Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Sports Hernia (?)

I forgot to write my blog for yesterday's run as I was so busy.

Duncan dropped me off on his way to work in the morning and I did my favourite easy run again though to Higher Hempshaws, into Lead Mines Clough, along Yarrow, into Rivington and then home.

During the run I was very aware of the pain I've been ignoring for a few months. I have been getting a sharp pain every time I do sit ups or sneeze.  It's not excruciating, but it's not pleasant either.  On my long run on Saturday I noticed the pain when I was running for the first time but I just ignored it because it was only a dull pain and didn't really bother me too much.  Today it felt a bit worse and, even though it still wasn't debilitating, I decided it would probably be wise to book in at the doctors.

After an examination the doctor said that it could well be a sports hernia, which is different to a normal hernia as there is no lump.  He didn't seem to know much about it though and has just prescribed anti-inflammatories, ice and rest for a week and then see what's what after that.

A week off running?  What am I going to do?  I'll get fat for a start!

I have an outing planned next Wednesday in the Lakes so it had better be better by then!  I'll take doctor's orders and have a try next Tuesday evening to see how it is.  I'm climbing the walls already though!

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