Saturday, 31 May 2014

Darwen Tower

After passing all the tests (though I'm not sure exactly what these were) I have finally been allowed contributor privileges on the WFDBWGUA blog.  All I had to do was come up with a user name and, after much deliberation, I remembered the telling off I got from Kev (KLM) on our last trip to Darwen Tower when I was complaining about getting lost and he said 'you're never lost, just temporarily misplaced' and decided that would be a great user name.  It's now my user name on this blog too as it uses the same one.

I made my first post on the blog last night asking if anyone was 'UTUPing' tomorrow which means 'usual time, usual place'.  KLM replied that he was and so I got up this beautiful sunny morning and went to the UP at the UT.  Colin (CW) also turned up, having already run a couple of miles from his car, followed shortly by Gordon (t'Y) who turned up just as we were about to leave.  I'm wondering now how Ed got the nickname 'the unready' and not Gordon?

We set off and headed up to the top barn, the pigeon tower car park and then along through the woods to Dangerous Corner.  On the way from Dangerous Corner to the turn off to head over to Spitlers, Gordon decided to have a race with some road riders and got so carried away that he went straight past our turn off and didn't hear us calling for him to come back.  Eventually he turned round though and we all ran down towards Higher Hempshaws.  Shortly afterwards CW left us and headed off towards Lead Mines Clough and the rest of us continued to Spitlers before dropping down to Piccadilly on Belmont Road.

We crossed the road and took the path through the woods past Hollinshead Hall, coming out onto Tockholes Road, then crossing over and heading towards Darwen Tower.

We split off at this point, with KLM and me taking the low route past New Barn Farm which then goes up very sharply via Aggie's Staircase, and t'Y taking the route which gradually climbs up.  It was quite well timed as we all ended up at the top of Aggie's at around the same time and then carried on along to the Tower.  Despite being pretty tired at this point, having just climbed up Aggie's, we climbed the stairs to the top of the tower as, to be honest, it would be rude not to.

After having a photo shoot at the top of the tower (hopefully I'll get the pics of t'Y and add them later on), we set off back down again and took the route t'Y had taken up.  I was quite surprised by this route as there still seemed to be a lot of uphill sections on it, even though we were heading back downhill.  Odd.

We crossed back over Tockholes Road and made our way back through the woods to Piccadilly.  We took a different route back and headed up to the top of Great Hill.  I haven't been up that side of Great Hill before and it's quite a steep trek compared to going up the other ways.

From Great Hill, we went over to Round Loaf, again splitting up to take different routes to see which was best.  t'Y and I took a more southerly route and KLM more northerly.  There wasn't really anything in it distance wise as we all joined at the same point at the same time.

From Round Loaf we dropped down to the Bomber Memorial and then into Lead Mines Clough.  We then headed up the Sheep House Lane a little bit, before turning off on the right through the fields to Dean Wood House.  We followed Dean Brook, went up the steps, through the field and out to the stocks at Rivington before heading back to the car park.

We bumped into John Coope just before arriving at the car park, who had been out for a walk and he followed us back to the cars where we had a quick chat and a stretch before heading home.

To get some of the place names stated above, I've been studying my OS map of the area and I'm now getting all anxious that there are so many footpaths on there which I haven't ventured along yet and I'm wondering how I can fit them all in, there just aren't enough hours in the day.  I just want to explore and try not to get too 'temporarily misplaced'.

Run Stats:

Weather = great!
Company = great!
Route = great!
Overall = great!

Total Distance - 14.3 miles

Friday, 30 May 2014

Fartleking Around

Before I get to today's blog, here's a very quick lesson in Swedish for those of you not familiar with the word 'Fartlek'  - it means 'speed play'.

I'm working from home today so went out for a nice early run on my own (for anyone who's thinking I'm not doing much work if I'm typing this - it's lunch time, I'm allowed a break!).  Duncan dropped me off on the road to Belmont and I set off through 'Old Rachels'.  I hadn't actually set out to do any kind of session, just have a nice run, but I was feeling pretty good so decided that after a mile warm up, I'd do a bit of speed work.

It was such a beautiful morning and I was too busy admiring the scenery that I actually missed getting to the one mile mark (even though my watch not only beeps but vibrates too!) so it was a bit further than a mile before I started speeding up.  Because I didn't want to spent time looking at my watch and I hadn't set it to a structured training session before I set off, I decided to just fartlek and not stick to any distances/times.  I just set myself some points to run fast to and then allowed myself a little break when I got there and continued doing this for four miles.

From Old Rachel's I headed along the path all the way to Lead Mines Clough.  There were lots of sheep with lambs along the path and, after my incident a few weeks ago, I must admit I was a bit scared.  Most of them ran away before I got near them but there were the odd few which stood glaring at me until the last minute and then ran away which put me a bit on edge as I felt like they were going to come and butt me!

I then ran through Lead Mines Clough and out towards Yarrow Reservoir, before heading down to the bowling club and following the reservoir back towards home.  It was such a relief when my watch beeped at me for five miles and I could slow down as I was really exhausted by this point.  My mile cool down run home was painfully slow but I felt really drained.  It felt great though and I wish I could remember this feeling as I always dread sessions like this and forget that they actually make me feel really good when they're finished.  I suppose it's the opposite of the child birth thing people keep telling me - you forget the pain.  In this case, I forget the elation!

On looking at Strava, the majority of my run was downhill but I'm still really pleased with how well I was doing as quite often I looked at my watch and I was doing a 6.45 minute mile pace and quite comfortable (my best race pace is 7.45 minute mile).

Anyway, back to work now :(

Total distance - 6 miles

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


A slow trot with Ruby around Rivington was the order of the day after another hard day at work.  They all seem to be like that at the minute so it was nice to release the stress with a leisurely run.

We set off and headed down to the school, then along to the top barn.  We came out onto Sheephouse Lane and ran down to the stocks and through the kissing gate across the road, down the steps and along Dean Brook.  We then ran up to Yarrow Reservoir and then down onto Knowsley Road and along The Street back to Rivington.

We then made our way home through Rivington via Liverpool Castle.

The run was pretty uneventful except that about a mile from home a massive fly flew up my nose and I had to stop to blast it out which was pretty disgusting really.  Only seconds later, another fly went into my right eye, and then shortly after that, one flew into my left eye!  Nice! At least none went in my mouth today though.

Total distance - 6.35 miles

Monday, 26 May 2014

Sunny Run with Ruby

Duncan went out on a bike ride with his mate, Nige, this morning so I set off for a run with Ruby at the same time.  We all headed straight up the continuation of Brownlow Road towards Wylderswood Stud.  I left the boys when we got to the bottom of Wilderswood though as I went up through the wood and they stayed on the path which goes off to the left up to George's Lane.  I came out onto George's Lane and headed off towards the Pike, thinking that I would bump into them as they emerged onto George's Lane but I didn't.  I carried on along and ran up the Pike where I got chatting to a mountain biker on the top.  A bit later I saw Duncan and Nige riding along George's Lane passing the Pike so I decided to run down my favourite bit and try to catch them up.

I managed to catch up to them at the Pigeon Tower so stopped for a discussion on what routes we were taking next.  I decided to run along Belmont Road and then head up the diagonal to the mast.  I'm not entirely sure what they decided to do as Duncan couldn't make his mind up so I just left them there.

I got to the diagonal where a couple of lads and a girl were doing reps so I stopped for a chat with them and they said they were training for the Three Peaks Challenge in July.  Good luck guys!  I think I Saw Duncan and Nige down on Belmont Road at this point, but I'm not sure and carried on up the diagonal.  Needless to say, as I had stopped for a while I ended up 5 minutes slower than my Strava PB although I don't think I would have beaten it anyway as I was feeling a bit lethargic this morning.

Once onto the mast road I headed down and, just after the mast, turned off to the right to head cross-country to Two Lads.  From there we ran down the west (?) side to come out on the bend of George's Lane.  I really tried to beat my Strava PB on this bit again but have uploaded my results and am way off.  I think I stopped too early at the bottom as I stopped at the kissing gate but the segment on Strava seems to go on a bit further.  I also had to dodge my way around two horses just before the kissing gate too as they were right on the path and I didn't fancy getting that close to their back ends in case they decided to give me a swift kick. I also had to yell at Ruby to get her away from them before she got a hoof in the face.

We then headed down the path which Duncan and Nige had come up earlier and takes you back down to Brownlow Road.

It was a lovely morning for a run out on the tops and I had Ruby off the lead almost the entire time which was great.

A bit of a chill now and then off to be in the audience of 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown in a couple of hours.  Can't wait!

Total distance - 7 miles

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Feeling Weary

I went out reasonably early this morning to try to get a run in before the heavens were due to open.

I went out on my own for an easy come back from foot pain run round Rivington.  From home I headed down to the school and then along to the castle, where I then skirted the edge of the reservoir along to the prep school.  I was really tired, just wasn't feeling it at all, probably because I haven't done much running at all in the past two weeks due to 'crunchy' foot.

I carried on to the bowling club and then started to head out towards Lead Mines Clough.  It really was a struggle running up that slight incline along the side of Yarrow Reservoir but I carried on regardless.  Once I got to the gate to Lead Mines Clough I decided to turn round and head back to Rivvy.  At least it was mostly downhill now so that was a relief.

Once I got to Rivvy, Duncan was there playing ball with Ruby so I decided to call it a day at that point and get a lift back home.  Hopefully tomorrow's run will be a bit better.

Total distance - 5.2 miles

Week's total distance - Approx 9.2 miles

Friday, 23 May 2014

(Foot) pain free running!

Yippee!  Just went for a very leisurely run around Rivington with Ruby but I'm happy to report that there was no foot pain whatsoever.  We only did around two miles (not sure exactly as I forgot my Garmin) but that was enough for Ruby as she's not feeling it lately.  She starts off well but then after a while I feel like I'm just dragging her along.  I think it's too hot for her.  I wonder whether I should take her for a hair cut?

Hopefully I'll be able to get some longer runs in over the long weekend without the pain coming back.

Total distance - 2 miles (ish)

Monday, 19 May 2014

What a Pig!

Yesterday was the Bupa Manchester 10k.  I never run this race as it's not my bag at all. Firstly it's a road race, secondly there are WAY too many runners in it and thirdly HOW MUCH TO ENTER?!?!?!?  There's no way in the world I would pay £40 for a race where the t-shirt you get isn't even technical.  To add insult to injury I noticed the other day that they charge a whopping £26 for a race photo after the event!  What????  Are you serious???  

For the past four years I have helped out with the race though, with Tony and Brenda.  We are always 'pushers' meaning that we stand between the finish line and the water/chip collection/goodie bag pickup, with the aim being to keep the runners moving so that the finish area doesn't clog up.  Runners were dropping like flies this year due to the heat and the lack of proper hydration so I did a lot of running around finding medics and escorting runners back to their family and friends.  

Despite my dislike of this money making race, I do really enjoy helping out on the day and it's a really good atmosphere.  

The best bit about the day though has to be all the free food!  You get a free lunch and as many free cakes and pastries as you can eat which I obviously took as a personal challenge.  I can't help it, if there's free cakes then I'm there and I feel like I'm missing out if I don't try them all.  I can't believe I'm going to tell this to the world but, during the day this is what I ate:

50g Porridge with syrup 
Mini pain au chocolat 
Choc chip muffin 
Chicken sandwiches 
Chocolate wafer bar 
2 x bags of drumstick sweets 
Bag of crisps 
Choc chunk cookie 
White choc chunk cookie 
3 x homemade crunchie cupcakes 
Sausage pasta 
Pint cider 
2 x cheese, chutney and salad barms

Utterly disgraceful!  There is probably over 4000 calories in that lot and, seeing as I haven't run since Monday, there really is no excuse for my glutinous behavior.  

In a bid to ease my guilt I tried a run tonight with Ruby to see if my foot was any better.  It wasn't.  I managed two miles before admitting defeat and meeting Duncan at Rivington Bowling club for a drink instead.

Total distance - 2 miles.  

Monday, 12 May 2014

Ed's Shoes

The plan for tonight was to go for a slow run with Ruby to the junction of Belmont Road and Rivington Road, where Duncan would pick her up on his way home from work and then I'd continue and get a few more miles in.

Ed Swift kindly gave me a pair of only twice used Inov8 Flyrocs the other day so I decided to give them a try.  Stupidly, I forgot to put my orthotics in them so by the time I had climbed up to George's Lane, the soles of my feet were killing.  I had a bit of a stretch and carried on as I know it's usually only the first part of my run where my soles hurt without my orthotics.  I was right, the rest of the run was pain free on the sole of my feet (although not quite so pain free on the top of my right foot, which I had hurt on Saturday, possibly by having my laces too tight!).

The views on George's Lane were exceptional tonight.  It was so clear that you could see the sea glistening on the horizon.

We ran along past the Pigeon Tower and onto Belmont Road which, as usual, was full of horrible smelly brown puddles which it's pretty difficult to dodge.  I really don't like running along that stretch but it's good to let Ruby off her lead as there are very rarely any other dogs/animals on it.  We got to the end where it meets Rivington Road and had to hang around for nearly ten minutes before Duncan came along to pick Ruby up.

Once on my own, I turned round and headed back along Belmont Road, but only for a short while as I then turned off left, up the diagonal towards the trig point on Winter Hill.  I was really pleased with my climb as I managed to run 90% of it without walking.

Once at the top, I then headed down the mast road but turned off just after the mast and went cross country to Two Lads.  My shoes were a bit loose going through all the mud on this route so I decided to wait until I got to Two Lads before stopping to tie my laces a bit tighter.

Coming down off Two Lads I was flying (well, for me anyway) as I wanted to beat my Strava segment to George's Lane.  I passed Colin Jones on the way down but just managed to shout out a hello before zooming past.  Sorry for not stopping for a chat Colin!

Earlier in the run, on my way up to George's Lane, Ruby did her business which, as always, I picked up.  I knew there was no bin for a couple of miles though so I stashed the bag in a hole in the wall by Wilderswood so I could pick it back up on my way home.  Annoyingly it took me ages to find again, which really ruined my attempt to get a Strava CR on the descent from George's Lane to Brownlow Road.  I also must have looked like a right weirdo running along with a poo bag but no dog!

Further Strava related disappointment took place once I got home and uploaded this evening's data.  It appears that the segment from Two Lads down to George's Lane which I had tried really hard to get a good time on, actually starts from a point just before I stopped to tie up my shoelaces, meaning that my time was rubbish because I had been stopped for part of it.  It wasn't even as good a time as the one I did the other day in the rain and mist where I was going really tentatively, even though this time I was flying down.  Going to have to give it another try now!

Total distance - 7.15 miles

P.S. thanks for the shoes Ed - I owe you a few beers!

Strava link -

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Coope's Dozen ('Unofficial')

Whilst running with Ed and Kev last weekend it was decided that we would hold an early Coope's Dozen today before the tussocks gets high in the summer.

We initially met down at the bottom barn in case people turned up for the UTUP not knowing about the plan for the day.  Not wanting to add extra mileage to an already long run, we then drove up to the top barn to park up.

At the start of the race (in order of the below photo) was Ed, Kev, me, Julie, Josie, Albert, and Colin (Colin was taking the picture).

We set off at 9.00am and headed up towards Pigeon Tower car park.  Josie and Albert were off like bats out of hell right from the word go and we didn't see them again for the entire run.  I don't know where they get their energy from.  From the car park we headed along towards the woods, before turning right into the new plantation up the steep hill to George's Lane.    We crossed over George's Lane, over the stile and up to the first of the 12 hills - Noon Hill.

I always find it incredibly difficult to start a run with an ascent so by the time I reached Noon Hill my calves were really burning.  They soon eased off though once I'd had a bit of a stretch and we headed off cross-country towards the Pike. At this point I realised that I perhaps hadn't tied my shoelaces tight enough and my ankles were going all over the place as it was pretty boggy underfoot due to all the recent rain. We reached the Pike and then decided to go the cross-country route to Two Lads.  I stupidly had forgotten to tighten my laces when at the Pike but luckily didn't go over on my ankle and made sure I tightened them up once we got to Two Lads.  At this point, Colin left the group as he hadn't actually come out knowing that we were doing Coope's Dozen and only wanted to get 5 or so miles in.  After standing and chatting for a while, we then headed off towards the Shooting Hut.  We went a different route to usual and headed along part of the Two Lads race route before coming out onto Coal Pit Road.  We ran along the road a bit but then turned left through Roscoe's Tenement which cuts across to just next to the Shooting Hut.  

We then headed up to Smithills Reservoir, where Julie went her separate way.  From this point, we started to cover ground I have never been on before.  Usually when I go to the reservoir I go all the way round it and then up onto the top of Winter Hill along the boundary wall but today we went straight on and up to hill number 4, Whinberry Hill. What an amazing view it was from there.  I wish I'd taken my camera with me as it was so clear and beautiful.  So far we had been pretty lucky with the weather as the forecast had shown rain pretty much all day but we had only had a slight soaking when we were around the Pike and Two Lads. 

At this point, all the summits are quite close together and it wasn't long before we arrived at Egg Hillock which again had lovely far reaching views.  

Next was hill six, Counting Hill, which is along the aforementioned boundary wall up to the top of Winter Hill.  It's really boggy round there so I'm glad I had tightened my shoelaces earlier as otherwise I probably would have lost one of them in the bogs.  

It was a huge relief when we finally got through the gate and onto the short bit of tarmac on top of Winter Hill as it gave my feet a chance to dry off a little from all the bogs we had just come through.  We got to the trig point and then started our decent towards Hoorden Stoops.  It was again really wet and muddy on the descent so my feet weren't dry for very long but at least we were going downhill now.  Funny, this route seemed to have a lot more up hill than down hill which is obviously impossible seeing as it's a loop.  I think it's because all the up hills were really long and gradual, whereas the downhills were really short but steep.

Once out onto the road at Hoorden Stoops, Ed retrieved his 'stash' which he had placed behind the wall yesterday evening.  He had enough water, bananas and granola bars for the three of us and it was a much needed pit stop.  Kev also had a provision of jelly babies, which went down a treat.

Then began the slog up to Old Adam's Hill, again somewhere I don't think I have been before.  It seemed to take ages to get there as at one point we lost a lot of elevation and had to climb back up again.  On finally reaching the top, we then went across to Spitler's Edge, which is when the heavens opened.  I was really glad I was wearing my cap as the peak acted as a shield because the rain was really pelting down on us as the wind was pretty strong.

From Spitler's it was onwards and upwards to Great Hill, summit number 10 (nearly there!).  We had a bit of a sit down on the top and some more jelly babies and then headed out towards Round Loaf, again somewhere I haven't been before.

Only one hill left to go!  We were all starting to get pretty stiff by this point but no turning back now (plus who would actually want to turn back at this point???).

We dropped down into the beautiful little village of White Coppice and then headed along the road a bit towards Healey Nab.

Healey Nab, a wooded area, was totally different terrain to all the rest of the run, which had mostly been on open fells and moorland and so thankfully was much more easy going.  I have run past Healey Nab on a number of occasions but have never actually run up into it and to the top before today so, again, new ground was covered.

Once out of Healey Nab I was onto very familiar territory as we were on the route which I take around Anglezarke quite frequently.  Once we got out onto Knowsley Lane we headed up the path to Yarrow Reservoir and we all made a huge effort, despite how achy we now were, to run to the top at a decent pace which I'm pleased to say we all managed, although nearly collapsed into a big heap at the top.

Some nice downhill followed and Ed took us on a little detour to show us a tunnel he had found whilst making a 'pit stop' on a previous run.  We were all quite surprised as we have run over this tunnel on many occasions without realising.

We ran along the edge of Dean Brook and up the steps into the field, coming out through the kissing gate opposite the stocks.  All that remained was for us to climb up the road a bit and then head diagonally over to the barn and, as we wanted to get back in under 5 hours 50, we made a huge effort to push on through the pain.

The relief when we 'crossed the finish line' was immense.

After a good stretch and a natter we went our separate ways home.

I had a lovely hot bath when I got in which I didn't want to get out of.  Unfortunately, Duncan had polished off my bottle of wine last night which is a shame as I could have really taken a glass into the bath with me but it's perhaps as well I didn't seeing as it was only 3.00pm.

Absolutely loved today and am really proud of myself for getting round it.  Can't wait for the next one!

Total Distance - 18.53 miles

Total time - 5.47.22
Total moving time - 4.34.23!!!

Josie and Albert made it round in 3.37 and apparently there was a lot of walking involved in that!  Speed demons!

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Two Lads Hill Session

Despite the absolutely appalling weather tonight, I managed to get myself along to the club's hill session.  Tonight's session was a tough one.  We ran from the car park along to the gate to Two Lads.  From there we had to run up to two lads in one minute bursts of effort, followed by 30 second jogs back down again.  At first I made the mistake of jogging back down too quickly but I soon found that this meant I had almost arrived back where I had started and wasn't getting anywhere, so I made my jogs much slower.  I'm not sure how many one minute efforts it took me to get to the top as I wasn't counting but I know that other members of the group had given up on the brief and were just running straight up there so I was quite proud of myself that I kept it up.

Once at the top, we had to run off the other side towards the dog hotel and then come back up from the dog hotel again with the one minute effort, 30 second jogs.

Steve seemed pretty surprised at how well I was doing compared with last time I ran with the club, asking me 'are you on drugs?' and saying that he has never seen me run so fast uphill.

The thing with me is I'm quite hit and miss and sometimes I have great sessions like this one where I'm full of energy and the next minute I have a terrible session where I'm crawling along practically on my hands and knees.

After three and a bit trips to the top it was time to call it a night so I ran back home down the Two Lads route to Brownlow Road.

On my way home, as I was passing Wylderswood Stud, a border collie ran out at me.  Another border collie blocked it's path and warned it off but it then made a second attempt and managed to get it's mouth around my ankle before the other one warned it off again.  I told it off too and carried on running and it then left me alone.  I'm not sure if it was just playing or whether it was actually attacking me to be honest.   I was more impressed by the other dog sticking up for me.  I might have to go and have a word with the owner though as I'd hate for it to bite somebody else and end up being put to sleep or something.  It didn't break the skin but has left a slight mark.

On uploading my run to Strava it appears I have set a ladies course record on 'Two Lads South Descent to Georges Lane' and overall am 19th out of 49 which I'm quite pleased with as I wasn't even trying very hard so I know I could do much better.

Total distance - 5.6 miles

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Nothing much to say today.

My hip has been twinging today so an easy run was on the cards tonight.

I set off with Ruby straight up to George's Lane via Wilderswood, bumping into three different people on the way up and having a natter!  I think it must have been half an hour later that I finally arrived onto George's Lane!

From there we ran along and went up the Pike (race route).  Had another natter at the top with a bloke and his dog before running down the steep grassy bit to the right of the steps.  We then went to the Pigeon Tower and down the rocky path to the car park then back up again via the driveway and the steep path which comes out at the side of the Pigeon Tower.

It was then straight home along George's Lane and down the Two Lads route to Brownlow Road.

Total distance - 5 miles

Monday, 5 May 2014

Anglezarke via White Coppice

This morning I drove out to Knowsley Road to head out for a steady run around Anglezarke on such a lovely morning.

I ran towards Anglezarke car park and then along the path following the edge of the reservoir and heading through Gorsyfield Woods (I didn't know this is what it was called but it came up as a segment on Strava).

I carried on through the farm fields and eventually came out at Waterman's Cottage.  Deciding that if I continued along the reservoir I wouldn't get a long enough run in, I diverted a little and headed to White Coppice.

I went past all those scary sheep again but today, not having Ruby with me, they were completely different and just minded their own business whilst I passed, even though I got really close to their lambs.

I got to White Coppice and then headed back along the parallel path back to Waterman's Cottage and then up 'Higher House Lane Climb' (another segment on Strava).

I carried on along Heapey Fold Lane then out onto Back Lane.  I then turned off on the left and headed along the (still muddy) path into the fields which come out onto Knowsley Road opposite The Street so from there I just headed back to the car.

It was a lovely run and I had set off with just an easy run in mind but, as I was feeling really energetic, I picked up the pace a little and pushed myself a bit more.

My hip pain is still ongoing but it doesn't actually hurt when I run so it's hard to know whether I'm overdoing it or not.  I actually found something on the internet yesterday which perfectly described the pain I have in both my hip and groin (the groin thing only hurts when I cough, sneeze or do crunches!) and said that the hip will feel fine on running but then a few hours later it will seize up on activities like getting out of a car.  This happens to me all the time, even though I stretch and ice after running.  It's definitely getting better though so I just need to keep up with the strengthening exercises Maria gave me.

Total distance - 5.9 miles

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Turns out I'm not as bad a runner as I thought

Whilst out with the Swifts yesterday, John was telling me about his stats on Run Britain for his age category so I decided to have a look at mine as I have never looked into it before.  It actually made for very pleasing and extremely surprising reading:

  • Overall, in the whole country (men and women) I rank 76908 out of 309422 - that is just inside the top 25%
  • In just ladies I rank 16697 out of 125439 - that's in the top 14%
  • In vet 35 ladies I rank 1865 out of 17110 - that's in the top 11%

I can't believe it!  Am I missing something?  How on earth am I in the top 11% of V35 women in the whole country?  If this is correct and I'm not misreading it, then WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!  But if anyone would like to correct me and bring me back down to earth with a bump then I promise I won't cry.

Today's run was just a pretty leisurely one as I was still a bit stiff from my long run yesterday.  Duncan dropped me off by the Prep School in Rivington and I ran up Sheephouse Lane and then onto the path which runs along side it.  I then headed right towards the barn and went left just after it, heading towards pigeon tower car park.  Before I got to the car park though, I continued on the path round to the right and then went through the kissing gate on the left which then climbs up onto the driveway. From there I ran up the driveway and zig-zagged my way up onto George's Lane at the Pigeon Tower.  I wimped out of the Pike today and just carried on along George's Lane then headed home through Wilderswood.

Total distance - 3.9 miles

Week's total distance - 32.7 miles (woooo, back to over 30 miles again!)

Saturday, 3 May 2014

A Swift Run

Today I went down to the bottom barn for an 8.30 start with the WFDBWGUA crew.  Both Ed and John Swift were out today, along with Kev Latham.

We set off towards top barn and then up through the terraced gardens to the bottom of the Pike and then up the Pike.  John was on a mission at this point as he wanted to beat his recent times of getting from the car park to the Pike, which I'm pleased to say he managed.

From the Pike we ran down the Pike Race route onto George's Lane and then along to the dog hotel and up to Two Lads, although Kev went cross country from the Pike and met us at Two Lads.  Kev then left us at this point and headed back down again, and we continued on past the quarries and to the Trespass Stone.  From there we ran up past the shooting hut and all the way up to the mast road, where we then headed up to the trig point.

Now came the big challenge - a timed run down to the bridge before coming out onto Belmont Road.  I had great fun at this point as running fast downhill is what I'm good at and what I enjoy the most about fell running.  I did stumble a little at one point though which made me ease off a little (I'm fine running down hill until I start thinking too much and then I sometimes start to get a bit scared) but this didn't last and I soon got my nerve back and picked up the pace some more.  Unfortunately, I went across a bridge and thought that this was the target bridge but it wasn't, although I probably only lost a few seconds.  I eventually got to the actual bridge in a time of 5.57 with Ed close behind at 6.09 (sorry if this is slightly wrong Ed, I can't quite remember).  John got down in sub 8 minutes and we then went along Belmont Road a little and the down through the plantation which takes you out near to dangerous corner.  Instead of heading to dangerous corner though, we turned left and headed back for the barn, via Pigeon Tower car park.

We arrived back at the cars after 9.2 miles but I had been dropped off and so still had to get home but I wanted to get over 10 miles in so didn't mind.  I ran along the side of the reservoir and back home via Rivington School.

I must say this is the most enjoyable run I've had in a long time.  Everything about it was perfect, the company, the course, the weather, the conversation.  I really didn't want it to end and could have stayed out all day.  I've been a bit down on my running lately but this has really picked me back up.

Thanks Swift boys!

Total distance - 11 miles.

Friday, 2 May 2014

Memory Like a Sieve

Whilst I'm out running, all sorts of ponderings go through my mind and I always think 'Oooo, I'll mention this in my blog later on' but once I've got home, done my stretches, physio exercises, any other exercises, had a shower, cooked tea, eaten tea, etc, etc, I have forgotten it all.  I have just sat here for ten minutes trying to remember what it was I thought about earlier that I wanted to mention but it's no use, it's gone.  It will probably come back to me on tomorrow morning's run but then I'll forget about it again by the time I come to write my blog.

Tonight was just an easy run around Rivington with Ruby.  We ran down from home to Rivington School, then along to the Prep School following the reservoir.  My aim was to try to beat my 'secondary to primary' Strava segment but, unfortunately, it was too hot for Ruby and she made me stop so she could have a drink and a paddle in the reservoir.  Ah well, I'll just have to try again on a day when I'm on my own.

Once we got to the Prep School, we just turned round and ran back home again the same way.

Total distance... erm, I can't remember!  Oh yes, it was 4.2 miles.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Welcome to Strava

I finally got around to signing up to Strava the other day and I'm pretty impressed with it.  I already have a CR which was unexpected but very pleasing.

The only problem I have with it, is that it makes me look even slower than I actually am, because I can't explain on it that the fact it took me 15 minutes to run a mile is because Ruby spent half that time sniffing, weeing, pooing, trying to attack other dogs, etc.

Turning to tonight's run, I was due to go to the club's hill session but, as usual, Duncan scuppered my plans by announcing that we had to go to Southport to pick up our 'new' car - another Peugeot 106! This time in silver and with six more horses than the last one to power it.  I'm not sure I'll be able to cope with the sheer speed of the 1.5 diesel beast!

I decided to do something of a hill session anyway with Ruby so we set off down towards Rivvy School.  You might sense a theme here in that I always seem to head off in that direction.  The reason for this is that I know there is a bin that way for Ruby's little presents and there are absolutely none in the other direction - and the council wonder why people don't bother to pick it up!

Once we got to Rivvy School we headed up and took the middle path - the bumpy one which ascends up towards the terraced gardens.  We then headed through the terraced gardens and down the driveway towards the pigeon tower car park, but turning right before we got there and heading up the steep hill which brings you out at the side of the Pigeon Tower.  From there we then ran down George's Lane to pigeon tower car park and then back up the driveway and again up the steep path to the side of the Pigeon Tower.  We then ran along to the Pike, going up the stepped side.  The wind was ridiculous up there, really strong!  We started to head down the curly route but then headed back towards the steps, turning off before them and heading up the steep bit to the left of the steps back to the Pike.  I had let Ruby off the lead by now because I already knew that there was nobody up there and nobody on their way up there so no other dogs for her to attack.  As she was off the lead I decided to treat myself to a run down the grassy bit, which I don't often do these days as Ruby tends to drag me down.   I didn't go as fast as I usually do though, despite the wind pushing me down, because Ruby was running behind me and because I couldn't see her I was paranoid that she would end up running through my legs and trip me up, as she tends to do now and then.  Also, the wind pushing me down was more of a hindrance than a help as it made me feel a bit out of control so I eased off a little.

From the bottom of the Pike we then headed along George's Lane and down Old Rake and back home.

Whilst running tonight, I kept trying to speed up so that I could get home and see if I had any more CR's so Strava really is a good motivational tool.

I have just uploaded my entire 2014 Garmin history to Strava and am surprised to see how many CRs I have, some of them pretty decent.  My favourite I have seen so far (haven't looked through them all yet) is 'Belmont Road Climb', where I am currently fastest female and overall am 15th out of 64.  Looking back at my blog for the date I achieved this, I see that I was just on an easy run with Ruby so I did this without even trying which is why it's my favourite one at the minute.  It's really motivating.

Total distance - 5.15 miles