Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Snail Pace to Noon Hill

I went for a run this morning but was again feeling very sluggish.  I ran up from home onto George's Lane through Wilderswood but I found myself walking part of the way through the wood because my legs were just too tired to run.

I didn't even feel any better on the flat of George's Lane as I ran towards the pigeon tower even though by now I was definitely warmed up.  I carried on along George's Lane and up to Noon Hill.

Up until this point, I had been getting really annoyed with myself for feeling as bad as I did.  It's just too frequent.  It's very rare that I feel good during a run, even an easy one and I don't understand why.  My breathing is fine so it's not really a fitness thing but it's my legs that just don't seem to want to carry me.  I've been running a long time now and have good leg muscles but for some reason they don't want to let me run.

I'm really looking forward to this biomechanics appointment in a month's time as I'm hoping it can shed some light onto why I struggle so much with running, even after all these years.

From Noon Hill to the Pike I was still struggling but was feeling much better in myself because I love this little path.  It was incredibly wet so it was slow going but I did enjoy myself, as I always do across here.  I couldn't see the Pike at all, not even when I reached the kissing gate just beneath it because the fog was so thick.

From the Pike I just ran back home again and felt glad that I hadn't given up a few miles ago when I was really struggling.

In stark contrast, I ran again this evening with Ruby and felt great!  Why is it your second run of the day always feels much better than the first?  Perhaps I should start running in a morning before an afternoon race and see if I run any faster!

Run 1 Distance - 6 miles
Run 2 Distance - 4 miles

Total Distance - 10 miles 

Run 1 -
Run 2 -

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