Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Pancake Day!

Happy Shrove Tuesday!

Thought I'd work off the calories in advance of eating them today with a good speed session this morning.  Duncan dropped me off on his way to work over on Rivington Road.  I decided to run without Ruby today so that I could get in a good session without having to stop every five minutes for Ruby to have a sniff or go to the toilet.

My intended session was a mile warm up with 5 x half miles at 7.45 minute mile pace (you may not think this is very speedy but it is slightly faster than my 5k PB pace and is off-road, muddy and not flat) with quarter mile jogs in between, followed by a mile or so cool down.  The session went really well and I felt pretty pleased with myself.  I've set out below the pace for each of the five half mile reps:

Rep 1 - 7.38 pace
Rep 2 - 7.26 pace
Rep 3 - 8.03 pace
Rep 4 - 7.46 pace
Rep 5 - 7.39 pace

Rep 4 was the one I found the hardest and had the most uphill so I'm quite surprised that the pace is better than that of rep 3.

The reason I'm so pleased is that the vast majority of this session took place over uneven and muddy ground and it wasn't entirely flat either.

Total distance - 5.65 miles

No running this evening, just a leisurely stroll around Belmont with Ruby and Duncan before heading to my mum and dad's house for delicious pancakes (some with just sugar and some with Cumberland sausage, fried onions and ketchup!).  Hope you all enjoyed your pancakes too!

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