Saturday, 4 April 2015

Morning Fartlek

Duncan dropped me off this morning at the Rivington Road end of George's Lane so I could do a flat-ish fartlek session.

I started out nice and slow for a warm up and then started the fartleking when I got through the gate by the Pigeon Tower.  I just picked out features up ahead and ran between them at different speeds each time.  Sometimes it would just be a short sharp sprint and other times it would be much further but not at full out pace.

Despite walking up feeling like death and with a bad stomach, I actually did really well and felt full of energy.  I kept the fartleking up for about 4 miles altogether before having a cool down and it included some fast running on uneven ground which was quite challenging.  I also made sure that I gave a lot of effort on hills, for example I did a speed section from the top of Factory Hill to just past the end of the mast road.

Good start to the day!

Total distance - approx 5.5 miles 

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