Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Exploring Aroun' th' Top Barn

Lead legs today meant another easy run with Ruby.  I didn't intend to go far, just to the barn and back but I found myself being a bit inquisitive and exploring down very short little paths I haven't been down before.

It's a bit hard to explain where they were really, so I have marked them as colours onto a screen print from my route...

First was the green path, which brought me out by the gate behind the top barn where I had to climb over the fence as there was no stile or gate.  Probably not actually a real path but has definitely been walked over a lot.

The second was the purple one, which was something of a trod through the field off the diagonal path which goes from the house on Sheephouse Lane to one of the roads up to the barn.

The last one was a little path off Rivington Road, which went up to a house but then skirted round it and came back out onto the road up to the barn.

Nothing exciting really but they're all little paths I pass all the time but never go along so it's nice to have a change of scenery, however short that may be.

Total distance - 4.25 miles


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