Thursday, 9 October 2014

Uncontrolled Dogs (and I'm not talking about Ruby)

Another easy run today, seems to be a theme lately.  Just finding it hard to fit anything else in and take Ruby out at the same time.  She doesn't do speed sessions!

We went down to Rivington Reservoir because I wanted to stay reasonably flat due to tight calves.

As we were halfway along the reservoir there was a group of people with dogs off leads.  As we ran by, Ruby did her usual pulling towards them and I kept her back and told her off.  These people were watching this and could see that I was trying to keep her away but they allowed their dogs to run over to us.  Despite me trying to keep Ruby away, they still did nothing and I carried on running and the dogs chased us, whilst their owners just watched.  After my conversation yesterday with the greyhound owners, I was really annoyed because these dogs were chasing us and Ruby was getting really stressed because they were right behind her. They were only playing but it's not the point.  Why didn't the owners call them back.  Ruby was obviously getting annoyed at these dogs jumping all over her.  In the end I loudly said 'It's OK Ruby, you might as well just bite them because nobody else is trying to control them'.  Not sure if that got a response as I just carried on running and couldn't hear anything.

After that, we carried on by the side of the reservoir and came out at the prep school.  We then did our usual loop past the bowling club and down to Dean Brook then up the steps, across the field and through the kissing gate.  We then ran up Sheephouse Lane and along to the top barn and then ran back home.

Two races this weekend - the first Red Rose XC on Saturday and Gin Pit on Sunday.  I'm definitely doing Gin Pit as I've pre-entered but I still can't decide whether to double up and do XC as well.  At the moment I'm thinking I'll just do Gin Pit and UTUP on Saturday morning instead.  I change my mind every five minutes though so this may all change by Saturday.

We'll see.

Total distance - 5.1 miles

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