Thursday, 9 July 2015

Gluten Free Trial

As you may already be aware (especially if you're close enough to me to have to listen to my constant moaning about lack of cake), I have recently been trialling a gluten free diet.  I have always had quite a few stomach issues which, if I went to a doctor, I’m sure they’d put under the umbrella term of IBS so I thought that going gluten free might help with this as many people have said it does. 
I started the gluten free trial in April and, to begin with, the results were pretty good.  The main thing I noticed was that I wasn’t bloated at the end of the day.  Usually, the difference in my body between first thing in the morning and last thing at night is quite substantial – I like it in the morning, I hate it at night!  However with the gluten free thing, the bloating was gone and my night time body looked pretty much the same as my morning body.  Happy days! 
I also did lose a bit of weight in the first couple of weeks which is probably more because I was consciously eating healthier and cutting out cakes and biscuits. 
I had also heard and read about it being good for athletic performance but I can’t really comment on that because it has coincided with a total revamp of my training plan and I’m doing a lot more structured training now so the improvements I have felt are probably more attributable to the better training than the gluten free.  To test it properly I would have to do it whilst not changing anything else. 
Unfortunately, going gluten free hasn’t helped my stomach problems at all, which is what I wanted it to do more than anything else.  Amongst other things, I still have a lot of belly ache, especially when running.
Overall, the benefits of going gluten free, for me personally, don’t outweigh how much I love cake so it’s not something I’m going to stick to although I am definitely going to cut it down a lot more than I used to and stop having sandwiches every day for lunch. 
I'm not saying don't give it a try yourself but I just don't think it works for everyone and, to me, life's to short to cut out things in your diet that you really like if it doesn't make you feel any better doing it. 

Turning to today's run, it was just a really short easy one tonight with Ruby.  It was only just over three miles long but took me 48 minutes!  This is because I spent half my time gabbing to various members of Horwich RMI I bumped into en-route.  They were all out tonight! 
Firstly, there was Sean M who was walking his multitude of dogs up by the water tanks near Two Lads.  We chatted for a whilst Ruby played with her old housemates.  She must remember them because I didn’t put her on her lead as I approached like I usually do when I see dogs up ahead and, even though she ran up to them, she didn’t bite any of them like she normally does.
We then went up to Two Lads and down to the dog kennels, turning left onto George’s Lane.  That’s when I bumped into Steve P who appeared to be running all over the show before taking the hill session later on.  I ran along with Steve for a minute or so and then Steve turned to go up to Two Lads and I turned for home.  Sean was just coming through the gate onto George’s Lane so Steve stopped to chat to him and, as I turned the bend, there was Colin J.  Obviously I had another quick natter before making my way through Wilderswood back home.
Total distance – 3.15 miles

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