miles I run with Kathryn along the canal.

This is actually the furthest I have ever run non-stop.  I have obviously run much further than this in the past, having done a good few 25 mile fell runs, but they haven't been non-stop at a steady pace.  They have been runs where you stop and have a natter at the top of a hill, or stop for some food or even just stop for a stile.

When I got back to my van I had a good stretch before setting off home.  I was boiling and wanted to wind the window down but there was a huge wasp on my wing mirror and I didn't want it to get into the van.  I thought it would fly off once I started moving at speed but it didn't and it just sat there all the way home!

I was sweating so much that my suncream was dripping into my eyes making them sting and I had to keep wiping them with a spare t-shirt all the way home to avoid crashing through blindness!

Why is it that when I was running I was feeling really strong but as soon as I stopped I started to ache, especially my right bum cheek?  When I got home, I ran myself an ice bath and sat in it for twenty minutes whilst reading a book to try to take my mind off how awful it was.  Getting in is the hardest part.  I hate being cold so it takes me ages before I can get fully submerged even though I know it would be easier to just get it over and done with in one go.  I must have looked a right sight sitting there with a jumper on my top half and a cup of tea in my hand!

Today was also the day we picked up our new moggy from Bolton Destitute Animal Shelter.  He's not as big as we first thought he was.  In his cage last weekend he looked huge but maybe it's because the cage was small and all the other cats around him were tiny because he's not anywhere near as big as our other cat, Croker.  He also doesn't looks as much like Croker as we thought he did.  We have actually been debating whether he is in deed the same cat that we picked out at the shelter last week or whether there has been a mix up and we still can't quite decide.  The lady who showed him us last week told us he was nine months old but when we picked him up today, we were told he was 15 months old which again makes us wonder whether he's the same cat.  Either way, he's adorable so if he is the wrong cat we don't mind, would just be nice to settle the debate.

Here he is anyway.  As yet unnamed but probably going to be Mr Bridger.  In the meantime, we're calling him Moon Face as he has a big round head.

Croker on the right, weighing up Moon Face.

Total distance - 17 miles

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Two Lads with Rubes

Absolutely nothing to say.  Nothing.  At all.

Just blogging for the mere fact that I have blogged about every single run I've done since 1 January 2014.

That is all.

Total distance - 3 miles

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

I Was Done!

Duncan dropped me off in Hindley this morning on his way to work so I could get an 8.5 mile run in.  Why is it that when I think about an 8 to 9 mile loop from home, the distance doesn't seem so far, but the thought of running from Hindley, via Westhoughton and Blackrod, seems like a marathon!  I think it's because when you do a loop you're never too far away from home.

It's also hard work running first thing in a morning.  I just feel so tired.

I didn't realise that all the way out of Hindley to the A6 at Westhoughton was uphill so I didn't run at quite as fast a pace as I'd hoped.  I wanted to run between an 8.15 and an 8.,45 pace but my overall pace turned out to be just over 9 minute mile.  However, the powers of Strava made me feel much better as they have thing called 'GAP' pace which basically tells you what your equivalent pace would be if you were running on the flat and when I looked at this my pace was much better and within the pace set out in my training plan.

Part of my route took me down the closed Grimeford Lane, where I struggled to work out how to get through the bridge works.  I was wandering aimlessly around just outside Ed's house and had visions of him watching me out of the window and laughing.  Did you see me looking bewildered Ed?

It was such a relief when the 8.5 miles was finally up as I was well and truly knackered.  I was still over half a mile away from home at this point but I couldn't face running anymore.  I had done the session.  I was done!  I just stopped my watch and walked the rest of the way home.

Total distance - 8.5 miles 

Monday, 3 August 2015

Sweaty Betty

A run along the canal with Kathryn was the order of the day today.  Nothing eventful, just the usual nattering and me trying really hard to keep up with Kathryn's speediness.

The only thing I want to talk about is what happened afterwards.  At the risk of the whole world knowing how gross I am, I want to talk about sweating.  Why is it that sometimes, not all the time, I sweat like mad for ages after a run?  I'm talking after showering.

Today, I had a shower straight after my run and, by the way, it was a cool shower (I have been told in the past that it's having a hot shower which makes you sweat).  I got dressed and all was well but then when I got back to my desk, my back started to sweat... it didn't stop!  This started at about 1.30 and when I left the office at 3.30 my back was drenched.  So much so that I had to put my emergency reserve work top on which I keep in a cupboard at work and haven't touched in about four years (I kept it there because I used to run in some mornings and once forgot to bring a change of clothes so I made sure from then on that I always had an emergency change of clothes at work)!

Anyone else have this sweaty problem?

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't smelly offensive sweat, it's just not very nice to be sitting around with a wet back, even though nobody but me knew because I was wearing a top which didn't let it show.

I'm not ashamed because sweating means your body is efficient at regulating its temperature and I've read lots of articles on how the fitter you are there more you sweat (although there are obvious exceptions to this rule).  I just find it weird that I carry on sweating long after the exercise has finished and after I've showered.  I'm not generally a sweaty person.

Total distance - 5.6 miles 

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Destitute Animal Shelter

This morning, Duncan and I went along to Bolton's Destitute Animal Shelter to take some cat food which Croker is too fussy to eat.  We also picked up some more food on the way and some blankets as they're always crying out for bedding at the shelter.

Whilst there, we decided to have a look at the animals as we both really want to rescue another animal because there are so many without loving homes and what's another mouth to feed?  The problem is, Ruby doesn't really get along with other dogs.  Occasionally another dog comes along that she gets on really well with, for example she seemed to take a shine to Dr Hamer's Patterdale.  Finding the ideal dog though is no easy task.  I had seen on the website that they had a dog named Molly who sounded ideal but when we got there she had already been rehomed.  We wandered around the kennels and I cried like a baby as it broke my heart to see all these dogs crying out to be taken home.  Poor things.

After deciding that we really weren't ready for another dog at the minute, we had a look at the cats instead.  Straight away my eye was drawn to a cat which looked just like my childhood cat, the inappropriately named Snuggles - Snuggles was a vicious killer.  The staff at the shelter said that I couldn't have that cat though because it didn't like dog at all, or other cats.  They told me which cats would be OK for our circumstances and straight away we both took a shine to a cat named 'Sox' which was almost identical to Croker but bigger.  Croker is not a small cat, in fact when he stands next to Ruby, he is actually taller, so to find a cat bigger than him is a pretty big ask.  Apparently Sox is really loving too and good natured, which again sounds just like Croker who loves every other cat or dog he comes into contact with.  That was it, our minds were made up, we were having Sox, although he wouldn't be keeping that name.

Keeping with our Italian Job themed cat names, he's either going to be Mr Bridger, Camp Freddie or Big William.  We'll have to decide once we work out his personality though so he'll just be 'big cat' in the meantime.

Can't wait to pick him up next weekend.  We couldn't take him straight away as the shelter have to come round to assess our house and make sure it's suitable for him.  Can't see any reason why it won't be though.

On the way home from the shelter, Duncan dropped me off on Scout Road and I went for a run.  I ran through Walker Fold and Burnt Edge, then turned back on myself and ran past the farm and out onto Coal Pit Road.  I carried on along Coal Pit Road with the Trespass Stone on my left and continued along to where there is a little wooden bridge on the left which crosses the stream and then the path goes uphill, eventually coming out at the far side of the 'secret' reservoir.  From there, I ran towards the shooting hut and then up to the mast.  I then ran along to the trig point and down the diagonal and along to the Pigeon Tower.  From there, I just ran along George's Lane and then home through my favourite field.

Total distance - 9 miles