Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Garmin Free?

Today Kathryn and I went for a run along the canal in the sunshine seeing as we hadn’t been able to get out on Monday and I wasn’t working from home today.  I must say, I was feeling very tired and heavy legged and it was a huge struggle to keep any decent pace going.  Kathryn seemed to be going really well though, despite her embarrassing falling incident yesterday!
I have been thinking lately about whether to ditch the Garmin for a whole month and see if it makes training more enjoyable and liberating.  This will also mean going Strava-free of course.  I can’t decide whether to have a complete withdrawal of it for the month or just use it for certain sessions, i.e. speed sessions, etc.  I’m thinking of not using it at all and for speed sessions just doing fartleks or just using a stopwatch and basing them on time rather than distance.  It will be hard work for me to cut the Garmin cord but I think it might do me some good to just get out there and run gadget free. 
Just to add to this, I have only just looked at the Strava stats for today and I'm pretty sure that the following 'top results' are a complete and utter fabrication!!!   I'm pretty sure I didn't get into a car at any point during our run! 
  • Best estimated 2 miles effort 
  • Best estimated 1 mile effort 
  • Best estimated 1k effort 
  • Best estimated 1/2 mile effort 

Plus, leaving the Garmin at home for a month will save all that annoying waiting around for satellites! 
Total distance – 5.3 miles

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